Mornings are always horribly stressful. For some reason, this morning was much more stressful from the rest.
I race down to get breakfast, seeing oatmeal already on the table. Disgusting...but acceptable. I grab the dried strawberries and sprinkle them on without looking. But when I taste the oatmeal... I realize I made a huge mistake.
Oh no...
The dried fruit was not a strawberry. It was something horrid and despicable.
"Raisins are good, Stephen, you just have to learn to enjoy the beauty of them." Victor looks up at me like he was Yoda. "Use the raisins, Stephen."
"nO, i cAn'T bELiEve yOu'Ve dONe tHIs." I huff, picking the raisins out of my oatmeal. I look over to Tony who was also eating oatmeal, but for some odd reason, his oatmeal was flavored with some kind of cereal.
Who the fuck puts cereal in oatmeal? Is that cocoa puffs?
"Why is there Cocoa Puffs in your oatmeal?" I squint over at Tony.
"They aren't Cocoa Puffs they're Cocoa Krispies you uncultured swine."
"We accept everyone here no matter what they put in their oatmeal." Victor tries to calm us down. "Right, Donna?" Victor smiles and looks at his sister.
Victor's smile quickly fades into a large frown upon seeing what his sister was eating. He takes a deep breath before smiling again, this time with clenched teeth.
"Donna," Victor talks through his smile. "why aren't you eating oatmeal?"
"Cuz oatmeal is gross and soggy," Donna replies through a bite of her avocado toast.
"No it isn't..." Victor tries to remain calm.
"THAT'S MY OPINIIIIIIIIION!!!!!!" Donna yells back.
"Woah! Is that avocado toast? I didn't know we could've had that." I gasp.
"Hey Beverly, can I have avocado toast?" Tony shouts to mom, who was typing something on her laptop.
"Sure, why not."
"nO." Victor huffs.
"You guys are going to be late, by the way, just saying." Mom adds, shrugging.
"Oh shit." I check my watch and run out the door, grabbing my backpack. Tony follows with Donna and Victor trails behind.
"I DIDN'T FINISH MY OATMEAL!" Victor screeches as we make it onto the bus. Victor takes a seat in the front, Tony and Donna run to the very back, leaving me to sit...anywhere else.
"HEY! WIZARD, I'M BACK!" Is that Quill? I reluctantly take a seat next to him.
"Where the fuck have you been?" I whisper-shout. His dirty-blond hair was perfectly done and his old headphones still hadn't left his neck. The only difference was the slight facial hair he was growing and a fancy red leather jacket that he definitely couldn't afford.
"My D&D group decided to start a gang, so we flew to Florida." Quill nodded, grinning. "Yeah, it was wicked, we even went to frickin space."
"You could've just said drugs." I roll my eyes and take my phone out of my pocket.
"Seriously, dude! We were hired by NASA to be some sort of space cadet things." Quill rambles.
"Why would they choose you?" I play along, knowing that this was fake. "No offense, but you aren't the brightest student."
"None taken." Quill smiles. "Anyway, party at my place next Fridayyy..."
"Ugh, NO." I frown.
"There'll be alcohollll," Quill smirks. "Plus I'd be fine if you brought a plus one. That brunette kid that got on at your stop seemed hot, totally your type."
"I'm not bringing him to your delinquent party, Quill."
"Suit yourself, Clint's bringing his boyfriend, the one with the weird hair. I'm pretty sure Nat's bringing her girl. You would be the third whee-."
"I miiiight bring him." I give in, sighing. "Depends how today goes."
"What's today?" Quill narrows his eyes. "OH. Are you going to tell him that you're madly in love with him and then serenade him as the sun sets into the horizon?"
"Kinda.........any tips?" would be helpful. Especially since my stomach is turning itself inside out and we haven't even got to school yet.
"Well, I tried seducing my girlfriend by letting her listen to one of my Spotify playlists. Didn't work that well...but I still got the girl!" Quill sighs happily. "I consider it a win."
"Thanks, very helpful."
"I mean, I did say to serenade him. That should work."
"Except that I can't sing." I point out. "And serenading? Really? At a track meet?"
"You never mentioned a track meet." Quill purses his lips. "That's a little harder to work with."
"Why? What's wrong with a track meet?"
"It's just a bit boring...not very romantic." Quill explains. "Unlike a Ferris Wheel, or a beach or a picnic."
"It's not like we're in some sort of movie, no one actually does those things."
"You never know." Quill shrugs. "I'll bet he'll say yes no matter how romantic it is."
i sUre hOpe hE dOes.
- - -
A/N: Oatmeal is gross no one can change my mind. Raisins are good no one can change my mind. Stephen has high IQ but low common sense no one can change my mind.
Edit: to all you guys saying that raisins only taste good dipped in chocolate you are wrong cannot change my mind choco raisins be yuck

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...