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"Their both dead Mr. Cage" the man said and my world came crashing down.

How? What?

My hands twitched and my widened eyes refused to blink. The entire room disappeared and I was covered in a welcoming darkness.

"Tony!" a voice snapped and woke me from my dream. I instantly shot up and looked at Angelo, who was staring at the ceiling.

"It was my fault you know. Jewel's hurt because of me, I wasn't focusing properly and ended up doing something stupid" he whispered.

"It's ok Angelo, mistakes happ—"

"I'm tired of mistakes Tony! The first mistake I made was to agree to do Trey's dirty work the night he called me. I could have died in that accident, and what pissed me off the most is knowing I would of died without getting my revenge" he said.

"Revenge huh? That would be good but what can we possibly do? He only shows up when he wants, there isn't anyway we can have a chance to do anything" I explained.

I watched him sit up on the hospital bed, look out the window into the city and released a heavy sigh.

He's not used to feeling so useless. I can't remember a time when any man besides father himself was above Angelo. Shit, even I'm in the palm of Trey's hand.

"Angelo, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrows "What are you talking about?" 

"Your a Cage, we are one of the richest people in the world. And your about to let Kronos stop us? The world is ours Angelo, we're not little peasants who get spat on. We're kings at the top, and nothing will ever change that" I said.

He chuckled and soon broke into laughter like he was crazed. When he finally settled, a smile was left on his face.

"What am I thinking Tony? I was actually worried about someone having the upper hand on me. Trey's time will come, but I have to get out of here first with Jewel. Watch over the business, when I come back it's war" he said and relaxed on the bed.

Tony's Office

"I'm quite shocked Mr. Rodgers, never would I think the Chief of Police would be in my office asking me for help" I said.

"Don't rub it in Cage, if your father wasn't a lifelong friend I'd have you all behind bars. For Angelo though, he's doing that job for me" he said confidently.

Fuck you

"Well Mr. Rodgers, you want more weapons for your officers but what do I get in return?" I asked.

"What more do you want than money boy?" he asked.

"I want assurance Mr. Rodgers, in time something will unfold, and I need you to cover it up when it happens" I answered.

"What are you planning Cage?"

"You'll see soon enough Rick, the weapons will be transported to your station tonight" I said.

Forever His Slave: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now