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I had a big ass ego I didn't want to hurt. I didn't even want him to catch me starring at him but I couldn't help it. In three years the boy only got more into his looks which for that Asian boy was good,if I didn't have a son maybe I would've played a bit of the game if I didn't have a son- but I do. Here I was game still paused just looking at the boy out here like I had beef. Out of all the reasons I should've left, I probably could've found one to stay: Alonso killed Lock. I was kissed about it still ; I wanted that niggas head, none the less Donnie had no business letting that boy come along. He knew he had no business being there. Just a messy ass situation that should've never happened. I exhaled loudly and leaned back in my seat. Pharaoh wasn't a secret but most people didn't know he was alive. I didn't bring him everywhere I went mostly because old beef could still be beef. I never knew who wants my head in this town. My busted ass uncle wants to walk out talking abut a doctors appointment. I wasn't a doctor but he was dying. I'll let him spend his money how he wants.

   "Nassiah you can count?" My uncle asked, I thought his heavy ass left already.

    "Nah I just estimate how much money I got" i responded rolling my eyes and his narrowed at me before coughing.

      "Great, you can try to do the bills. Have Alonso look it over for you before you put it in the computer" he said like I was an idiot.people think the streets make you dumb but I had to come up with a lot of answers that ain't no test ever asked you. Promise that. I had no intentions on doing them bills realistically- but that did remind me I needed to continue looking up houses so me and king can move out Tas'hania's place soon.

Broken down
Inna hood
Oh shit next to da trap
Mad cash

  "You gonna do what he asked or should I just do it?" Alonso voice came out smooth, it didn't change still deep but not as- what's the word optimistic as he use to be. My eyes looked up at him and it made him uncomfortable.He shifted his weight over a sigh in annoyance as he waited for me to respond. I opened the file labeled bills skimming through them-decent numbers I could do it if I wanted too. "Just give it to me" he muttered and I looked back up at him for a long time waiting for him to get more upset.

"Ian no dummy I can do this" I finally said. I wasn't looking for no argument- sure I wanted to have his attention for a bit but it was getting too- tense. I can pretend like nothing happened for so long- the more I look at then blue eyes makes me go back three years and a few months, I didn't need to do that at all.

"Okay you can that's great- but you finna do it?" He questioned again.

"Yeah I'm finna do it- if not I would've neva picked it up.don't try to play me" I said feeling myself get defensive. Maybe it wasn't because of the situation at hand, but I felt my blood begin to boil the more we looked into each other's eyes.

"Mane fuck it ion even give a damn" he added walking away into the back room. As he walked away I couldn't help but mock him. Nobody cares about you anyway dickhead. Taking it back to before we got close, before I let him turn me out- he was just a black faggot in a barber shop. I needed to go back to them days, before I actually cared if the boy died. I had other things to worry about and trying to fix the impossible isn't on that list. If it was I would be kissing Lacey's ass right now and I'm not doing either.

I continue to look at the bills for maybe 15 more minutes, I just reread the number five times for each one then put it down. Got me fucked up thinking imma do this shit. I look like a banker to you? I only count my money. Now that I'm thinking about it heaven punk ass do owe me some money- I helped her pay for her new house- she saved my life so I gave her a loan. But I could go see her thot was later asking for it. "Yo, yo, yo, yo" Donnie said waking through the door in good spirts.

"Wasssup with you?" I asked as my head went back to the computer screen.

"I just wanna let you know- I'm proud of you, ain't touch no brick or nothing sense we came back" he started making me suck my teeth. "I just took out competition this morning. It feels great to be back on my block" he said doing a little one two step as he talked a wide smile in his face.

"You a damn foo" I said not really paying him no mind.

"I wanna know if you got any word from my baby daddy" he asked the conversation turning more serious. I shook my head before leaning my head into the palm of my hand. Marqueez wasn't going to be that hard to find so I kept letting it slip my mind- but whatever happened between him and Donnie.. well it's weighing down on Donnie a lot.

"Hold on Imma ask around, you know Imma find lil cous and if not. We finna pay a school visit" I added his face didn't get less tense and I felt a bit bad. He didn't go into detail but when he came up to New York he was heart broken for a month. Now it makes sense, I called him there to help me out when he was in a way worse place. So now I have to do this for him- knowing I would have to speak to the black faggot in the barber shop for this one. I held up one finger before making my way to the back. There was Alonso doing paperwork at the desk back there.

"If you want me to do them bills just set me down somewea' I'm busy" he said not looking up.

"Damn you took a trip somewhere and got an ugly ass accent?" I questioned and he didn't respond- ohh he did take a trip. "Now I must be invisible" I added "oh shit where'd you go deadass?" He didn't respond for a bit before letting out a reluctant sigh.

"Atlanta" he responded and I pressed my lips together tightly.

"It was fun?"

"Eventful- what do you want?" He snapped and I realized it was my presence that was pissing him off. Probably nothing going on with his real life- homeboy just ain't like me no more.

"You been speaking to Mac?" I asked and he remained silent for a bit. "Lemme get his number"

"Can't" he responded- he's lucky I'm a changed man. I should've punched his fat black head- cAnT nigga give me the number.

"Why" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"He don't want none of y'all to have it obviously- you'd think you would understand what moving to another state and not talking to anyone would mean more than anyone" he added under his breath trying to be slick.

"If you got something to say then say it" I started getting up from where I was sitting but he payed me little to no mind at all.

"Ian got shit to say to you, I can't help you Nassiah sorry" he responded emotionless and I felt myself getting angry.

"I'm just trying to talk to my fucking blood- you acting all fake hurt like a little bitch"

"Im not bout to do this with you" he muttered as he continued doing whatever work he was doing.

"Nah you pissing me off" I added walking closer to him. I grabbed the pen out of his hand and he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds.

"Boy what the hell is wrong with you? Can't you go back to wherever you left off too- thought ya ass wasn't coming back" he added his eyes looking into mine. He said the words with anger slipping in and out of his voice,his blue eyes cold and serious he grabbed the pen from my hand and kept writing.

"Obviously me coming back bothers you" I spat

"Sure does" he responded and I couldn't help but hit the boy. He tensed up- his whole body did. Realistically I thought he was going to deck my shit.

"Leave me the fuck alone Nassiah- you been made ya decsion. And I can't tell you where he at. Ruin someone else life this time" he muttered then I figured out what mixed with anger was running through his voice- hate.

"I really should've let Lock kill your ass the first time- worthless ass faggot" I said as I walked out- wishmp I turned around and the table he was sitting at was now flipped his papers everywhere as he went out the backdoor- I brushed it off walking back out. His stupid ass can pick that up too.

- I know you know you betta slow your roll if you thought they was gonna be on good terms.

- you think Nassiah wanted to get him mad on purpose

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