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I woke up with my arms wrapped around someone. Brown hair filled my vision. What the fuck? I moved my head slightly and realised who I had my arms around. Colby. Oh shit. Then I remembered last night. I kissed him. Twice. Then I fell asleep, he came to my end of the bed and I asked to cuddle him. He agreed. There was something else but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me.
He called me cute.
I moved my head so I could see and grabbed my phone. It was 7:35am. I opened Snapchat to see what the guys had put on their stories. Reed's came up first, so I clicked on that. It was normal at first, all of us doing stupid things and messing around. Then after a few clicks, there was a video of me and Colby. We were asleep, and they'd filmed me cuddling him. Colby was smiling in his sleep. Aww. Wait, what the fuck? In the clip Reed had posted it showed the other three filming us too. Oh no. I shot out of the sofa-bed, making Colby jolt awake.
"Sorry. Look what the guys have put on their stories!" I shoved the bright screen in his face. He closed his eyes to slits, adjusting to the sudden brightness, and soon realised what it was.
"Oh my god," he whispered, jumping out of bed himself. His morning voice was deeper than usual. I shook Reed awake, who rolled over and groaned, causing Jake to wake up. Colby stood behind me. I'd only just noticed, but he was shirtless with grey joggers on. Damn... I snapped back into reality.
"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?" I shouted angrily. All four of the guys woke up because I was that loud.
They all said something like, "what?" or "shut up."
"Why would you post that stuff on snapchat for basically the WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL TO SEE?" I was really mad. Like, really really mad. Mostly because I didn't want Colby to get hurt. Nobody knew about his homosexuality and he wanted to keep it that way. A good quarter of the school were homophobes. I learnt that one the hard way.
"It was just a joke, chill man," Jake groaned, rolling over and putting the covers back over him. I was about to rip the covers back off of him when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Calm down. Just leave it, we'll be fine," Colby rubbed his eyes and yawned. I turned around to face him.
"I'm more worried about you than me, Colby. I've dealt with hate from people that go to our school and it's not nice at all. I'll drop it if you're okay with it, but if people start doing things or saying things about you being gay, come straight to me. Understood?" I was particularly quiet towards the end, fully aware that Corey was still awake.
"Understood," he smiled and laid back onto the sofa-bed. I laid next to him.
"Can I-" I started. He cut me off.
"Of course," he grinned visibly. I repeated what I did last night, wrapping my arms around him and slinging a leg over his.
"Sorry if I did anything whilst I was half asleep last night... I usually don't think before I do things when I'm super tired," he sighed.
"It's ok. You only called me cute," I giggled into his ear softly.
"S-Sorry," he stuttered, obviously feeling awkward.
"It's okay. I think you're pretty cute yourself," I breathed. He laughed softly and smiled.
"How are you so warm?" He mumbled, placing a hand on my arm.
"I don't know. How are you so cold?" I answered, holding him a little tighter.
"Because it's fucking freezing in here!" He smiled wide. We laughed loudly.
"I'm trying to sleep, shut up," a muffled voice came from Corey.
"We should get some more sleep too, Colby," I whispered.
"Yeah... we should," he whispered back.
"Colby... can I kiss you?" I whispered, almost inaudible. He chuckled lightly.
"Sure," he rolled over to face me. Almost immediately I closed the gap between us, pressing against his lips gently. They fit together perfectly, like a jigsaw. I pulled away after a few seconds.
"I'm going back to sleep," I grinned and he moved closer to me, resting his head on my chest.
"Shut up!" Jake half-yelled. I chuckled lightly and felt my mind drift away into sleep.

Ahhhh! Tea ☕️

Jean Pocket  // SolbyWhere stories live. Discover now