Chapter 7 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
I wake up the next morning to find that Ruby was no longer in the bed. I got up and used the bathroom and brushed my teeth
Zack *mind*- Thank oum for infirmary toothbrushes.
I exit the bathroom and put my usual gear on. I hear the door open behind me. I turn to see Ruby carrying a tray full of food.
Ruby- Oh you're up.
Zack- Yeah. I woke just a couple minutes ago.
Ruby- I wanted to let you sleep some more so I went to the cafeteria to get us breakfast. I was going to wake you up when I got back.
Zack- How thoughtful of you.
Ruby smiles and places the tray on a nearby table.
Ruby- Come on. Let's eat.
I pull up a chair next to Ruby and we eat the breakfast. After we finished I went to lay back down in the bed. Ruby laid down next to me.
Zack- So now that I know that I can't fight anymore, what's the plan for today.
Ruby- Well, Yang and Weiss have their doubles match later on this morning. I figured we go watch them. Penny also fights today so there's that fight.
Zack- Well it's better than nothing. Plus it gives us much needed quality time.
Ruby- It does.
Ruby kisses me and I kiss her back. This goes on for a minute till Ruby is on top of me and we're having a full blown makeout session. We do this for a good 2 minutes or so.
Zack *mind*- Ok this is awesome and all but I need to stop this before it escalates because it's kinda looking that way.
I gently push away.
Zack- Look Ruby, how about we put a pause on that before it escalates any further.
Ruby- Oh I'm sorry.
Zack- No it's not you. It's just, let's wait a little while before we do that.
Ruby- Ok. I understand.
Zack- That's good. Now let's get out of here and grab everybody and head to the coliseum.
Ruby- Sounds good.
I was in the coliseum with all my friends watching Penny dismantle her two opponents single handedly. Penny sends her flying swords at her opponents but they hide behind some rocks and the swords become embedded in them. She uses her invisible strings to make the swords lift up the rocks and she drops them on her opponents taking them out and winning the match.
Zack- It's like she didn't even break a sweat. (Pouts) I wish I could've fought her.
Ruby- Oh don't pout. I'll take you out later for some ice cream and cookies. Does that sound good sweetie?
Zack- Yes. Yes it does.
Ruby- This time I'm paying. I have lien too y'know.
Zack- Yeah I know. But you know me. Always gotta be the gentleman.
Ruby smiles and sees Penny a short distance away.
Ruby- Hey, I'm gonna go talk to penny real quick.
Zack- Ok but hurry. Yang and Weiss are already on the field.
Ruby leaves.
Dante- Hopefully this is a good fight.
Zack- Yeah but whoever yang and Weiss face, I'm sure they'll win.
Dante- Of course. Besides my snowflake is fighting so I have to cheer her on. Ethan you have to cheer too.
Ethan- I know. I was going to anyway. My baby cakes is fighting too.
There opponents come on to the field.
Zack- Uhm ok. So we got a guy who looks like a laid back jazz player with a trumpet and a rainbow disco rollerblader girl.
We hear the guy and the girl make comments about Weiss and Yang. The guy said something along the lines of Weiss's company running his father out of business and the girl said something about Yang being top heavy.
Ethan- Hey you shut your damn mouth! Leave my woman's boobs out of this! You're just jealous!!
Elias- Calm down Ethan and shut up before you get us kicked out.
The battlefield changes into a lava field and a destroyed city.
The countdown ends and the match begins.
Author: I'm gonna stop it here just because. I'll write more in the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now