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It was the day of the sleepover at Corey's. For some reason, I was really nervous. I know his parents, I know everyone that I'm going with, it's just that Colby is gonna be there. I've started thinking weird thoughts about him, like how his voice is hot, how his muscular, tanned build is hot... I know I'm not straight but I've only just met him. It could end up like it did before. Oh god. I couldn't put myself through that again.
"Sam?" Colby snapped his fingers in front of my face. We were sat in his bedroom, he was packing a change of clothes for the following day. I jolted back into reality all of a sudden. He chuckled lightly. "You keep zoning out."
"Sorry. My thoughts are all over the place, worrying and what not," I smiled nervously.
"What're you worried about?" He asked, shoving his clothes into a small black backpack.
"My ex boyfriend," I half-whispered. He gave me a puzzled look. "Strap yourself in, this is a long story," I laughed softly as he motioned himself strapping a seatbelt.
"So, I think I like somebody, more than a friend, but I'm scared to fall in love. I'm scared to care for someone so much for them to just ditch me, leave me. My ex is B-Brennen T-Taylor. He's in the year above us, but we loved each other. Well, I thought he loved me. Apparently feelings are just a game to him. We'd spend any free time together, the only time you'd see us apart was in lessons. I thought he was happy. He had a separate group of friends to mine, I wasn't particularly fond with them, so we didn't talk to them a lot. He messaged them constantly. I didn't like it but didn't say anything. Then one day, he just snapped. I woke up cold. He'd left me. I walked downstairs and he was gone. A note was on the counter. It said something like 'you passed the test, fag- b-baby b-b-Brennen'. A few days after that he-," I stuttered every time I said his name. He scared me to this day. I was scared of almost nothing. I had to stop there, tears were rolling down my face and Colby pulled me into a hug. Damn, I did wish I could stay like this forever.
"I think I've fallen for someone too... You don't have to tell me everything, go as slow as you need and take as much time as you need," he said softly, pulling away from me and zipping his bag up.
"He r-raped me, Colby," I looked up at him with scared eyes. I'd only just noticed this, but he was taller than me. Not by much, but it was enough to notice. He gave me the most sympathetic, warm look.
"I'm so sorry bro, you don't deserve anything like that at all," he pulled me in for yet another hug, letting go after a short while and slinging his bag across his back.
"Enough with all this sad stuff, let's go have some fun!" He exclaimed, clearly excited. I smiled and nodded, following him out as we walked to Corey's. Colby's mom wasn't home, so we didn't have to deal with her today.

We arrived at Corey's after what seemed like two minutes, but I know it was more. When I'm with Colby, everything either goes in slow motion or super fast. In this case, super fast.
"Come in bros!" Jake shouted from Corey's bedroom window. We were the last ones to arrive. We entered the house and I showed Colby the way to Corey's room. I've known him since middle school, so I know my way around his house pretty well. We walked in and Aaron, Corey, Reed and Jake were smiling at us.
"What...?" I asked. I was confused.
"Oh, nothing," Aaron laughed, Jake, Corey and Reed following his laughter. Colby gave me a confused look, going back to being shy, but said nothing. Me and Colby sat down on a love-sack on the other side of the room. As I sat down, Jake winked at me and wiggled his eyebrows at Colby. If Colby was looking, he would've been so weirded out. I shook my head with a smile, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on them.

We were having a discussion about whether bees are scary or not, when Corey suggested we play Spin The Bottle. We were used to acting gay a lot of the time. I was nervous but agreed. With much protest from me, the rest of the guys agreed that I should start. Colby took part in this, chanting "spin the bottle" at me with the others. I finally gave in and placed the bottle in the centre of the circle. I prayed for it not to land on Colby. I might get carried away. Everything slowed down drastically as I watched the bottle spin. It started to slow. It started to near Jake. I held my breath. It carried on moving slightly, landing on the one and only, Colby Brock.

Oooooh tea sis! ☕️ 🐸
Now ya'll know why Brennen was mean:)

Jean Pocket  // SolbyWhere stories live. Discover now