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  "But it's like I have a top list of people who can't die and everyone under that is like eh" I explained to Tash as I sat across from her.

  "TT my irday you no come" he said a frown. Tas'hania frowned aswell.

   "I know bug, what did you get fore your birthday?" She asked

  "My daddy me a car!" He said widely. I rolled my eyes at how much Alonso did spoil his ass,he ain't need that fake ass car. And a bike. But it's whatever king just finna be a bratt.

"Nassiah you can't just not care about everyone, lots of people care about you"

"Nah lots of people wanna see my in jail" I pointed out making her roll her eyes. "But how you been?"

She looked tired like exhausted type tired, I mean sleeping was easy when I went to jail but females also do to much when there free so them in jail is probably worse time a hundred. "I've been alright, hows Von?im nervous as fuck for him though" she said as she picked at her hands.

"He's decent, not dead but  decent"  I said whipping Kings face with my hand. "Bro me and Alonso finna move into a house house, he's been bugging about it we need more space and at first I wasn't listening then I realized we type do"

   "Y'all my faves aw" She hummed moving her hair from her face. "Wanna know what piss me off the most? That we doing the same shit erryday like ain't even mad at Lacey for sneaking out I'm next" she added leaned back in her chair her hands rubbing over her stomach. "This food and my stomach ain't getting along" she said making me look the female up and down.

   "Girl it's jail, that shit learn how to get along with ya stomach" She scrunched up her face making me look at her for a long time. Her eyes diverted for a few moments and then she looked back at me.

"I cannnnt" she whined making me smack my lips. "Why didn't zo come?" She asked making me smack my lips.

  "Zo is daddy" king said as he slid off my lap. He needed a nap but him seeing Tash and being in a new space he was alert.

"Damn hoe me and king not enough?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"Y'all are I just, you have a big mouth" she spoke which threw me off guard. Bitch the fuck.

"I do fucking not" I argued I was about to start seeing the bitch if that's how she fucking felt.

  "Bad word" king yelled making eyes divert over to us. Tash laughed as she ran her fingers through the boys curls and kissed his cheek quickly.

"I'm .....pregnant" she said quietly.she acted as if any other cellmate was gonna say something while they're visiting their family. "But I got beef in here Nas" her eyes darted to some light skin fat bitch in the corner who was talking to another female but her eyes would look over every so often.

"Fuck that,pregnant? You been fucking a guard?" I whispered looking around for a decent one.

"No nigga! It's Vons!"

"Damn that nigga finna die, DAMN" I then said louder before narrowing my eyes. "You told Alonso?" She nodded slowly making me smack my lips. "Why ain't h-

"I told him not too, and because y'all that god parents"

"Oh fuck me" I said without filtering my mouth she looked at me nervous with wide eyes before darting them down to the table.

   "Uck me" king whispered before laughing I flicked the back of his neck as soon as his laugh came out.

"Well y'all don't have too—I mean, I can always ask Donnie it is his fam-

"Shut up Tash, I got you—it just makes a lot of fucking sense why Alonso wanted to move. HE HAD THE FUCKING NERVE" I started and she jumped back and King covered his ears letting out a loud whine Due to the outburst. "To fucking tell me if I don't stop trapping he leaving" I said the last part with a bit less energy.

Her eyes narrowed before she waved her hand as if I was joking. "Yeah maybe for three days—but you do need to stop that shit anyway" she said an unamused look coming across her face. "Nassiah you a whole mamma bear- you got Nayson, King, Zo, my baby— you and Alonso are the glue and you cannot die or be locked up" she added

"I ain't eve-

"Yeah you ain't right now, you always living in the presence but you also need to think about what happens after you do something" she said slowly making sure I understood.

"Well he ain't leave yet so obviously I'm behaving"


I pulled into the familiar highschool that I hated and waited for Nayson to come out. I blasted music through the car until the Bluetooth broke and Alonso's name showed up as a incoming call. I was about to egg him until he hung up, then he called again. "Damn what you want foo" I answered and heard him smack his lips together instantly.

  "Who the hell you talking to like that Nassiah?" He questioned making me smirk a bit. "Play to god damn much, ion even wanna talk to you no more imm-

"Don't hang up rude ass" I yelled before he could continue to say what he was gonna say. "How was work?"

   "Long. Dj spending the night too cause Donnie hadda go outta town he said, I just got him off da bus"

  "Outta town whea?" I said and looked back at the now waking up king in the back seat.

"Papa I eat?" King asked rubbing his face.

  "Ion know where he went,  I do know Mac was over here earlier"

   "Daddy? I peak to daddy?" King asked as he kicked his feet against the chair

  "Earlier when? You was late to work?" I asked  ignoring Pharaoh,  I woke his black ass up before me and king headed out this morning, we started at the shop opened that, I actually did work until about 2 then I went to see Tash.

   "When I was leaving Mac was coming, thennnn Reign"

"Who nigga?"I questioned as Nayson pulled on the lock door a few times making king laugh in the backseat I unlocked it letting the boy slide into the passenger side.

   "Damn my friend can I finish the story? She said he's upset bout something"

  "Nay it's king" king said from the backseat when the boy didn't  acknowledge him fast enough.

   "You think they had sex?" I questioned now driving back to the house.

  "Hell yeah" he said with to much ease.

   "Zo I can't do dis" Dj yelled from the background. I stopped to get McDonald's before going home, the ride from the school wasn't long I just hated that bum ass school so I usually made Nayson walk atleast to the shop after. Nayson got king out the car and let him go upstairs then waited behind for me. Which was concerning Enough.

  "What nigglet" I said locking the car then going up the apartment stairs.

  "Can you teach me how to fight?" His words came out panicked making me already get ready to fuck some kid up.

"Whose giving you problems?" I asked hearing him follow behind me.

"Nobody I just wanna know Incase"

"Can't lie to a liar" I spoke opening the door and there was king and Dj now running around my living room. "Uh uh take that to Kings room " I said handing both of them their happy meals then sitting down myself.

"I'm not lying, I don't have problems with anyone" he said again as he sat down next to me. I nodded sitting in silence before punching him in his arm.

"Ow! ALONSO" he yelled making me snicker.

"Rule numba one, don't ever put ya guard down —you'll get fucked up"


•this a filler before-the last two chapters hehe 😋 let's y'all about how quick I finished this shit lowkey. I started it in the middle of April (spring break) and finished it June like wow go me.

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