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A week later.

I sat in Tas'hania's living room with King as we watched paw patrol.he was coloring at her coffee table and I was looking up apartments on Tas'hania's computer- easy ass password I'll tell you that. "Hav- damn you on my shit" Tas'hania whined walking out from her room- we've been here a week and I think pharoah liked it. He and Tas'hania got along better than Donnie but I think it's mostly because the only other females he's been around was his mom and my aunt Dee. Another thing is Tee always been the naturing motherly type so I never questioned it from the jump.

"What you whining bout?" I questioned scrolling through pictures as she plopped down next to me.

"Look up a good restaurant for a date- but a important one" she said in a bit of a rush- I narrowed my eyes at her for a short moment before typing it in the new tab.

"Who you bout to go on a date with?" I asked and she exhaled waving me off as if it was no big deal.

"You real funny dude- answer the question" I added going back to my tab no longer interested in helping her- she let out a loud groan mumbling stuff under her breath.

"I've been dating Melanie   for some months and it's our anniversary so please look up some place or hand my shit over" I saw the embarrassment in her eyes but I was hyping this up.

"Ohhh TT got a girlfriend? Wowwwww" I announced loudly- "a serious little girlfriend" I added seeing her smile become gigantic on her face.

"No my TT, she 'ot yours daddy" pharoah yelled over me yelling- this boy always doing too much.

"I knew her before you- betta color and mind your business boy" I joked tickling him making his laughter become the loudest thing in the room. "Don't you wanna meet TT girlfriend?" I asked and he nodded excitedly probably just wanting to be in grown business.

"Me! I meet!" He asked before crawling into Tas'hania's lap now bothering her with his sticky hands from his peanut butter and jelly.

"You sure you wanna do that Nassy?" She asked in a warning tone- I wasn't scared of Melanie ass last time I saw her she was sca- "you think she'd tell him?" I spoke. As much as being here was fun I tried to keep thinking of Alonso at a minimum- that boy was no good; ironic that he was probably the best thing for me but right now I was still half in and half out of the streets and he needed to stay all the way out. I needed to finally jolly Tyrell and help Donnie get revenge for my god daughter even if he wanted me out the mix.

"Ehh, probably not I mean what are the odds you guys won't meet each other on your own- he be at the shop on weekends. If she was smart she'd do what I'm doing" she announced as she took the computer from my lap, her and king now messing with it.

"And what is that?" I questioned- nobody around me brought him up really expect my uncle- in three years I had a kid, what did Alonso do for the past three years?

"Let you two figure it out- when you left I helped him deal with his mess as much as I could- but I couldn't really, he killed someone and didn't wanna talk about it, then broke up with you and didn't wanna talk about it" she said a half shrug her eyes not coming up from the computer screen. "He went down to Atlanta came back and was worse - I mean I listened for a few months then he closed off a lot and I don't know didn't wanna bring it back up" she added again. I realized I was listening for at least one word he was happy. If he was then me leaving would've been for a good ass reason. But it seems like everyone's life continued being shitty.

"He's happy?" I questioned she let out a small scoff. I knew Tas'hania could read people- she's been reading me my whole life and most of the times been right- before I left she told me I was being irrational and was speaking from a broken heart when I left- she was right. Another reason why I couldn't be mad at her; she in her own dumbass way believed truth even if you didn't wanna hear it was the best thing for someone. It tended to be the best for me in the long run even if at the moment I hated her for it.

    "You gonna fix his ass like you been should've- but you can only do it if ya want too". She finally said a smile on her face as she showed me some little restaurant I shrugged and she took the computer going into her room and Kings busy steps followed behind her as he laughed.

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