25 - Dumbass

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"So...you're dating...him?" I raise an eyebrow. Bucky had invited the group to work on something after school, but we really were just hanging out on the track bleachers doing whatever the hell we want.

"Yep, we're soulmates," Bucky shrugs in response. We were looking at Steve who was trying to stop Clint and Sam from doing something stupid. "Surprising, right?"  

"Not really," We watch as the track kids run by, running over Sam and Clint who were lying on the track. "What about Sam?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is he dating anyone?" I question. 

"Yep, most of the group have found their soulmates," Bucky explains. "Sam's dating T'challa, you probably know him from Engineering." WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Wait...seriously?" I gape, looking back at Sam. I can't believe T'challa is actually dating a dumbass. I'm a dumbass and he can barely stand me. 

"T'challa is not as serious as he seems, Tony," Bucky smiles, his metal arm glistening in the sunlight. I'd noticed the arm a while ago, but thought it was too soon to mention it. 

"Yeah, ok," I scoff, crossing my arms. 

"What about you and Stephen?" Bucky wiggles his eyebrows, which, I'll admit, was pretty impressive. 

"Still no luck." I sigh. "I tried flirting with him at lunch but it didn't work." 

"Oh, right, Nat told me about that," Bucky combs through his long hair with his fingers. "He's such a dumbass."

"I'm guessing all of us have experience with dumbasses, though," I snicker. "Except Clint, he's too much of a dumbass to know anyone that's more of an idiot." 

"Steve's definitely a dumbass," Bucky points to the short, blond boy. "He might not seem like it, but he's too selfless for his own good."

"Ha, we'd probably not get along," I frown. "I'm not really the self-sacrificial type." 

"Bitch, you would totally be that 'i've only known Stephen for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself' type person." 

"The definition of chaotic good." I agree, nodding my head.

"Hey, dumbasses!" We hear from behind us on the bleachers. Bucky and I turn around dramatically, expecting some type of serial killer. Well, we weren't wrong. 

"Hey, Nat," Bucky grins. 

"Hello, fellow dumbass." I greet in a polite manner. 

"Fellow dumbass?" she crosses her arms and scoffs. "You're more dumbass than I'll ever be."

"Stephen's the most dumbass, though," Bucky adds.

"Can't argue with that, sadly." We look over at Stephen who was grinning like the idiot he was, standing with Loki, who was also smiling brightly. 

We kept watching them for long enough to see Thor come up behind them and give Loki a huge hug, scaring the hell out of both boys. Oh, hey, it's mister uwu. 

"How did step one go today?" I ask Bucky and Natasha, curious on if our plan was effective.

"Well..." Bucky starts. "First period went okay, he was blushing like crazy when we talked about you, but he wouldn't admit his feelings. 

"Wanda and I have second period with Stephen, and it went a little better, but still not a success." Wanda? Who's that? She quickly explains that Wanda is her girlfriend before moving on. "We were better at getting Stephen to talk about you, there's more evidence of his crush, but he still hasn't confessed."

"Loki and Stephen have fourth period, but Loki said he couldn't get Stephen to say anything either." I sigh. 

"Stubborn bitch," Nat curses.

"More like stubborn dumbass." Bucky laughs. 

We continue to watch everything going on around us. 

Loki and Stephen were still talking, but now Thor was with them, probably not the best person for edge lords to hang out with. He's too uwu for them. 

Sam and Steve were taking pictures of random people. Bucky said they're probably making memes on Sam's phone. Sam made an effort to keep Steve caught up with the newest memes. 

Since track practice had ended, Clint was with Pietro, sitting on the field. Clint had a huge smile, and his face was bright red as Pietro whispered something to him. That's gay. 

We spent extra time staring at them cuz Nat seemed very interested in her best friend's relationship. She kept yelling things at them, even though she knew they couldn't hear her. I think Clint may have heard one of her screams because he looked over and flipped her off before turning back to Pietro.  

They were probably making out when a girl with long strawberry brown hair came up to them and pushed them apart. She was wearing a necklace and red jacket and appeared to be smirking at them. 

"Oh shit, that's my girlfriend." Nat grins, running down to the girl, who was most-likely named Wanda. Wanda smiles when she sees Nat behind her. They share a short kiss before continuing to yell at Pietro and Clint. 

"They're so cuuuuuuute." I complain to Bucky.

"You and Stephen will be cute when you get together." 

"If  we get together," I sigh.

"C'mon, you guys will be little dumbasses in love." Bucky snickers. "You just have to get Stephen to stop being a dumbass for a few minutes."

"Like that'll happen."

- - -

A/N: hULLo! hOw y'ALL dOin?

 Hope you liek the chapter!


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