~ 7 ~

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I woke up to Corey and Aaron shouting at the tv. That didn't shock me. They were probably playing a video game. Colby grunted as I shifted myself upright.
"Sorry," I whispered, earning a small smile followed by a fake snore. I stood up and stretched.
"Come back, I'm cold," he groaned loudly.
"Colby, you're a bit clingy, don't you think?" A voice sounded from across the room. It was Jake. Everyone except Reed was awake.
"Shut up, Jake," Colby laughed, still lying down. He grabbed the covers and curled up in them.
"So are you two a thing then?" Aaron shouted over Corey, who was shouting at the video game. I looked at Colby with a confused look. He shrugged, smirked and winked. I scoffed and laughed.
"I'm not entirely sure," I mumbled, sliding back into bed next to Colby. He grinned and clung onto me when I laid down. Goddamnit, he was so cute. I grinned back and pulled the covers over us.
"You'd be cute together bro," Jake said from across the room. I scoffed almost inaudibly and pulled Colby a little closer.
"You're so cold," I laughed.
"I know. It's not great," he mumbled, trying to get closer to me, even though it was physically impossible. I laughed at his attempts. He whimpered quietly, as his attempts had failed and he was still freezing cold.
"C'mere," I whispered, basically smothering him with hugs. He sighed happily.
"I'm warm now," he squealed.
I was thinking a plan out in my head. I had been thinking about this since I met his mother. I wanted to know what else he was going to tell me before we left to go to the factory. I knew there was something he wasn't telling me but I couldn't figure out what. I was planning to take him back to the rooftop of the factory and bring up the subject, but if he didn't want to say anything then he didn't have to. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to try and make him feel ok, he didn't deserve to feel sad, not one bit.
"Sammy?" Colby cocked his head to one side as he said my name. I jolted back into reality.
"Uh- Yeah?" I shook my head slightly.
"Corey asked if we all wanted to go to the forest?" He gave me a confused look.
"Sure. Sorry, I was daydreaming. I seem to be doing that a lot lately," I sat up, Colby following my action. I reached for my bag to get some clothes, but failed. I groaned and stood up, grabbing both mine and Colby's bags.
"Thank you," he gave me a grateful look and I smiled at him.
"You're cute when you smile," he whispered to me, making sure nobody else heard. I smiled a little more and felt a blush crawl across my face.
"Sam's blushing," Reed laughed, followed by a collection of 'ooh's' from Corey, Aaron and Jake.
"Shut uppppp," I laughed, hiding my face in the covers.
"Hurry up and get dressed guys, I wanna go to the forest some point today?" Aaron moaned jokingly. We all laughed and got dressed painfully slowly.
~~ time skip to forest ~~
We entered the forest, greeted by sunlight and nature. Me and Colby walked behind everyone else. I decided I was going to ask him about his mother at the forest. Or not. I didn't want to push him too far. I'll just see how it pans out. I grabbed my phone and opened up snapchat, videoing Colby without him knowing. He stopped and kissed me on the cheek, only then realising he was being filmed. He laughed and told me to turn it off. I watched the video back with him and we laughed together, the other four leaving us to find a dry patch of grass to sit on. This was my opportunity.
"Colby... I've got a question," I mumbled, my face dropping a little.
"Go on..." he urged, looking at me with a puzzled expression.
"When we went to the factory... before we left, you were saying how your mom didn't care about you. Why... why doesn't she care? It's okay if you don't want to say, I totally understand. But I'm here for you and you can trust me," I gave him a caring look and took his hand.
"Well... there's a lot to the story. I'll start at the beginning," Colby squeezed my hand gently.

Leaving y'all on a cliffhanger 😎

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