"So, what did everyone do today?" Mom asks, trying to start a conversation at the silent dinner table.
"Me and Anthony-" Anthony and I. "started a new club only for cool people and Stephen's not allowed." Victor started, obviously excited.
"Wait, YOU LET DONNA JOIN AND NOT ME?" I groan and sulk in my chair.
"Yeah, but I left the club, you could probably have my spot if you want," Donna says while cutting her slice of meatloaf.
"No, that's not allowed." Victor crushes my dreams. I would expect Mom to do something but she's used to this type of shit by now.
"Why am I being bullied by my own family?" I pout and pick at my food.
"Cuz you're a loser, son," Mom responds. I open my mouth, thinking of something to say, but end up closing it, defeated. Tony bursts into laughter, though, making my Mom smirk at me because she obviously won.
"I'll go next," Tony says, after getting control of his laughter. "Bruce and I worked on a new project, we're trying to make our own A.I. so we don't have to keep using Alexa."
"Y'all too smart," I mumble, which was probably not heard under Donna's gasp.
"THAT'S SO COOL!" Her face lit up in curiosity. "What are you going to name it?"
"We don't know yet," Tony replies. "We're thinking 'J.A.R.V.I.S' or 'Ultron'."
"Poor Bruce is going to be alone again once you start school tomorrow," I smile. "I mean, he is such an introvert so it probably won't affect him too much."
"Today, I met my soulmate." Donna starts, causing everyone at the table to widen their eyes in surprise, especially Mom who was so shocked she almost spit out her drink.
"Hahaha, just kidding, still lonely." Mom glares at Donna, and I let out a sigh of annoyance. "Got'em," What a chaotic bi. "I'm so sad." She says while smiling. "What about you Stephen? Have you found your soulmate or anything?" I choke on my drink. WHAT THE FUCK.
"Um..." I look at Tony who slowly nods. Ugh, fine. "Uh, well yes, but actually no," Tony sighs while Mom and Victor look at me with confused expressions. I sigh before starting again. "I-I, um I found my-" Tony interrupts by grabbing my wrist and rolling up my sleeve, showing off my soul mark.
"Oh my god, Stephen, I thought you were going to be alone forever." Mom lets out a breath of relief. "FINALLY."
"WHAT THE HECK, MOM!" Donna sits with a smirk on her face. How the fuck did she find out? Tony smiles and rolls his eyes.
"Who is he?" Victor asks, impatiently. "Who is he? Who is he? Who is-"
"I don't know."
"WHAT?!" Victor exclaims, disappointed. Mom nods, being surprisingly understanding of the situation.
"That's pretty common for someone who just found their soulmate.
"You'll find out when Stephen finds out," Donna explains, finishing her meal. "Are you done?" She points to Tony, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah?"
"Good." Donna grabs his arm and drags him out of the room. 'Help me' he mouths before they leave the room.
"Do you need help with something?" I ask, confused about why Donna took me to her room.
"I know." She replies, still making no sense at all.
"Good for you?" I sit on her bed. "What exactly do you know?"
"You and Stephen are soulmates." Shit.
"Um, I-I don't really know what you're saying, I mean-"
"Don't fuck with me, I can tell." She grabs my wrist and stares at the mark. "That's the green on Stephen's lucky necklace Grandma Tilda gave him. That's been his favorite color for the longest time."
"Are you sure he hasn't noticed yet?" I give in.
"Well obviously not, he's so oblivious about soulmates and love and whatever." She rolls her eyes and slouches in her desk chair.
" seem super into this soulmate thing?" Donna's face lights up, which is way too bright for me because I'm a vampire.
"Yeah! Stephen's never really been interested in finding his soulmate, and I know he won't care if he never finds his soulmate."
"Oh," Shit, that sounded more depressed than I intended.
"But that's the thing!" Donna grins. "He's only really connected with you, I can tell!"
"The soulmate connection..." I remember. "I read about it once for a school project a long time ago." Donna squealed and unexpectedly hugged me. "What was that for?"
"I FINALLY HAVE SOME GOOD SOULMATE TEA." I chuckle and roll my eyes.
"So, I'm guessing we're a team now?"
"Yep, seems like it." She smiles at me as I stick out my hand for her to shake. "Why?"
"It's a thing I did with Bruce."
"Fine." She grabs my hand and firmly shakes it.
"Okay, now what?" I ask, confused about what to do.
"Now you must embrace the gay," She drags me to Stephen's room and slams the door. Stephen looks up from his book, looking very puzzled.
- - -
A/N: The winner of the cover contest was #3! It got the most votes, and I personally like it a lot!
Also since it's pride month, here are some ways you can embrace the gay:
-don't say no homo
-wear your pride flag everywhere
-say "move i'm gay" when walking in the halls at school
Also, if you're closeted then I encourage you to embrace the gay inside your head because coming out seems scary.

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...