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    "Damn you still at the boy house?" I asked king as he was on Tas'hanias phone but I knew it wasn't her house.

   "He my 'eind" King whined and I nodded not wanting to argue with him today, he loved to argue.

   "Where is you TT?" I questioned and he put the phone down running away from it. I glanced over at Donnie who was deep into thought. He didn't tell me what he said to Marqueez before they ended whatever it was they had, but him seeing Mac again must've scared him because the closer we got to pennstate the quieter the boy got.  I heard giggles come back towards the phone and phaorahs face was in the camera once again.

   "I got Zozo" he said and handed Alonso the phone. His fine ass. But I felt bad because my kid was invading his space- Tas'hania could invade his space all she wanted but I knew King wasn't as easy to deal with- he was two and a bratt.

  "Where the hell is tash?" I asked as Alonso took king into the kitchen it looked like.

   "She sleeping- she's real hurt, Ian think Mel was finna cheat on her. And after they year too? That's some sad shit" he expressed- well he had to fix that shit because if I came home and my sister was still sad i got to beat someone up.

   "Why she ain't go home yet? She acting like king not over there probably messing ya shit up"

  "I no mess notin" king tried to argue.

   "I'm not talking to you- stay out grown business"

   "You aid king- my name is that" the boy argued.

   "Damn nosey- spell king" I asked and he looked at me like I was dumb. "Oh okay then"

   "Don't do him like that" Alonso argued taking Kings side as he dried the little boys hands and took him off the counter. "And he not doing nothing, I did live with Dior and she was actually devious" I rolled my eyes watching the two interact. Alonso was making him a plate of whatever he had made and king had made Alonso place him back on the counter as soon as he took him off- so the bratt was sitting on the counter watching something on Alonsos
phone. My heart ached.

   "Well imma be back soon- thanks for watching him while his god mom goes through bullshit I could've called from the jump" I muttered I hit Donnie so he was aware and looked down at the phone.  "T got cheated on" I told him and he smacked his lips before going on a rant.

    "Bye pharaoh- Imma call you before bed"  the boy payed me no mind and I hung up. Rude ass.

    "So y'all a thing now or he just watched your kid for fun?" Donnie asked as I noticed we were less than a hour  out.

   "No I told you Tash was sad- she went over there and brought king I guess" I said with a small shrug Donnie shook his head not saying much more but turned down the radio so we could talk. "Anyway let's talk about what happened between you and Mac before he left"

    " he told me he loved me. I told him I love Nessa and we was fucking for months after I got out. I lied but he believed it and that was that" he said shrugging. Nessa was his last babymother she gave birth to My godson but she was a straight out hoe.

"Why would he believe that?" I questioned and Donnie shrugged rubbing his face.

"Well we never really got back together after I got out and shit. He dubbed me for mad long cause he was scared of your Lankey ass. When he got shot I sat up in his hospital room but his dad would always kick me out. Keem a real bitch for that one" Donnie vented out loud. "We kind of were always just fucking so I didn't even understand why he loved me in the first place- I also added that. I said he was something to get my dick wet and that's it and that's all" he admitted truthfully. I shook my head. All that bullshit Donnie told me about I deserved to be love went to waste because ole boy didn't even let himself get it. The ride there took longer because we stopped at a motel to sleep shower and eat. I haven't been away from King this long sense prison and truthfully I didn't like it. Sure I knew he was in good hands but I missed the hell out of the bad ass kid. I should've brought him with me, but I didn't need to risk us making a pop up in New York and shit going left.

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