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"And he's so reckless! I don't understand how you did it! How you been! Dayquellz is gonna drive me insane" Maurice stressed as I drove him home, I was more irritated at myself for not leaving last night— then Nassiah probably gonna do that shit again, and I'm gonna have to leave for real. I wasn't gonna leave long term, I couldn't I wasn't that stupid or in denial at how much I love the kid— but he can think it's forever. Then it might work. "Like there's Nassiah a blood in Donnie's car! Then at seven in the morning too twins wanna show up talking bout it's cleaned up, bodies buried" Maurice started before I noticed his emotional ass was crying. "My therapist brain doesn't know what to do" He exhaled "but its-

"Destructive" I muttered out turning down his street.

"Oh I'm sorry, Alonso how are you?" He asked now trying to analyze me. I waved him off not needing to know I'm over stressed and something about my father issues finding a way to be the cause of all of it. "Donnie told me y'all argument" he then pushed making a long sigh come out of my mouth.

"It's exhausting, I don't know why I thought he grew the fuck up"

"Well He is only twenty two" Maurice started but we pulled into his house he lived in with Reign and Mel. "Are you gonna come in?" He asked I glanced at the house then the time- it was only 10 am. I gave him a half shrug and got out the car as well. "Speaking of which— are you excited to come back to uni?" He asked masking his previously shown emotion almost perfectly.

"Sort of" I said nearly forgetting about that shit, not only was Tash pregnant, Nayson moved in and now Nassiah continuous involvement in reckless activists— king was the least of my worries. But still above college.

"That sort of sounded like it should've been a honest no" he spoke opening the door I walked in first not much changing and saw the two females on the couch watching morning cartoons.

"I got a lot on my mind" I spoke quietly once he walked in not wanting or needing the females in my business. I seen Maurice go to question me but I walked further into the living room and say myself between the females.

"Oh my god look who blessed us with his presence!" Reign joked throwing her arms around my neck. "My little-chocolate cabbage patch baby" she said her thick Indian accent making it that more amusing.

"Good morning Reign, Mel" I hummed but Mel only nodded her head in my direction. I felt sort of bad, I kind of fell off with everyone after my mental break— Maurice was the only one aware because he wasn't afraid to text Nassiah, probably because he already got beaten up by the boy several times.

   "D-did you see T?" She asked in a mousey voice.  Her bags under her eyes were clear and Maurice gave me a knowing look mouthing the words- guilt. Mel was guilty as fuck. She had no connect but She has no idea also. "H-how you holding up?" She asked again I gave her a small shrug.

  "She's good- she got her hair braided nice" I muttered looking at tom chase around Jerry on the screen as it played.

   "Nuf of this sad sad talk, Maurice got hickeeeyyys" Reign screamed from beside me excitedly. She stuck out her tongue as she jumped up from beside me and went to Maurice lap so she could poke each one on his neck. The four of us just sat they informed me how college was going, Reign informed me about her pregnancy scare— she just was three days late. Then Mel talked about how she changed majors and wants to go into criminal justice. I didn't stay long mostly because I promised Amor I would pick up Dior today so I still had to do that.

"Text me if you wanna talk!" Maurice yelled after me, Amor didn't live that much farther away from them so it only took me 10 minutes.

To my pleasant surprise there stood my niece on her front porch her arms crossed over her chest and eyebrows furrowed. "ZOZO YOU LATE!" She yelled stomping her little foot. I exhaled at the already formed attitude.

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