21 - Operation Ironstrange

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"He still doesn't know?" Bruce asks, typing something on his laptop.

Donna and I were spinning on his desk chairs while he worked. We brought Harley too, but he was just in the corner playing with some kind of chew toy Bruce made him.

"Yeah, right? He should get the hint by now." Donna sighs.

"I literally said to his face 'you are my soulmate' and he still doesn't get it."

"I think he has become kind of aware of his feelings for you now, at least that's some improvement." Donna points out. "I mean, he did give you all of these notes." She spreads the sticky notes out on Bruce's desk and examines them. "Stephen's always been pretty small brain when it comes to crushes."

"True," Bruce agrees, looking up from his laptop. "Remember Christine?"

"Oh, god, not Christine," Donna groans.

"Who's Christine?" I try to disguise the bit of jealousy in my voice.

"Pfft, no one you should worry about." Donna scoffs, crossing her arms. "Anyway, I doubt Stephen's even looking for his soulmate."

"Yeah, probably not." Bruce confirms. "He's never really been interested in soulmates since Eugene passed." Eugene? Donna looks at the floor after the mention of his name. Oh.

"How did you and Thor find out you were soulmates?" Donna says, changing the topic.

"Oh, uh, we were in sixth grade," Bruce starts. "I met him in science, we were lab partners."

"Wait, you said you've never been to school." I interrupt, confused.

"Really, Bruce? You told him that?" Donna snickers.

"Okay, so I might have said that for dramatic effect..."

"wHat?" I gasp in shock. "BrUciE, I cAn't bELiEve yOu LiEd tO mE!" I pout, pretending to be disappointed.

"It sounded cool at the time okay." Bruce admits. "I was in public school up until seventh grade, one of the reasons I know a bunch of students at SHIELD High."

"Okay, continue with cute Thorbruce love story!" Donna impatiently demands.

"Thorbruce, really?" Bruce frowns. "I like Thruce better. It sounds like our names are mushed together...y'know it's cuter like that." Bruce notices he's off topic and continues with his story. "Anyway, we were working on a project at my house and I remember he said my name before asking a question. I remember my soul mark filling with that golden color and glowing for a few seconds."

"Wait, they glow??? I didn't get to see mine glow." I pout, mad that I didn't notice when my soul mark filled with color.

"Yeah, it's pretty common knowledge," Donna smirks.

"Anyway, Thor noticed my glowing wrist and his face turned bright red, it was hilarious. Apparently I triggered his soul mark the day before and he didn't want to mention it because he was scared I would reject him."

"Wait...that can happen?" I gasp.

"You really have to learn more about soulmates." Donna sighs. Harley barks in agreement and runs over to us. "Soulmates don't always reciprocate feelings for each other."

"What If Stephen doesn't like me back?" I frown. Bruce and Donna burst into laughter. "What?"

"That guy is totally in love with you, he just doesn't know it yet." Donna smiles.

"Oh, I didn't finish the story," Bruce remembers. "Well, he kissed me and we started dating a few years later, when his dad wasn't that homophobic anymore."


"Yeah, I guess I did." Bruce grins.


"But have you ever kissed your soulmate..." Donna smirks. My face falls and I frown. "I didn't think so." Harley jumps on my lap to comfort me, almost knocking me off the chair.

"Do you think dogs have soulmates?" I softly ruffle his fur.

"Probably, I mean, why not?" Donna smiles.

"That would be cute." Bruce starts typing on his laptop again. "Nat just texted me about you and Stephen."

"How do you get texts on your laptop?" I ask.

"It's a MacBook, idiot," Donna chuckles. "Is Natasha in on the juicy details of Anthony and Stephen's love life?"

"She says, 'they're so perfect for each other this situation feels like it would happen in a fanfic'," he reads. "She also has a mission to get you two together. The mission is called 'operation ironstrange'." He pauses for a second, thinking. "What the fuck is ironstrange supposed to mean?"

"It's a mashup between Iron Man and Doctor Strange." I explain.

"Oh, your random super hero people, right." Bruce gasps. "Is that why they call you Metal Man?"

"Wait...your nickname is 'Metal Man'?" Donna laughs. "At least it's better than 'Wizard'."

"Sounds like a knock off Iron Man, to be honest." Bruce states. "METAL MAN SAVES CIVILIANS IN EPIC BATTLE!"

"Iron Man's suit isn't even made out of a pure metal, it's an alloy." Bruce argues. "Your name should be 'Metal Alloy Man'."

"Well, what would you choose?"

"Hmmmm, what about 'Mechanic'?" Donna suggests. "That sounds much better."

"Yeah, then tell that to Clint later. He'll agree that Metal Man is more sophisticated."

"Oop, another text from Nat," Bruce informs us. "'Operation Ironstrange meets tomorrow after school, be there, and bring Donna cuz she loves this sort of tea'." Donna smiles proudly.

"Ask where," I tell him.

"She says, 'Bruce's house'," Bruce stares at the message for a few seconds. "'BRUCE'S HOUSE'? REALLY, NAT?" He sighs, calming down. "She also says, 'bring Harley, he cute'," Harley barks happily at the sound of his name.

"YES! TEAM OPERATION IRONSTRANGE!" Donna gushes, grinning.

Some shit's about to go down tomorrow.

- - -
A/N: wOw i uPdAted tWo dAys iN a rOw aRe yOu pRouD oF mE gUys???

The meeting will probably in either the next chapter or chapter 23.

Do y'all want to see Rhodey and/or Pepper be apart of the Operation Ironstrange Team? Lemme know cuz I'm thinking of adding them.

Poll: Do you like Donna or Victor better? (U don't have to say why but it would help)

That was a longer A/N srry. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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