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  "King go hug daddy he's sad" I hummed watching Alonso disappear into our bedroom as soon as we got home. King nodded and ran down the hall after Alonso as quick as his little feet could carry him.

   "I'm guessing it went bad?" Maurice asked as he put down the crayon he was using to color with dj.

    "My brothers a fucking idiot!" Donnie started "Tash gonna get out, it's finna be long but if she do good behavior— extra stuff you know she can maybe get out in 15?" Donnie said looking at me and I took a deep breath for the first time in a long time. My sister is locked up.

   "Tash just got locked" I let out and Donnie side eyed me for a moment before shrugging me off.

   "He slow- Wait got it to hit him. Come on Dj we finna bounce out" Donnie added he ruffled my hair a bit before he looked over at the two. "U-um you can come too Maurice, if you want" he said shyly.

   "I don't wanna intrude" he started but dj grabbed the boys hand.

   "We play nerf! King always cry when I get him— you cry?"

   "You better leave my baby alone- he emotional" I defended but Donnie was now focusing on me once more. We had a small staring contest then he pulled me into a hug.

   "Don't sweat it- we gonna get her out... what they say sister keeper or whatever? That's us" I gave him a small nod. "Na don't do that freaking out shit, we can't get revenge yet either— I need you to hold it together Nasty nas you hear me?" He said quietly. "We gotta keep it together it's just us outhea" I nodded again letting his words sink in.

   "I'm good, I'm good" I responded more to myself then him. After his pet talk I noticed dj and Maurice already found their way down the stairs. "Stomp if ya need Me" Donnie joked and as soon as the door left I threw whatever was in my hand against the wall- my phone.  I felt the break down coming and tried to calm myself down but my first found a way to the wall- again and again.

"Pa!" Alonso called from the room but I ignored him- I would eventually go lay down with him but.. I was pissed - my sister in jail yoo. The more I thought about it the faster my fist hit the wall each time a bit harder then the first one- but each one made me feel a little better

"PA URTT!"King yelled "ndaids!" King yelled his feet disappearing down the hall but he was just replaced with Alonso eyeing my every move. I stopped punching,letting back hit the wall instead and slid down. I looked down at the blood on my fist but still rubbed my face with the palms of my hands.

"Thanks king, go watch ya show" Alonso directed king and to my surprise he listened, the taller male kneeled down next to me and used the wet wash cloth king brought him to wipe down my knuckles. Alonso didn't say anything just whipped them down, then my blood off the wall and helped me up. "You don't gotta be strong for me don't look at me like that" he then let out .

"I'm not" I responded and he smacked his lips together.

"Tash just got minimum of 25, I know you upset pa" he spoke so soothing and he held me like nothing else mattered. Like damn if I could I'd stay here all day until my problems really did fade.

"It ain't fair" I finally spoke out a tear slipping from my face. "Like Von he dumb- but T? What if some dyke bitch her out" I spoke as he whipped away my tears listening to each word. But when I stopped talking he stayed quiet showing to me he was thinking aswell. "What?" I asked his attention snapping back to me.

   "If I tell the-

"No!" I started scared to see what he was gonna say next.

  "You weren't even listening" he added as he picked me up and moved us to the bedroom. He placed me down first but as soon as he laid down he pulled me into his arms. King paid us no mind as he watched paw patrol.  He held his elephant in his arm that he had gotten maybe last week, but the boys eyes were glued he had even brought his little chair at the end of the bed so he could watch the tv.

   "I don't wanna hear it, especially if it got something to do with you doing time" I spoke truthfully. Maybe I was in the wrong, but I didn't give a fuck! Ain't no way I was allowing Alonso get himself in that jail. AINT NO WAY.

  "But pa" I closed my eyes to avoid cursing him out. "She killed him, for me— she can get lowered time if I expla-

"NO" I said louder I opened my eyes and shook my head once more. "You not, you staying with me" I spoke barely above a whisper. I felt selfish but I would take that label when it came to Alonso. "If that's what she wanted- she could've snitched! You not turning yourself in" I added and he just stayed quiet.

   "Why does this become your decision?" He then answered and I didn't think that was gonna be the response i got. I pushed my body out of his grip so he could see how serious I am. He pushed his body up as if he was ready for an argument to form

  "Don't argue with me on this Alonso" I started. "You not"

   "Nassiah, I can literally get her less time,isn't that what we should be trying to do?"

  "Not if it coast your freedom!" I yelled and that sent king off into a fit of whines as well.

    "Why can't we have this conversation like nor-

"I can't loose you" I spoke finally. His eyes stayed on mine and I saw his mouth open so I kept talking. "I don't get why you still don't get that, I can't. You make me happy, like real cheesy type happy- What would I tell king? You just gonna leave us like that? I love you" his eyes softened as I spoke each word. King must've noticed me crying because he climbed himself on the bed and cried too. Drama king.  King threw himself onto Alonso letting out a loud cry as if he had fell down the stairs. Alonso rubbed his back and whipped the boys chubby cheeks and it didn't take that long for him to calm down because he didn't have a reason to cry.

  "Pa sad?" King sniffed. I didn't realize I was crying that bad until king tried to whine my tears away with his snotty hands but- I dodged them shit.

   "It's okay king pa gonna be okay" Alonso pulled me closer to them and wrapped his arms around me so I could rest my head back into his shoulder.  King fell asleep within the next fifteen minutes as much as I wanted to I couldn't find my brain to stop tweaking for long enough. "Go to sleep pa, you're tired" Alonso hummed his eyes opening and him pressing kisses all over my face until I gave him a small smile. "You want me to stay? Imma stay. We can find another way to lessen her time"


"Yeah, what I tell you on our first date? I got you pa— forever. You ain't never had to let out that ugly cry for me to stay but it's okay" I pushed his shoulder playfully.

   "It's not funny- you were gonna leave me" I spoke so vulnerable and i was truly glad it was only Alonso in this room or I probably wouldn't be admitting half of this.

   "I would've came back, you act like it would've been forever"

   "Well how many years can a couple be apart? We already did three and that was enough- can I get a ring before you try to take someone jail sentence geez"

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