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I'm going round to a friends, I won't be back until later.
You don't know him.
Corey, Aaron, Jake, Reed, the usual.
Bye." I ended the phone call. We were on our way to Colby's house, my mom being overprotective as per usual. Colby wasn't as quiet as he was with the guys. He spoke, but not too much. We talked about how annoying siblings are, how annoying moms are, exploring, stuff like that. The usual teenage boy things. We arrived at his house after what seemed like 10 minutes. I wasn't too sure. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He had muscular hands, veins popping out in certain places. Damn. Hot. What? Why did I just think that? That's not weird. I've got veiny hands and I'm hot. I think. Well, not really but-
"It's cold, are you just gonna stand there all day?" Colby cut me off my thoughts, standing just inside of his house, rubbing his arms and smiling warmly.
"Sorry, daydreaming," I laugh it off, taking a step inside his house. It was warm, but the atmosphere was different. It seemed off. I wasn't sure why, but I shrugged it off.
"Colby, get your ass in here," I heard a scratchy female voice shout from what I thought was the living room. He sighed miserably and walked into the room. I was correct, a living room.
"Yes mom?" He asked, rolling his eyes. His mom was smoking a cigarette, her eyes glued onto her ashtray. I gulped.
"Could you pass me the remo-? Who's this?" She asked sceptically.
"My friend. Now if you'd just leave me be, I'll be content," he growled, shoving the remote into her arms and walking out. I gave him a confused glance and he gave me a look that seemed like 'I can explain'. I nodded and he headed upstairs, me following behind. We entered his room and he sat down, almost immediately jumping back up and attempting to bunch something up. He failed, shoving it in his wardrobe. He was too slow. It was a rainbow flag. A big one.
"You gay?" I smiled, hoping to comfort him. He gave me a scared look and froze to the spot.
"I'm not gonna judge you. I don't like labels.. I'm not exactly straight myself," I took a step towards him, making him relax a little.
"Please don't tell the guys," he gave me a pleading look.
"I won't if you don't want me to. They know I'm not straight and they're fine with me, so I doubt they'd judge you. There's nothing to judge anyway. Love is love, you can't help who you fall for," I blurted the last sentence accidentally, looking down at my feet as I did so. I felt myself blushing slightly. He chuckled lightly and put it back on the wall.
"Thanks dude," he mumbled. "About her..." he spat out the word 'her' as if it was a piece of straw. He sat down on his bed and I sat down next to him. "She's... not the best mom. She doesn't even try. It's like she gave birth to us and doesn't even give a shit." He sighed, pushing his hair back out of his face. He looked even better. No! Stop thinking like that Sam!
"That sucks. I'm here for you dude," I patted his shoulder gently. He nodded his gratitude and sighed, flopping backwards into his bed. I could tell there was more to it that he wasn't telling me. I didn't say anything though, I didn't want to push him out of his comfort zone.
"Wanna go to the abandoned factory? It's nearby," Colby sat back up and looked at me with a saddened look.
"Of course!" I half exclaimed, eager to go. His eyes lit up and he stood up, leaving his room with me behind him.
"Can I leave my stuff here?" I ask before we exit.
"I wouldn't if I were you. She'll route through it," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and kept my bag plastered to my back.
"Where are you gay boys going?" She shouted, her scratchy voice sounding like nails on a chalk board at the strain.
"Out. We'll be back soon," Colby said in a gruff tone, leaving the house. I followed behind, quickly catching up and walking beside him.
"You ok?" I asked, giving him a concerned look. He didn't answer me, just nodded and we continued in silence.
"Wait a second... I go here all the time. Do you come here often?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah, almost every night," he took route that seemed familiar to him.
"So do I. How have I never seen you here before?" I jumped up onto a wall.
"I hang around on the right side, at the bottom," he pointed to where he usually hung around.
"Left top," I mumbled, pointing upwards.
"That's so weird," he scoffed, smiling.
"Let's go up to the top!" I squeal like a little kid, racing towards the stone stairs. He followed closely behind me, cautious as ever.
"I don't like heights," he gave me a scared look as he said this, and we'd only gotten to the first floor.
"It'll be ok. I'll be up there with you," I turn around and give him a reassuring look. He smiled and carried on up the stairs.

We reached the top eventually, sitting in the middle as Colby didn't want to go near the edge. I would sit for hours on the edge, my legs dangling off dangerously.
"Sam, pass me your phone," he mumbled, almost inaudible if I wasn't as close to him. I plastered a puzzled look on my face and passed it to him. He did some tapping and then took his own out, doing some tapping on his. He switched mine off and passed it to me. He typed something, setting his phone down and letting mine ping. I smiled and looked.

Cole ☺️
Hey Sammy x

I grinned a little harder. I typed a reply quickly, wanting to know what he named me.

Sammy 😉
Hey Colby x

What did the wink mean? I shook the thought away. My phone pinged again, this time my mom.

Get home asap, dinner is ready xxx

I sighed and shut my phone off.
"I gotta go," i announced, Colby nodding.
"Text me?" He asked. I nodded and headed down the stairs, racing towards my own house.

Ya'll gonna have to keep reading. Sorry 😂

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