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  So here me Tash and king were at Applebee's because that damn commercial looked good as fuck. "King hold my hand fore you walk in this damn parking lot— you fucking dumb?" I frowned as I grabbed his hand he wiggles out of it and grabbed Tas'hanias as they swung their hands walking through the lot happily.

   "Daddy ome" King said as I walked behind them he tried to open the door but could barely reach it so I came behind him and opened it. "No I do it! I big" he whined trying to open the second one. I watched him struggle for a bit before opening that one as well.

  "Nas let him feel like a big boy" Tash laughed as the two rejoined hands. It didn't take long to be seated maybe that's why the commercial kept coming on these hoes needed money. Three minutes In sitting down pharaoh broke his blue red crayon and had a whole fit.

  "You don't even like blue, why you mad?" I asked and king picked up the red crayon and frowned.

  "I 'anna olor wif you" he huffed. Say no more.

"Hi my name is Brielle I will be taking your order today, can I start you off with stinks?" I looked over at the light skin girl who was glowing and licked my lips making her cheeks turn a dark shade of pink.

   "I'll have a raspberry tea" Tas'hania said.

"Damn, you bout beautiful as fuck" I announced and her cheeks got deeper. "I'll have a sprite and get him apple juice- oh and we need more crayons" I said she nodded writing it down.

  "Might as well give my brotha ya number while ya at it. Ion need to see this all night" Tas'hania huffed making the girl blush harder before walking away- of course I watched and she knew I was because she swayed her hips just right.

"My ame!" King whined as he handed me the red crayon and pointed to a empty place on the kids place mat, "pell king" I wrote king and a smile came across his face. I handed him the crayon.

"You spell it- K" I started pointing to the letter and the boy sloppily wrote it. "I" I added pointing to the next one.

"I mart eave me" he huffed pushing me away.

"My neph independent you hear? He don't need nobody"

"He only half potty trained he need someone" I argued back and Tas'hania rolled her eyes at me. The waiter came back with out drinks and the crayons and we ordered.

"King tell her what you want then foo" I said as King wanted to be grown and tell her- he put his hand on his face and then looked at his menu

"I want Icken- and pizza" he said nodding after he finished talking like he made up his mind.

"Just get him chicken he said it first" I said making Brielle laugh a bit before walking away. "T,I got good news" her head picked up from drawing with king and she looked at me with a unreadable expression. "We moving out Friday"

"Y'all leaving me?" She said and began whipping fake tears.

"MY TT SAD" king yelled and I flicked him in his mouth.

"Boy you Betta talk like we inna building"

"I sad" king voiced taking a sip of his drink pouting. This boy has been around Tash to much, he even looks a little sad and she is rushing to spoil him.

  "Where y'all moving too?" She asked suddenly interested. It was just maybe four blocks away. A two bedroom complex we had donnie stupid ass below us, he wanted to move out the trap so he could see his son more and why not move close together Incase niggas get hold.

"Mane near da corner store with the fine ass ock innit" she smiled probably realizing it wasn't that far. I needed to get her ass into a club or something she's been mopping around and I told her if she don't make that girl work for it Atleast I'm beating her ass. Out here crying on my shoulder for nothing and she know I don't like listening to people cry too.


  I sure did walk out of there with that girl's number, it was easier to get then I thought but then again females be easy as fuck. After food we went to get some ice cream and then I put pharaoh to bed- he said he didn't wanna go but when we hit the bed he was snoring. Little lying ass. So then that lead to me helping Tash make a wig- I had to thread needles and all I could think about was: I should stab this bitch with theses.

     "It's gonna be weird when you leave- Imma be lonely as hell at first" she said not looking up from her Task.

"You finna be fine— who woulda known that ya annoying ass would've really became family" I joked- she side eyed me making me laugh back to 9th grade when I ignored her pretty much all year- 10th grade I got semi use to it but it wasn't until I had to beat up her ain't shit boyfriend that I really jacked her.

    "I told you- I was like keep being rude but you gonna want a sister" she said a small smile coming on my lips. I smacked my lips leaning back into the couch getting tired of threading needles.

    "I'm lowkey scared- It ain't ever just been me and King" I announced and that was true. It was always either me king and my aunt- or Donnie at one point it was me ,king and his momma- never me and king.

   "Nah you got it— you ova thinking it. You doing good by my neph" she said finally looking up. "You grown up a lot - you only mildly crazy now"


Not finna hold you, I was high so I forgot to update . Then I slept all day LMAOOO buuut this span highkey lowkey boring but y'all know I got y'all.

And y'all so nice hyping a bitch up like this why I love y'all— just mad love inna air.

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