12 - Human uwu

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I fucked up. Or at least I thought I did. 

I walk out of first period heading to my next class when I bump into the buffest dude ever. Like, this kid was so swol his diet was probably all protein shake. He had long blond hair and...why does everyone at this school have perfect jawlines? I fall to the ground, dropping my stuff.

He looks down at me with an unreadable expression. I can tell you that my expression was very readable. Most likely the most fear I've felt in the last week, which is saying something. He extends his hand, causing me to flinch, bracing for some kind of punch. 

Instead, he picks up my notebooks and helps me up, smiling. I stare at him, half scared, half confused. He sighs and hands me my stuff.

"You must be new, someone hasn't looked at me like that in a long time," He grabs my hand and shakes it. "I'm Thor! I'm not as scary as I seem." He grins. Oh no, he's a human uwu. 

"I-I'm Tony," I mumble loud enough for him to hear. 

"Tony, hmm..." Thor stares into space for a second, thinking. "Oh! Anthony! Anthony Stark?"

"Uh, yeah," I look at him, surprised. "How'd you know?"

"The leadership students always greet new students." Huh?

"You're a leadership student?" 

"I have to learn to be the king of the world someway." I don't doubt his logic. "Leadership was actually my first period. Where are you heading to for second?"

"Oh, um, Engineering," I put my schedule back into my pocket. "what about you?"

"I'm going to Drama class." What the heck, how is this kid a drama student? 


"What? It's a fun class." Oh shit, did I offend him or something?

"I'm just surprised, that's all," I reply, awkwardly.

"Yeah, most people tell me I look like a football player or something." He smiles before continuing. "I'm not really into that stuff." He pauses. "Why did you take engineering?" 

"My friend Bruce told me to learn more about engineering and stuff,"

"You know Bruce?" Thor's face lit up. Hopefully, we're talking about the same Bruce or this is going to be super weird. 

"Yeah, he's my friend," I reply. "How do you know him? He doesn't go here."

"Well he's my soulmate so..." 

"WAIT, WHAT?" I look at Thor, awestruck. 

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Bruce's soulmate is a ball of fluff. My soulmate is an oblivious dork. "Anyway, everyone always says engineering is a great class. I know the teacher is Miss Shuri, she's the youngest teacher at the school."

"Oh ok,"

"You should sit with me and my friends at lunch. Bruce always stops by at lunchtime, that's why most people here know him." I open my mouth to answer, but Thor cuts me off. "I got to get to class! See you at lunch!"

"Bye!" I keep walking until I approach classroom 696. It was pretty hard to miss, the classroom had a bunch of signs around the door, each one quoting a different iconic vine. I was pleased when I saw my favorite one, 'Road work ahead? Uh, yeah I sure hope it does.'  Right as I walk into the classroom, the bell blares from above.

"The masters have spoken! The class must begin!" A lady, Miss Shuri I'm guessing, shouts over the class, causing everyone to immediately quiet down.

 Miss Shuri is actually younger than I expected, looking younger than even Mr. Parker. She had dark skin and brown hair in a bun. She was probably in her twenties, but she could easily pass as a student. 

I looked for an empty seat, finding one next to a kid who looked very similar to Miss Shuri like they could be related in some way. He seems quiet, only acknowledging me with a nod.

"It appears we have a new student!" Shuri announces, standing on her desk. Oh, hell no, she better not make me introduce myself. "What's your favorite vine, newcomer?" What?

"Oh...um," I stand up and straighten myself. "Road work ahead?" I attempt to continue the vine but the whole class finishes for me. 

"UH, YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES!" the class shrieks in response. The kid next to me sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Shuri, why do we keep doing these vine things? Shouldn't we be actually learning in class?" He blurts out.

"Shut up, brother, no one likes a nerd." 

Brother? I look at the kid with a confused expression. He looks at me and groans. That's why they looked so similar! 

"Okay, class, today we're just going to do whatever. Continue and start new projects and shit because I didn't plan anything to do today." The class gradually becomes more chaotic and loud after Miss Shuri says that. I turn to the kid next to me. Before I could say anything he decides to read my mind.

"I know what you're thinking, 'Oh my gosh, are you really her brother'. The answer is yes, and it sucks so never mention that." He pulls some kind of necklace out of his bag. Is that his project? "I'm T'Challa, by the way." 

"Tony." I start doodling ideas for a project. "What are you making?"

"A black suit that gives me cat superpowers." T'Challa sarcastically replies, annoyed by my question. 

For the rest of the period, I was doodling a guy in a black suit with cat powers and a blond buff dude with a hammer. I have a superhero problem. 

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A/N: I'm sorry for the late update! I had finals this week so most of my time was spent studying :/. Also, I've seen a lot of high school AUs where Thor is a football player or something, but I wanted to make him soft and uwu.

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