Time to Unwind

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Note: It's been 2 months. This chapter is about 11k. Have fun!

Warnings: Yelling, cursing, mentions of kidnapping

The soft tones of Patton's alarm pulled him from his sleep at the exact time it did every morning, bright and early before anyone else even stirred. He rolled over and shut it off before blinking and taking in the sun barely peeking through his window. It was his day off, but that usually didn't keep him in bed for too long. Going through the list of things he had to do today, Patton stared up at the ceiling, not reaching for his glasses or even making an attempt to get up.

Usually, the mornings started with Patton making breakfast for everyone. While it wasn't something he did every day, it was pretty standard for his days off at least. Someone else would then make dinner those days as a trade-off. Then he would pick up around the apartment a bit, perhaps go out and enjoy the weather or stay inside with a movie. Two and Three could join him on the couch and they could all talk about whatever they had chosen to watch. Though, more and more recently, it felt like Patton pushed those relaxing moments to the side in favor of a never ending backlog of chores that needed tending to soon.

But Patton didn't move. He knew he had laundry piling up. He knew he could run to the store for a few more things. He knew he would already be up before the others to make breakfast for everyone. They were things Patton did almost every day, but today, he did not move. Instead, Patton rolled over, pulling in his blanket closer, and closed his eyes once more.

It was the sound of noise in the kitchen that awoke him the second time. Bleary eyes tried to focus on anything as Patton groaned and stretched, staring at the clock in hopes he could figure out what time it was. Reaching for his glasses, he blinked and noticed about two hours had passed since he had shut off his alarm and the sun shined from a much higher position in the sky and through his window. Despite the fact, he didn't want to get up just yet; the lack of energy and motivation weighed heavier on him today than it normally would.

Yesterday's events with his mother and Logan started to creep back into the forefront of his mind. It had been a bit rough and the whole situation just left Patton exhausted. He was glad Logan stood up for him, absolutely! He was less thrilled that it was because of his own mother.

Patton loved his mom and he knew she loved him back without question. There wasn't a doubt in his mind about that! She was always the first one to help him out when he needed a hand and she always called to make sure he was doing okay, letting him know that there will always be room for him in case something bad happened. Then there was her attitude toward his powers and the Patton Pals...

"Oh, Patton sweetie, it's mom. This is you, right? You know what I mean. It's the real you, right?"

His mom wasn't perfect and he understood her worries. When she sat him down as a child and explained that not everyone would understand his abilities, it was out of love. When she told him that people would hurt him for being who he was, she meant it to protect him. She would never do anything to hurt him. Not physically, and definitely not on purpose. Patton shut his eyes, feeling a headache starting to form as he rubbed his head. The last thing he needed on top of everything else was a headache.

Patton lay, debating whether or not he should get up, before the sound of laughter from the kitchen made up his mind. Sulking in his room all day after everything that had happened the day before wasn't how he wanted to spend his time, and Roman's loud, boisterous laughter was something he could enjoy to cheer himself up.

The blanket from his bed was coming with him, though.

"I told you to sit down," a voice called out from the kitchen as Patton approached. It sounded tired and slightly irritated, just like Virgil on mornings in which he hadn't slept nearly enough. Patton walked in, pulling his blanket from his bed around him tighter and spotted Roman sitting at the dining table in a huff as Virgil was at the stove, cooking. "It'll be done in a minute."

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