"Tony!" I hear Stephen's voice and look over to see him sitting at the 'meme team' table. I walk over and sit next to him, the rest of his friends not noticing. "Woah, look it's an anime cat girl!" Stephen points over to the other side of the lunchroom.
"What?" I turn around, only to be disappointed. I feel Stephen stick something to my back.
"Oh, she left," he smirks. I frown and grab the sticky note off my back.
"This isn't fair, we agreed no notes during lunch."
"When did we do that?"
"It was a telepathic agreement, did you not get the message?" I cross my arms in fake annoyment. "I'm not reading this crap in the sacred time of lunch."
"Rude," Stephen pouts.
"uM, you're the one that bROke iNto mY locker,"
"Well, it's not my fault you leave your combo on your desk." Stephen snickers, taking a bite out of his apple.
"I can't believe none of your friends have noticed me yet," I also start eating my lunch.
"I'm guessing you're Clint?" I grin. I'd seen him with Stephen a few times before. He had dirty blond hair and a bandaid over his nose and more miscellaneous bandaids over his arms.
"He's not that beautiful..." Stephen mutters. I gasp dramatically.
"Jealous, much?" I smirk. His eyes go wide in embarrassment as I chuckle quietly.
"You wish," he scoffs, looking to the side. Awwwww. Stephen points out everyone at the table and introduces me to them. The table radiates so much gay energy, there's basically a rainbow visible.
I notice random things happening throughout the table as I eat. Like how Natasha, Loki, and Clint whisper to each other and write down notes whenever they notice me and Stephen talking. Oooooh, shippers. They must be onto us. Steve is either drawing or writing in a notebook under the table. I try to see what he's doing but whenever I try and look he moves his journal so I can't see. Bucky and Sam are right next to him, having some sort of argument about whether birds are secretly planning to take over the world. Whenever they ask Steve for his input he just shrugs and nods, probably done with his loud children.
"Stephen, what the fuck is this table?" I ask, smiling.
"LANGUAGE!" Steve yells loud enough to make the whole room go silent. Except that didn't happen. Everyone just continued like nothing happened. I look at Stephen, confused. He just shrugs and smiles, like it happened all the time, which it probably did.
"So...Tony?" Natasha asks, an innocent expression on her face. "Can I see your soul mark?" Oh shit, she's onto us.
"Suuuuurrrreeeee," I slide my wrist closer to her so she can see the green square. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture of it.
"Nat, stop that's creepy," Stephen sighs, grabbing my wrist away from her. NOOOO STEPHEN LET HER GATHER INFO. I wink at Natasha and nod, to signify that her theory is correct. I think she understood, but Clint probably took it in another way.
"She's gay," he corrects, protectively.
"Oh my god, Clint, he wasn't, you dumbass-" She sighs and whispers something to Clint. He gasps and starts grinning, winking back at me. I wink back to confirm. He also winks, until it turns into a competition of winking.
"I'm concerned, please stop," Stephen notices the excessive winking between me and Clint. We quickly both stop so we aren't spotted by the enemy agent. Instead he just nods slowly, keeping eye contact with me. I send finger guns his way, to keep this thing going.
"YOU BETTER STOP," Stephen decides to screech, very disturbed.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I roll my eyes and continue to eat my lunch. Out of nowhere, Clint gasps dramatically.
"TONY! YOU! NEED! A! NICKNAME!" he gushes, grinning.
"I don't know....isn't that a high rank for official members of this strange group of literal children?"
"Well, you're totally an official member now," Clint smiles, winking. ASDFGHJKL. STAY CALM, TONY. STAY FUCKING CALM.
"Hmmmm...what nickname would suit you?" Nat ponders, examining me.
"What about 'Asshole'?" Stephen snickers. I punch his arm not so lightly to get him to shut up.
"oH mY gOsH, yOU cOuLd bE 'mEtAL mAN'!" Clint announces.
"uH-" Nat starts to interrupt.
"NO, FOR NOW, YOU'LL BE METAL MAN," HA, Stephen must have told them about Iron Man.
"What kind of nickname is Metal Man?" Steve looks up from his journal.
"Oh no," Nat sighs. "Clint has found one of his own."
"Tony, I think-" Stephen starts.
"WHO IS TONY?" Clint crosses his arms.
"I'd like to see where this is going," Loki smirks, listening to the entire conversation, unlike Sam and Bucky who were still debating whether birds, 'our literal overlords', will rise up and overtake.
The bell interrupts everyone, and suddenly an army of students start leaving the cafeteria. I notice Bruce leaving in the crowd.
"Hey, Bruce!" I shout so he can hear.
"Oh, hi!" I catch up with him.
"BRUCE, I MADE MORE FRIENDS!" Bruce laughs softly.
"That's great,"
"Also, I go by Metal Man now, just wanted you to know."
"What the hell?"
"Bye, Bruce."
- - -A/N: Thank you to CrystallWolf_AJ for suggesting Tony's nickname to be Metal Man. (((CHECK OUT THEIR THORBRUCE BOOK IT'S RLLY GOOD.)))
Tbh I'm probably going to change it to something more serious later, so if you guys have any ideas for Tony's nickname please tell me.

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...