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I held Pharaohs hand tightly as we walked down the street towards the park. I promised him I would go play with him after work so here I was. Tas'hania has her own plans- and life so I couldn't make her take king. As well as I missed him, it really just use to be me and him- sure aunt Dee and Eventually Donnie came. But that wasn't the point- I had so much stuff to take care of around here I almost forgot the reason why I came back; a better life for my son. We reached the park and he jumped up and down in excitement. "Wings wings! I wanna fly!" He exclaimed pointing to them I chuckled picking him up and walking over placing him in the one for younger kids and pushed him.

"Daddy- me and TT see a car at the tore I 'Anna car like yours daddy" he exclaimed his eyes lighting up as he talked a small smile hit my face and nodded.

"You don't even got ya divers license you tryna get a ticket?" I asked and the boy laughed shaking his head-

"No I get it! And it can play music! And it can make me no walk!" He explained. I skipped the whole baby talk with him, sure I take in consideration his age but the boy was smart- he could say words better than I could half the time. That's another reason why he probably knew so much- he's been around grown business his whole life. Atleast I wasn't talking about his momma in front of him.

   "Damn you think ya birthday coming up or something?" I questioned and he thought for a moment.

   "Yes! My bifday in eptemeber" he said cheesing and I chuckled at the little boy.

   "It's only April bug, you got a bit of some time" he shook his head protesting so I let him argue-

   "Dior? Dior I said five minutes! - hold on is that Nassiah" I turned around my eyes coming face to face with Alonso's sister still looking fine as ever.

   "Oh shit ma, you aging like wine" I said sending her a small wink and she rolled her eyes pulling me into a hug. Me and her were never that close but we vented to each other a lot- and Dior was my best friend let's be honest. Amor was now obviously pregnant again- a couple of months it looked like. Atleast the baby ain't kick me.

    "Is he yours? Well he obviously is dumb question huh?" She asked shaking her head. She looked over into the swing and smiled waving to king who just smiled widely as he held onto his toy giraffe. I looked around for Dior- the three year old Dior I left behind but instead came running a 6 year old. Sometimes I forget people grow old even if you don't see them do it exactly. She looked at me then huffed

   "Lookie there my old best friend" she said as her mom helped her put  on her coat. I stuck my tongue out at her and she did it back stomping her foot.

   "I owe you ice cream bestfriend- imma make it up to you" that got kings attention if not hers,

  "I - scream I scream! I want pink!" He said loudly kicking his feet making the swing sway uncoordinatedly.

    "I got no school next Friday- we can go then" Dior said smiling widely the same amount of sass remaining from all those years ago.

   "Well- don't be making promises and breaking them with my baby" amor joked. "You been good?" She asked her face getting more Sincere.

   "Eh it's good to be home- how you been" I questioned but she only shrugged

   "Didn't kill myself or anyone so I'm making it" she said laughing a bit at her own words- must've not been up to date with her brother because he couldn't say the same. "Maybe I'll see you around more now that you're back" she said as she grabbed Dior's hand

  "Eh- probably not" she gasped pushing me a bit before shaking her head.

      "I give it a few months, I think you need each other or he needs you- one of those" a small smile played on my lips and she must've caught it because a smile 100x bigger grew on hers before saying her goodbyes. Amor was the sweetest person I knew- no wonder why her name meant love. She was the type of person you couldn't hate. I turned back to king who was still swinging happily and took him out swinging him around a bit before putting him down.

   He giggled  as he walked towards the jungle gym wobbling a bit from me spinning him. I was glad he was a happy toddler, I knew not everyone just came out angry and hating the world like me but he's been through a lot already, his mom is a thot and well I'm not the best father in the world. I hope I wasn't fucking up.i remember all the hate I held in my heart against my mom. The hate I wouldn't even think about but it would just sneak up and come out, my son ain't have no grand parents- no blood family. All he had really was Marquez but who knows where that asshat is- keem was gonna die soon so I wasn't even gonna bring king around his fat ass. Maybe one day I could forgive my mother but I doubted it. I snapped out of my thoughts to see my son yelling at some kid.

"You ushed me!" He yelled in the kids face as he got up from the ground next to the slide. He then cocked his little fist up and hit the boy in his lip.

"Excuse me! Did you just hit my son?" Some random lady said and that's when I jumped it-

"Get ya hands off my son lady" I snapped as my son cocked his other fist back and swung at the boy again popping him in his forehead. The little boy smacked my son open handed on his forehead- even I could hear that.

"You're son is bullying my son"

"Aye Aye Aye- how you know that" I said smacking her hand off my sons wrist and took his hand in mine. "King why you hit him"

"He pushed me down slide! I messed up my ants!" He yelled his face getting red and his fist bawling up as he huffed.

"Why you push my son foo" I asked narrowing my eyes at the boy. I was ready to kick his mommy in her fat ass kneecaps.

"He hogs the slide!" The boy yelled I jumped at him and he let out a whine hugging his mommas legs.

"Better keep hands to yourself- come on King we off this" I said as I whipped the wood chips and dirt off his clothes.

"You need to not raise your son to be a menace" the mom said and I waved her off as we walked away from the playground and back towards Tas'hanias house which was up the street.

"I gonna get poppin?" King asked his bottom lip quivering.

"No- just don't be hitting nobody's kid unless they hit you first, that's how you go to jail bubs" I said decided we could stop at the corner store to get some snacks.

"I no wanna go" he said quickly and I nodded- I know he ain't. I've been twice and both times I was sitting in the jail cell plotting. The first time was Heavens death because she snitched- the second time was to get my son back.


Okay so my spam tonight is for my stink @brockovichh   I hope this spam lightens ya mood☹️❤️.

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