Chapter 1 Volume 3

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Ruby (POV)
I'm back at patch. I decided to head to moms grave before I go.
Ruby- Hey mom. Sorry I haven't come by in awhile. Things have been..well things have been pretty busy. Oh dad's here too. He's y' He's still teaching at signal but he told me that he's going to be out on some missions soon. I think he misses adventuring with you. I miss you too. I haven't gotten kicked out of beacon yet. So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line. That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter. You can tell she's learned a lot from dad. Well so are Weiss and Blake. They're my teammates. Together we form team RWBY and yes before you ask it does cause a little confusion. I've made a bunch of friends and I meet some let's just say odd teachers. Oh we've also stopped some bad guys too. I guess it's like they say, like mother like daughter. I still wonder why Ozpin let Zack and I in early. I guess he'll tell us one day. Oooh before I forget, I have a boyfriend who I love and care deeply about. His name is Zack Fullbuster and he's super strong. He's also really nice and kind and pretty fun to hang around. It still amazes me how he can be like that despite the tragedy he's gone through. I'm pretty sure you'd love him.
Zwei barks in the distance.
Ruby- oh looks like dads back. I gotta go. He's dropping me off at beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck. It was good to talk.
Zack (POV)
Zack- You ready for this fellas?
Elias- Hell yeah man.
Ethan- Oh for sure.
Dante- You bet.
We were in our locker room getting ready for our match.
Zack- Hey guys huddle up on me.
We huddled up.
Zack- I just wanted to saw a few things before we head out there. First, it's out time to show the world what we're made of. I want all of us to go out there and give it our best and have fun. Win or lose, you guys are the best team a guy could ask for. Y'all are my brothers. We're family.
Ethan- Couldn't have said it better.
Elias- The feeling is the same. Love you man.
Dante- You're my best friend Zack. Brother from another mother.
Zack- Alright lets go out there and kick some ass.
EED- Yeah!
We walk out of our locker room and enter the arena.
Port (intercom) - Representing Beacon Academy we have Team ZEED led by Zack Fullbuster!!
The crowd cheers. I spot the girls in the crowd. Ruby sees me looking at her and waves at me. I wink at her.
Oobleck- And representing Haven Academy we have Team ZERO led by Zeke Williams!!
They come out and stand across from us.
Zeke- Hi I'm Zeke.
Author: You know the drill

Zeke- The guy to my left is Eren Baker

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Zeke- The guy to my left is Eren Baker

Zeke- The guy to my left is Eren Baker

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Zeke- To my left is Ray Nova

Zeke- And my far left is Owen Tucker

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Zeke- And my far left is Owen Tucker

Zeke- And my far left is Owen Tucker

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Zack- Nice to meet you all. Let's have a good fight.
The stage begins to change. Behind us we have a windy cliff terrain. On ZERO's side is an ice field.
Port- Let the match begin.
Zeke- Ray Now!!!
Rays back pack turns into arc laser cannons and the fire at us. We all dodge out the way and Zeke goes right for me. I take out my guns to keep him at bay. He dodges most then but I hit him a couple times. I holster my guns and I bring out Death Sentence. I rush him and I swing at him. He blocks with his sword and the impact drives him back some.
Zeke- Ok so you're strong. But are you fast enough?
Zeke disappears. I feels presence coming up on my right and fast. I barely had time to block Zeke's strike before he disappears again. This goes on for a couple minutes.
Zack *mind*- Damn. He's so fast. I can barely block him. He's starting to nick me more times than can block.
Zack- 70%
Ethan- 83%
Elias- 77%
Dante- 80%
Zeke 80%
Eren- 85%
Ray- 80%
Port (intercom) This fight is close ladies and gentlemen.
Zeke appears in front of me.
Zeke- Is that all you have.
Zack- Hell Nah!! I've got plenty more.
My eye changes and my power spikes. Black/red energy surrounds
Zeke- Bro that's creepy and cool.
I encase my blade with Black/red energy and rush at him. He tries to block it but I move fast and I appear behind him and slice him in the back. I sent him flying into his teammates and they are all on the ice field.
Elias- Hey guys!! By me some time. I have a move that can end this.
ZED- Will do!!
Zack- X Slash!!!
My move hits all of them. Dark clouds begin to roll over the battle stage. Ray attempts shoot us all again with his laser cannons but Ethan cancelled it out with his lightning.
Elias- Ok its ready. Gale Force Wall
A giant as tornado comes from the dark clouds. It takes up half of the battle stage.
Zack- Ethan go stun them with your lightning. He uses his lightning to transport behind ZERO.
Ethan- Lightning Stun!
I smashes his sword into the ground and lightning generated from it causing ZERO to become stunned. Ethan transported back to us.
Zack- Here's my touch. Hell's Gate!!
The gate appears and fires 6 blasts of energy at the tornado. The tornado sucks up the blasts and turns the tornado into a black/red energy tornado.
Zack- Do It Elias!!
Elias- Got it!!
He sends to tornado towards ZERO. The tornado sucks they up and throws them out of bounds.
Port- And that's the match. Team ZEED wins and moves on to the next round!!
We all wave at the crowd and take our exit to the locker room.
Author: Here we go with Volume 3. This is gonna be the volume filled with the most drama so far. I'm so excited. Zack

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now