Chapter 14 Volume 3: Finale

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Zack (POV)
I'm still stuck to the wall. Cinder formed a glass bow and shot a glass arrow at Pyrrha. Pyrrha threw her shield at the arrow to destroy it. The glass arrow deformed over the shield then reformed back into an arrow and hit Pyrrha in the Achilles heel. Pyrrha falls to the ground.
Pyrrha- Agh!
She tries to get up but can't. Cinder walks to Pyrrha slowly.
Cinder- It's unfortunate you promised a power that was never truly yours. (Kneels down to Pyrrha and tilts her head up) But take comfort in knowing that I will use it ways you could have never have imagined.
Zack- Don't do this Cinder! Leave her alone! Take my life instead! Leave her out of this! This is between you and me god damn it!
Cinder- (turns head to Zack) Oh honey don't beg. It's too late for the both of you.
Pyrrha- Do you believe in destiny?
Cinder- Yes.
Cinder begins to form a glass bow.
Zack- (struggles to be free) No! Pyrrha get out of here! Please!
Pyrrha- (looks at Zack a smiles slightly) It's ok Zack. (Tears run down her face) Thank you for being my friend.
Cinder launches an arrow into Pyrrha's chest.
Zack- (cries) Noooo!!!!!
Cinder places her hand on Pyrrha's head. Pyrrha glows yellow and she her body disintegrates into dust.
Cinder- (turns to Zack) Now it's your turn my love.
Zack- (angry cries) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
A pillar of black/red energy shoots up into the sky causing the entire sky to turn black and red for a couple seconds.
Cinder (POV)
Cinder *mind*- What is this light?
The light dies down and I see Zack is free of the sword. But his face is much different and I'm filled with dread.
Author: Looks like this but without ichigo.

Black and red energy surrounds the entirety of the area but instead of energy, it's fire

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Black and red energy surrounds the entirety of the area but instead of energy, it's fire.
Cinder- Is that still you Zack?
Zack (Demon voice)- Roooooooar!!!!!!!!
He disappears.
Cinder- Where'd you go Zack?
I get hit from behind and crash into debris.
Zack (demon voice)- Roooooooarrrr!!!!!!
I get put and fire glass arrows at him. They shatter to pieces once the get close to him.
He opens his mouth and some sort of energy builds inside there. He blasts the energy from his mouth at me. I narrowly dodge. I look to where the blast hit. The blasts destroyed blocks of of the city.
I turn back to him and blast my fire and hit him square in the face. The most clears and he's still standing looking at me with that same sadistic smile.
Zack (demon voice)- Hehehehehe!!
He disappears again. He reappears in front of me and grabs me by the throat and lifts me up. He starts to charge that mouth cannon again. I kick him in the face and he drops me.
Zack (demon voice)- Grrrrrr!!!
He raises his arm in the direction of his sword. The sword flys to his hand. I form a sword and our swords clash. I try to strike him but he keeps blocking with ease. He slices my side and I fall to the ground.
Cinder- Agh!!!!
I tries to slice me but I formed a sword to block it. He shatters my sword. This keeps happening until his blade breaks. He throws his sword away and punches me away. I'm now sitting up against a crumbled wall.
Zack (demon voice) Rooooooaarrrrr!!!!
He holds out his right hand and a ball of black/red fire forms in his it. Red lightning sparks all around it to.
Cinder *mind*- So this is it. This how I die.
Zack (demon voice)- Roooooooaaaaaarrrrr!!!!!!
He rushes at me and accept my fate. I close my eyes preparing for the impact.
I open them to see a blade in Zack's chest. His mask cracks and falls off and his eye changes back to normal.
Zack (POV)
I look down to see a blade coming out of my chest
Zack- What...the....fuck?
I turn my head to look behind me and my eyes widen. It's the skull mask guy from before.

 It's the skull mask guy from before

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Skull Mask- Cinder, you almost died. You're weak.
Cinder- I had everything under control Kai.
Kai- From my perspective. If I didn't interfere, we would've lost our fall maiden.
Zack- I'll kill you!!
I look in front of me to see Cinder has stabbed me in the chest as well.
Cinder- I told you if I couldn't have you, no one will.
???- Zack?!
They both take there swords out of me. I spit up blood and I slump to my knees and turn my head to the voice. It was Ruby. She was looking at me with the most shocked face I ever seen.

 She was looking at me with the most shocked face I ever seen

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I smile a bit at her.
Zack- Hey...Rubes (cough) Looks like I broke... my promise... after all. (Spit blood) I'm...sorry.
I see white then everything goes black.
Ruby (POV)
Zack glows white then explodes into white crystals

Then those crystals fade away into nothing Ruby-Zaaaaacccccckkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Everything goes white and then black

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Then those crystals fade away into nothing
Everything goes white and then black.
I awake to the sound of birds chirping. I look at the end of the bed I'm in and see dad sleeping in a chair. I sit up. That seemed to wake dad up.
Tai- Ruby!!
He gets up and comes to the bedside.
Tai- You're awake!
Ruby- What happened?
Tai- Your uncle Qrow found you unconscious. He got you out of there though. He brought you home safe.
Ruby- Wait Yang! Is she alright?!
Tai- (looks down) She's uh..she's gonna be alright. I think it's just gonna take some time to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her. I'm just glad to have my girls back at home.
Ruby- What happened to the school and Vale?! Were they able to clear out the grim?!
Tai- Things at vale are under control but the school... it's not that simple. That thing whatever it is doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it but it's not disappearing. It's..frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad but it keeps attracting grim to the school.
Ruby- I did what?
Tai- Huh?
Ruby- You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?
Tai- I...look that's not important right now. We can talk about later. Things are just kind of a mess.
???- It's always a mess.
I look up to see uncle Qrow in the doorway.
Qrow- Mind if we have a minute?
Tai- What I can't stay here?
Qrow- Tai please.
Dad gets up and kisses my forehead.
Tai- I'm glad you're alright. (Turns to leave) I'll go make us some tea.
Uncle Qrow comes up and pulls out a chair and sits down.
Qrow- So how ya feeling?
Ruby- I kinda hurt all over.
Qrow- That makes sense after what you did.
Ruby- You guys keep saying that. That I did something. What are you talking about?
Qrow- What's the last thing you remember?
Ruby- I ran up the side of the tower and when I got to the top Pyrrha wasn't there and (gasps) Zack! Is he?
Uncle Qrow looks down.
Qrow- They're both gone.
My eyes began to water
Ruby- I....I got to the top and I saw Zack and Cinder and some other guy. And then everything went white.
I full on cry. I cry and cry and cry until I can't cry anymore.
Author: Welp. That's the end of Zack. Our hero is dead. One more chapter left to go.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now