A/N: Trigger Warning: Mention of Self-Harm
- - -Stephen
"I'm going to tell him." I say out of nowhere. It was fourth period and I was sitting with Loki, close to Mr. Parker's desk.
"Tell who?" Mr. Parker looks up from his laptop. "Is this some gay stuff?"
"Lemme guess, you're going to tell Tony?" Loki sighs, twirling his pen through his fingers.
"Tony Stark? From first period?" Mr. Parker smirks. "He's pretty cute."
"He's not that cute." I mutter back. "Anyway, I want to tell him, but he's already found his soulmate...so he'll probably reject me."
"Really, who's his soulmate?" Mr. Parker asks, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Some girl named Stephanie." I groan. Mr. Parker looks like he's about to spit out his coffee.
"Uh, Stephen? Can I see your wrist?"
"Sure, what's the point anymore?" I roll up my sleeves and turn my wrist to him, revealing the red square. Mr. Parker glances over to Loki and they share a weird look, like they're having a conversation with their eyes.
"Hahahaha, you should totally tell Tony you like him." Mr. Parker grins.
"You know what would be cool?" Loki smirks. "You can tell him at the track meet tomorrow."
"Thats actually not a bad idea..." I smile. "Since Clint's making everyone come and watch Pietro."
"Everyone will be distracted. Clint, Wanda and Nat will all be watching Pietro, the holy trinity will probably be doing something stupid together, I'll be with Thor somewhere, therefore you and Tony will be alone." Loki points out.
"Loki, do you have a bandage on your wrist?" Mr. Parker sighs.
"uM, nO!" Loki stammers. Mr. Parker grabs Loki's arm and pulls down his hoodie sleeve. "It's like you can see through my sleeves or something."
"Wade calls it my 'Peter Tingle'." Mr. Parker admits. "BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Mr. Parker looks at Loki with concern and worry. "Again? Do we have to start wrist checks again?"
"No, i-it's just a one time thing, I promise." Loki pouts.
"You said that last time," I frown. I can't believe he did it again. I thought his family took his knife.
"Loki, what happened?" Mr. Parker sympathizes. "Is it dysphoria? I thought you started T, so it should get better. It got better for me, at least. But, I don't know, everyone is different. When I star-"
"Uh, I-," Loki looks down at the table and rolls up his other sleeve, exposing his soul mark. Mr. Parker gasps and grabs Loki's wrist for better examination.
"What happened? Did he find his soulmate?" I ask, not having enough time to see the soul mark.
"I'm sorry." Peter sighs. Loki shows me his wrist at last.
On it is his empty soul mark...smudged.
"What the fuck?" I curse, examining the smudged soul mark closely. "Wait...oh..." I look up at Mr. Parker, understanding what had happened.
"I don't know why I'm so mad about it, I never even met my soulmate." Loki scoffs, pulling his wrist away.
"It won't be that bad." Mr. Parker assures. "Uh, well I guess it kinda will be... it fucking sucks."
"Oh, um, that's great." Loki rolls down his sleeves. "Just, don't tell Thor, okay?"
"Nah, man, I'm totally telling Thor." Mr. Parker says, sitting down.
"I already told my Mom, Thor doesn't have to know." Loki insists. "After he found out about the whole trans thing, he wouldn't leave me alone for the whole year."
"At least he cared! When came out to Teresa, she just said 'k'." Mr. Parker complains.
"When I told Donna I was gay, she said 'I thought you were American'." I add.
"I would have preferred that." Loki groans.
"Are you gonna tell the group?" I ask. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't wa-,"
"I'm not going to." Loki bluntly states. "Can we just drop the subject?"
"No, you're clearly upset about it." I narrow my eyes. "It's not something we can just brush over."
"Sometimes I wish my friends were all the toxic masculinity type so I wouldn't have to talk about personal problems." Loki sighs. "There's nothing else to talk about."
"Fine." I stop prying. "It's funny how similar you and Mr. Parker are." I smile. "Maybe you'll get a great significant other and be happy in the future."
"If I was capable of love..." Oh my god, Loki, stop being an edge lord.
"For the last time, asexual doesn't equal 'not capable of love'." I shake my head in annoyment. "Did it hurt?"
"Did what hurt? When I fell from heaven?" Loki smirks.
"No, when your soulmate...uh...you know..."
"I told you to drop it." Loki snarls. "Why do you care anyway?"
"You're my friennnnnnd. I'm supposed to care." I reply.
"Yes," Loki sighs. "But it wasn't as bad as people online said they felt."
"Oh, are you still fe-"
"No more questions." Loki shuts me up. "I feel fine now."
"Don't ever stop. Always keep going, no matter what happens and is taken from you. Even when life is so unfair, don't give up." Mr. Parker quotes, smiling proudly.
"Wow, that was deep." I applaud.
"Isn't that from Assassin's Creed?" Loki questions.
"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE IT'S FROM!" Mr. Parker interrupts. I grin at Loki.
"It is deep, though."
- - -
A/N: Some Trans!Loki and Trans!Peter for y'all.
If you don't remember (cuz it was explained a long time ago) a smudged soul mark means that the soulmate died. Peter has one (since MJ died) and now Loki has one.
Thanks AlexisTexas2 and Songbird_Robin666 for giving me the idea for this chapter!!
Hope you enjoyed!

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...