Chapter 10 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
I was back at the coliseum with all my friends. It was the solo finals. Yang vs Mercury was up first.
Zack *mind*- Man I wish I could've faced Mercury.
Ruby- It's going to be a long night.
Zack- Oh for sure. We're gonna be watching fights all night long.
Port (intercom)- 3...2...1 Fight!!
Mercury does a spin kick while Yang throws a right haymaker. They clash and Yang is the one who stumbles back. Mercury rushes Yang and goes for a flying kick. Yang flips of him and fires a shot at him. He sidestepped to the right and traded fights with Yang. Yang blocked a fist and drilled Mercury with a left gut punch knocking him back. Yang fires more shots but Mercury uses his speed to strafe and evade them. He rushed her and attempted an axe kick. Yang blocked he back flipped and ducked down to avoid another shot. He back flipped again only this time kicking yang in the chin during the process. Mercury blocked a couple punches by putting his elbows up. He turned Yang around and kicked her behind the knee. She went down and he went for a leg drop but yang rolled out of the way. Mercury went for a superkick but yang leaned back to avoid it. Mercury brought his leg down causing yang to back up. Yang uppercuted him and back elbowed his chest causing to go down to his knees. Yang fired more shots at him. Mercury backflipped until a shot hit him causing him to go off the edge. Before he could get eliminated he used the guns that are in his shoes as thrusters. They thrusted him back onto the stage. He kicked yang with a series of right and left kicks. Yang tried to cover up as best she can but Mercury was fast. He kicked her in the chest knocking her back. He fired a shot which yang rolled out of the way. He kept shooting shots in the air causing all of them to fly around the stage. Yang rushed him but got kicked into the air. She was brought back down by an axe kick. Mercury sent all of his flying shots down onto yang. Mercury begins to walk off thinking he's won.
Zack *mind*- Typically Mercury. Never count out your opponent.
Yang erupts into fire. Mercury turns around surprised and yang hits him with a flurry of punches. Mercury's aura is depleted and he is knocked down by one final punch. The buzzer rings signaling Yang's victory.
Ethan- That's my baby for ya!!
Yang turns around and walks off. Mercury gets up and to my surprise he tries to blindside Yang. Yang turns around and punches him in his leg breaking it.
Zack- Serves you Right Mercury!! Trying to attack yang from behind like that!!

Dante- No. Yang attacked a downed Mercury. Just look at the replay.
I up at the screen and sure enough yang attacks a downed Mercury breaking his leg.
Zack- But no. That's not what happened. Unless... (gasps) Illusion. Damn you Emerald!!
Ruby- What does Emerald have to do with this?
Zack- I'll tell you later. Meet me at your dorm tomorrow morning.
I get up and leave the coliseum.
I'm in RWBY's room with my team and RWBY and ironwood.
Ironwood- Sorry but you left us with no choice.
Yang- But he attacked me!!
Zack- She didn't do it James!! I fucking saw it with my own eyes!! My word should at least count for something!!
Ironwood- Enough Zack. Video footage and millions of viewers sat otherwise.
Zack- Man fuck this shit.
Weiss- Yang would never do that!
Ruby- Yeah!
Yang puts her head in her hands.
Ironwood- You all seem like good students and the staff here are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did. Under normal circumstances. But I believe and hope to be nothing more than stress and adrenaline. On the battlefield your judgement can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight has passed.
Yang- But he
Ironwood- That's enough!!
Zack- That's bullshit James and you know it!! Even I saw Mercury attack Yang and I wasn't even fighting.
Ironwood- I said thats enough Zack!!
I've had enough. I get up and get in Ironwood's face.
Zack- Do something then douchebag!!
My team gets up and holds me back.
Ethan- Woah woah. Easy there big fella easy there.
Dante- Yes this not the time not place for a fight.
Elias- You don't wanna murder the headmaster of atlas. Even if he is a prick.
Zack- (angry voice) Fine fine. I'm calm.
I lean against a wall with my arms crossed.
Ironwood- Anyway, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions and it's my job to inform you that you are disqualified.
He turns and leaves.
Ironwood- Oh and Zack, you're banned from the coliseum until the festival is over. You're lucky I don't disqualify your team to.
Ironwood leaves. As soon as he's out the door I punch the wall behind me leaving a hole in it.
Yang- Zack obviously believes me but you guys believe me right.
ED- Yeah.
Ethan- Hell Yeah. You're my girlfriend. Of course I believe you.
Ruby- Duh.
Weiss- You're hotheaded but not ruthless.
Yang- Blake?
Blake is has an emotionless face. She looks away.
Blake- I want to believe you.
Zack- What?!
Elias- Blake?!
Weiss- How could you say something like that?! Yang would never lie to us.
Blake- (sighs) I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant it was gradual. Little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. First they were accidents, then it was self defense. Before long I started to believe that he was right. This all just very familiar. But you're not him and you've never done anything like this before.
Zack-(whispers) Adam.
Only Blake seemed to hear me and she looked at me in shock before looking back at Yang.
Blake- I want to trust you. I will trust you but first I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me he attacked you. I want you tell you regret having to do what you did.
Yang wipes her tears.
Yang- I saw him attack me so I attacked back.
Blake seemed to accept that answer.
Blake- Ok. Thank you.
Yang- I think I'm gonna rest up.
Blake- We'll get out of your hair.
We all leave the room. Blake comes up to me.
Blake- We need to talk. Follow me to the roof.
Zack- Lead the way
Author: Chapter is over and done with. Giving you guys a heads up the big part is going to be different than what it is in the show.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now