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"I promise imma be back bubba" I said as I pushed his hair out of his face the loose curls a mess from him just getting out of the tub. He ate his cereal all grown up- making me feel old and shit.

"I 'Anna go" he whined as his spoon dropped in his milk- Donnie needed to go see Von this morning I was going to meet him at the trap after I went to see Keem.stupid bitch ass Keem- Tas'hania did tell me he was getting sick. I didn't care to ask her to elobrate and she didn't care enough to explain so the conversation ended faster then it started.

"Auntie T is gonna take you someplace fun" I attempted as Tas'hania walked in the kitchen looking exhausted but she was dressed and everything. She didn't change much over the years her hair still finding a way to have a splash of color in it. She didn't really elobrate much on her life- but there is a boy. I could tell. Or someone.

"She 'ice?" King whispered he held up his little pinky finger for extra consolidation.

I wrapped mine around it before ruffling his hair- "of course that's ya god mommy right there- she helps me fight all the bad guys off" I added and King toothy smile came to his face and he nodded.

" 'Ike super hero!" He said as his eyes litt up turning towards Tash who was already looking at me with a pissed expression on her face.

"God mother?" She repeated I nodded "I should smack your lightbright ass because you really kept this from me!" She exlcimaed before covering her mouth at the curse words.

"You have a big mouth" I responded and king laughed from besides me thinking it was the funniest thing ever.

"No I do- okay but look at his cute face" she said as she pinched his cheeks tickling the boy so his laughter continued.

"Not cute! Girls cute I'm boy" king said loudly wanting to the the center of attention.

"Well you're cute to me Mr Pharaoh the king" she said as she started picking at his hair. "You gonna let me braid it? Then we can maybe go to the zoo or something" she spoke and I knew he was in good hands- Tas'hania was really a Saint. She opened the door and her home to us with no questions asked after three years and just sighed. That's why she forever will be one of my ride or dies. I kissed pharoahs head before putting on my coat rubbing my face.

     "Y'all have fun" I said and Tash gave me a little warning look-

   "Where are you going?" She asked concerned laced in her voice.

     "To see uncle Keem than meet up with Donnie; see you maybe lunchish?" I said as I was walking towards the door- she asked about some rude but I shut the door before I answered; I needed a walk. The block never changed, the streets still seemed the same but it was a lot more quiet; than again Lock was dead, Donnie and me both moved out that left Von. The kids were just playing on the street, speaking of that I didn't want Pharaoh to move into this bad ass neighborhood. Sure I grew up in it- but it didn't offer much; half of these kids are on the block by 13-


I pounded on the back door of the shop, i kept pounding until I heard my uncle fat ass steps. He swung the door open and looked at me for a long time before coughing, his cough got aggressive before it stopped and he let out a tired breath. "I didn't think Alonso would really call you" he said as he pushed the door open more showing the walker and oxygen mask he was carrying around.

   "He ain't- I need a job though" he let out a bitter laugh and shook his head.

     "Here I was thinking you came because I was gettin worse- you came cause you broke" he added turning around I held the door so he wouldn't fall over then walked in myself.

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