A/N: You'll understand the header image later in the chapter
"Tony...Tony, wake up." Stephen shakes me away, much to my dismay.
"No." I turn over so I'm facing the wall.
"You're going to miss school." Stephen snatches my blanket off me. "I thought you reeaally wanted to gooo."
"Anyway, you have 20 minutes, the bus comes at 7:04," Stephen smirked and threw the blanket back on me.
"Why wasn't I informed of this?" I yell as he leaves. I reluctantly get up and get ready. Stupid school.
"Finally!" Victor exclaims as I sleepily trudge into the kitchen. "Come on!" He grabs my hand and drags me to the table, where plates of blueberry waffles were placed.
"My favorite?" I look at Victor, confused.
"Stephen told Mom to make them!" I turn my gaze to Stephen who looked at me and shrugged.
"I guess I had a hunch." He states before continuing to eat his food. Donna looks at me and smirks. Stupid soulmate connection.
After eating, we race to the bus, making it to the stop just as it was approaching. I sit down on a seat next to Stephen, pulling out my phone.
"We're not even there yet and I already hate it." I pout and open Instagram.
"Welcome to life,"
- - -
I stare at my new schedule. First period, Chemistry with Mr. Parker, room 221. Stephen said he was the coolest teacher, so this shouldn't go too wrong. Right? I'll probably find some way to fuck this up.
Just walk in, Anthony, it won't be bad. The door is right there, just open it. I mean, people could stare at you. Or make fun of your name. Or call you stupid because your socks aren't long enough. Or they could-
"Heeeey, Anthony, right?" A man, who I assume is Mr. Parker, inside the room notices me standing outside.
His hair is short umber brown with a slight curl. A feature that sticks out is that, well he's super young, probably twenty-two-ish. But, also, THAT JAWLINE IS THE SHARPEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. DAMN.
I nod and walk into the room, which is decorated with printed memes and matte black lab tables.
"I'm Peter, or 'Mister Parker', I guess, I'm not really used to being called that, so Peter is fine, really." He introduces, laying back in his swivel chair. "Anyway, you're early, so you can ask me questions, or tell me about yourself if you need to."
"I go by Tony," I finally get over my social anxiety.
"Haha, yeah, I was about to say, 'aNtHonY eDwArd sTaRk', must be a pain to be called." He jots something down in his notebook and looks back up at me. I notice a framed picture on his desk of him and a guy with a scarred face and equally sharp jawline, what the fuck.
"Who's that?" I point at the man in the photo.
"Oh," Peter turns the photo and smiles. "that's my boyfriend, Wade. He looks super menacing, but really he's just an idiot."
"Is he your soulmate?" I randomly blurt out. I see his face fall for a second.
You damned messed up now, Anthony. You managed to make the living puppy sad. You're such a fucking failure. You just had to say something. Don't you know that it's a touchy subject for some people? I bet he hates you now. God dammit, Anthony.
He pulls up his sleeve, showing his wrist with a smudged soul mark. Wait, but that only happens when-
"My soulmate died when we were in 10th grade," He smiles and looks at his mark. "Her name was MJ, she was a total badass."
"What happened?" Fuck you, Anthony, stop asking personal questions.
He opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by a bunch of students swarming in at once a few seconds before the bell rang. I head to my assigned seat, which happens to be in the very back of the class.
"Who the fuck are you?" A guy points at me like that one meme. I point back because that was the normal thing to do I think. He takes a seat next to me and mumbles something along the lines of "new kid fucking stole my table".
"Um, I'm Tony, by the way." The guy doesn't turn to look at me but still replies.
"Rhodey," He turns to look at me, and I finally get a good glance at his face. Dark skin, square face, buzzcut, looks like he could be in the fucking military or some shit. "Just a word of advice, don't talk to her," He points to a girl sitting at the table in front of us. I couldn't see her face, but she had long, straight, strawberry blond hair that was pulled up into a bun. "She's an assho-"
"Shut up, James," The girl turns around to face us. Soft jawline, freckles, blue eyes, looks like she could be some sort of Elon Musk business person. "Oh, hi, you must be new!" she says after shooting a glare to Rhodey. "I'm Pepper Potts, it's a pleasure to meet you." She turns back around to focus on the teacher.
"Told you, she's an asshole," Rhodey whispers.
"She actually seems pretty nice," I whisper back, defending Pepper. Rhodey rolls his eyes and attempts to snap back, but is interrupted when Mr. Parker, or Peter, I guess, starts talking.
"Hey, class!" He imitates a female third-grade teacher, making his voice high pitched. "We have a new student today! Anthony, would you like to introduce yourself?" Shit, no. The class is silent for a second before bursting into laughter. "Haha, just kidding, we don't be like them normies here." Finally, some fucking good teachers. "Anyway, y'all, this is Tony, let's move on."
Hey, this is pretty good. No one's staring at me, everyone's being chill, even the teacher.
I might actually not fuck up in this class.
- - -
A/N: I finished planning my Stucky angel/devil AU!!! I'm probably going to post the first chapter either this weekend or next week. Also, it's not going to be entirely about Stucky, so even if you don't support the ship, I still think you would like the story! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...