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   I didn't get why pharaoh loved being at my house, he ran around as if it was the best thing in the world- it made Nassiah mad which was amusing to watch. I didn't think I would really end up at Nassiah's door the other night. Sure driving to Tas'hania house was problematic enough when she saw me how I was she said I needed to go talk to Nassiah and I knew I did as well. But then came the emotions. Letting Nassiah in I was terrified the boy would be disappointed he always said he was proud because I never got myself into this shit and here I was- in it. Shit boy gave his son my middle name because of that and here I was fucking up. Another reason why I didn't want to talk to Nassiah bout it was he wasn't dumb and he didn't care whose feelings he hurts. Me and Alex were still on a break and I couldn't keep my dick to myself enough to not kiss the boy in his own kitchen and now here I was packing a bag to stay at his house. In my defense when I tried to argue in the car he told king I didn't like him and the boy started crying- Nassiah is devious as hell.

   "King you Betta stop fore I really beat your ass" Nassiah's voice came from the living room making me snicker at the two. I had finished taking a shower and getting dressed and was pretty much done with my bag but I was still sitting on my bed letting thoughts run my mind- well until my door swung open and king stood there cheesing.

  "BOO!"  He laughed before running the other direction I couldn't help but smile a bit at the boy. BOOM BOOM BOOM.  I looked out the window seeing Alex's car- shit.

   "Imma get it" I called from my room but I knew Nassiah was already being nosey because I heard the door open.

   "Ohhh it's you- Wasssup whatcha need?"  I head Nassiah ask and with the tone I heard I made my way to the door. Alex looked pissed. I would've been too truthfully I moved Nassiah out of the way and he only smacked his lips.

  " me and Maurice came to see if you were okay" he said and I saw Maurice soon coming into view behind him getting out the car. "You haven't been going to uni he says" Alex said walking in gaining his own confidence. When Maurice reaches the door he had a smile on his face.

   "Mane I'm not even gonna lie Melanie blabbed to him about me coming" he said then walked in too- king had ran into the room then saw to many people and whined running back towards my room "But I'm glad we came now" he said as I shut the door.

   "I'm taking a break" I said going back to Alex's question. "A break for what Alonso? You Betta not me ruining your life for a kids that's not yours" he huffed.

    "Don't speak on my kid- I'll fuck you up" Nassiah spoke coming back into the room and I saw a Maurice face get happier. "Oh shit Moana what you doing here" Nassiah said and the two dapped each other up- Maurice briefly told me about the three weeks they spent together, basically just hanging out for a hour after the shop of Maurice psychologically analyzing Nassiah.idiots.

   "Wow Nassiah- I was waiting for us to run into each other like this" he said before sitting down.

   "Fuck me up? That's real mature— I'm just saying Alonso has been to schools everyday and now he doesn't show up for about a week" Alex said disappointment in his voice. "Then I talk to ya teachers and you pulled out this semester"

   "Nigga you dropping outta school now?" Nassiah boomed. I closed my eyes for a moment before turning to Maurice who was sitting there his eyes going between the two of them.

   "I said I was taking a break" I informed them

" a break for what? To play house with your ex" Alex spat and I felt bad. I mean we were together and this didn't exactly look good

"He could be playing  with my dick so you should be thankful"

"Thankful? That my boyfriend hasn't fucked You yet?" Alex repeated in disbelief

"Yeah nigga I know me being round Lonso make you scared- I mean it makes sense I hold weight in hi-

  "NASSIAH! Please" I said our eyes connecting he stood there for a moment but Atleast he was quiet.

   "You know what Alonso— fuck you" Alex said pushing me a bit. "You ain't shit, I don't deserve this shit— to be your second choice over someone who barely put you first I really hope he doesn't fuck up your life again, or leave you with his responsibilities" Alex added headed for the door. I pulled Alex back a bit and I'm glad I did because Nassiah had thrown the closest thing to him- the remote. And it hit were Alex was just standing. I felt Nassiah's body hit the other side of me as he tried to beat Alex up. I pushed him back him falling into the couch then pulled Alex outside shutting the door behind us.

   "He's fucking crazy" Alex announced tears in his eyes, I felt bad but then again that was a lot of improvement Maurice used to get beat up for no reason at all.

  "He's helping me sort out some things mentally" I said truthfully and Alex let out. a snort

  "Don't call me no more" he added


   "Fuck you Alonso" he said waking towards the car Maurice soon came  out with a huge smile and patted my back.

  "Isn't it crazy how god works? Next time don't break up the fight wanna be police head ass" he huffed before walking down towards the  car. I let out a small sigh walking back into the house- I looked at the new whole in the wall from the remote hitting it and there Nassiah was sitting on his phone as if he didn't try to clock Alex In the head. Moments later I saw King walk out of the bathroom with bandaids all over his face.

   "Zozo got more aids!" He said holding up the now empty box. I had to get more last time due to him using them all - well I stole a box from amor and she had colorful ones due to Dior only liking that kind.

"King why you go through his stuff!" Nassiah asked and king looked between us both. I couldn't get mad at the kid so I just sent him a smile.

"It's fine Nassiah" I huffed "he's been more behaved than you"

"Ya boyfriend was acting crazy!"

"I was gonna handle it damn, you ain't neva' let me handle things"

"He was disrespecting not only me, not only you but my son- he needed to get his ass beat I don't give a damn if you love him or whatever the fuck" he spat

"You told him I was playing with ya di-stuff" I was catching myself around king.

"And?" He said satisfied smirk on his face.

"You're pretty as hell Nassiah you could've just left the room" I argued but then stopped I didn't have the energy.

"next time I'll give you and ya boyfriend some privacy— but might wanna let him know how excited you was this morning to kiss me" he said with a small wink.

"Boyeind? Zozo you got a boyeind?" King asked looking up at me.

"Not anymore" I muttered to myself but the little boy didn't hear it.

"Daddy your boyeind?" He asked I laughed at the question.

"He wishes" Nassiah added making me roll his eyes.

"I get a boyeind Daddy?" King asked and Nassiah smacked his lips.

"No you don't need no —nothing you not grown" he looked at me as if I was gonna be able to help him.

"They stressful anyway king it's ok" I reassured him.

- 14 my favorite number so yk next chapter finna be fun🙃.

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