Chapter 8 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
The trumpet dude starts it off by blasting sound waves out of his trumpet. The sound waves push Weiss and Yang a little bit. The rollerblader girl rushes at Yang and shoulder tackles her into the destroyed city part.
Weiss dashes at trumpet dude but he uses his trumpet again. Weiss uses her gravitation glyphs to keep her from moving. Once trumpet dude stopped, Weiss continued her dash at him. The dude just sidestepped her and kicked her square in the back sending her through a fire shard. Over with Yang, she's shooting at the rollerblader girl but she keeps missing due to the girl being fast on her skates. The girl brings out her nunchucks and does multiple drive by strikes on Yang. The girl cracks her nunchucks and the glow blue and she rushes Yang. Yang goes for a clothesline but the girl goes low and hits yangs right leg, freezing it soild. The girl then makes a comment about Yang being bottom heavy.
Ethan- Why you little..
Elias, Dante, and I got up and held Ethan back before he jumped the wall.
Zack- Calm down dumbass.
Elias- Yeah man just think, once Yang wins you can do the shit with Yang to make her feel not insecure.
Ethan calms down and we continue watching the match. Weiss and trumpet dude were still fighting in the lava field zone. Weiss summoned white glyphs and shot ice shards at the dude. The guy played his trumpet and his sound waves hit a lava geyser. The geyser changed direction and melted the shards. The guy blew into his trumpet and Weiss summoned wind using a wind crystal. The spiral of wind faced off with the sound waves. While that happened Weiss summoned a bunch of glyphs that encircled the guy. Weiss jumped from glyph to glyph really fast and struck the trumpet dude a couple times. The dude split into four trumpet dudes who all were wearing different colors of suits.
Zack: It's the power rangers!!
Author: You know what, why do I even bother with you?
All four trumpet dudes combined their sound waves and it hit Weiss sending her back a distance. The four dudes came back into one dude and he slowly walked to Weiss' location. The guy stepped on Weiss's sword as she reached for it. Just when he was about to finish her off he was distracted by Yang yelling at his partner. He split into four and prepared to attack. Weiss got up and pushed all four of them plus herself into a lava geyser.
Dante- Weiss no!!!
Weiss's aura was depleted and she was eliminated but the dude was still standing barely. Now it was two on one. Yang gets pissed. She shoots at both of them both of them dodged and the rollerblader girl came for yang again but she was using the dudes sound waves for extra speed. Yang traded blows with the girl while in the sound wave. Yang jumped in the air and fired shots at the girl. She dodged narrowly. Yang went for the trumpet dude and she used her gauntlet shots to blast her into the air. The guy split in four and blasted his sound waves. Yang used her shots to keep her momentum going forward. Once she got close enough, she clasped the bell end of the trumpet and the guy was hit with his own sound wave causing him to be eliminated. Yang turned her attention to the girl who was coming at her. The girl's skate got caught on a rock causing her to trip and fall into a regular geyser. The geyser shot her up and yang fired a big shot at the girl. The shot connected and the girl was eliminated. Yang and Weiss won the match.
Ethan- Fuck yes!! That's what I'm talking about.
Zack- It was a good match indeed.
Yang went to check on Weiss. She was ok.
Ruby- So you ready for that date.
Zack- Yeah lets go.
We leave the coliseum and take a bullhead into the city. We went to an ice cream shop. We got ice cream and then we walked on a park trail that went around a pond.
Ruby- I enjoy doing things like this with you.
Zack- I feel the same. I funny though.
Ruby- What's funny?
Zack- I never thought I would get to this point. I mean just a couple months back I was just a boy doing jobs to get by. I never knew a chance encounter of meeting you and fighting Torchwick at a dust shop would lead to all of this.
Ruby- I know how you feel. I thought the same thing. You know what though?
Zack- No what?
Ruby- I wouldn't change a thing because of what we been through since our encounter has led you to me. I love you so much Zack Fullbuster.
Zack- And I love you too Ruby Rose.
We kiss each other and head back to beacon.
It was around sunset and me and Ruby were almost to the dorms when I received a text. It was from Ozpin and he said to come to his office.
Zack- Ruby I have to go see Oz. I'll see you in a little bit.
Ruby- Ok. Bye.
I go to Ozpin's office and I enter. It's just Qrow and Oz.
Zack- So what's going on.
Ozpin- It's time. I picked a candidate for the replacement of the fall maiden.
Zack- Oh ok. So when she be here?
Ozpin- Any minute now.
Zack- Alright. I'll just go wait in the far corner.
I go to the corner and wait for the candidate. The doors open and Pyrrha walks in.
Zack *mind*- Went with my suggestion huh. Smart move Ozpin.
Pyrrha sits down in a seat in front of Ozpin.
Ozpin- Well it's no surprise that they have chosen you to move on to the finals of the tournament. Your performance has been exemplary.
Pyrrha- Thank you professor Ozpin but I would have never made it this far without my teammates.
Qrow- Personally I think it's the other way around.
Pyrrha turns in her chair and looks behind to see Qrow.
Pyrrha- I'm sorry but I don't believe we've been introduced.
Qrow- The names Qrow.
Ozpin- Qrow here is a trusted colleague of mine.
Pyrrha- Professor if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?
Zack- Take a seat Pyrrha. You're in for a long one.
Pyrrha looks in my direction and I step out of the shadows of my corner.
Pyrrha- Zack?! What are you doing here?!
Zack-Pyrrha just sit down. All will be explained shortly.
Pyrrha nods and sits down.
Ozpin- What is your favorite fairytale?
Author: Done with this chapter. Made it longer than the last one. We saw Weiss and Yang fight. Ruby and Yang went on a date and Pyrrha has become the candidate for the fall maiden. We're getting closer to the final push and trust me I saw, Shits about to go down. The story is gonna be a bit altered from the regular show.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now