Chapter 15 Volume 3: Epilouge

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Zack (POV)
I awake in a white space. There's nothing here. I get up. My body hurts all over and my left is still gone.
Zack- Is this heaven?
???- This is neither heaven nor hell.
Zack- What? Who said that? Show yourself!
???- As you wish child
The space starts to contort and the ground begins to vibrate. I big black hole emerges and out comes the biggest and scariest thing I've ever seen.

 I big black hole emerges and out comes the biggest and scariest thing I've ever seen

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Zack- Holly motherfucking shit!!!
I draw Last Rite and aim it at the creature.
Zack- Don't come near me!!
???- Put the gun down Zack. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Zack- Bullshit!! Who are you and how do you know me?!
???- Before I answer any of your questions, let me transform into something more of your size.
The creature becomes engulfed in black/red fire once the fire dies down he's even bigger and scarier than before. I start shaking.

Zack- I'm so screwed!!???- Hahahaha!!! I'm just playing with

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Zack- I'm so screwed!!
???- Hahahaha!!! I'm just playing with. I'll change into something small this time. I swear.
His body becomes engulfed in flames again. This time when the fire goes out, a boy about my height and age emerges.

 This time when the fire goes out, a boy about my height and age emerges

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Zack- Damn man. You actually look really cool. Not gonna lie.
???- Thank you. You still look like shit.
Zack- I've already noticed. So who are you?
???- I am the demon inside you. I am known as Caspian Magnus Everett or just Cas for short. I am the King Of Sin.
Zack- Ok now that makes a little more sense. So where are we?
Cas- The plane of my existence. This the void. This where I reside inside you.
Zack- We're inside me right now?
Cas- No. I teleported you here before you died. I healed your most major injuries enough so you won't die.
Zack- Oh. Sweet.
Cas- Now you need to get out of here and find help.
Zack- How do I get out? How will I talk with you again?
Cas- I can teleport in and out of this space and I can talk to telepathically so I don't have to bring you back and forth the entire time. I'll speak with you later because we have much more to talk about. Later dude.
Zack- See ya.
My body glows white and everything goes black. A few seconds later I open my eyes to see that I'm in a field. I look to my left to see beacon in the distance.
Cas- I took the liberty to teleport you away from danger. Grim has taken over the school while you were in my realm.
Zack- How long was I out?
Cas- Couple days.
Zack- Well shit.
Zack *mind*- Gotta find someone i can trust.
I pull out my scroll and punch in directions to Qrow's house. I get the directions and start to walk.
A while later I come across across a cabin.

Timeskip A while later I come across across a cabin

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Zack- Must be it.
I go up to the door and knock on it a couple times. I hear foot steps inside and they're coming closer. The door swings open and out comes Qrow.
Qrow- Damn kid. You're really hurt.
Zack- I'm fine. I'm sore all over and I don't have an arm but I'll mange.
Qrow- Who are you?
Zack- Come on Qrow stop playing around.
Qrow- Wait. Say something again.
Zack- (gives the "really" look) Something.
Qrow- (gets wide eyed) Zack?
Zack- The one and only. Are you really drunk or something?
Qrow- No it's that you died days ago.
He gives me a hug then punches my face.
Zack- Ok I probs deserved that.
Qrow- That's for making me believe you were dead. Come inside and I'll patch you up.
Zack- Alright then we'll talk about some stuff important.
He leads me inside. He sits me on his couch and gets the medical supplies. He puts the good alcohol on my stump and it burned like hell. He got another piece of cloth and wrapped it around my stump. I took off my shirt and he stitched the stab wounds.
Qrow- The cuts and bruises will heal themselves but you will have a lot of scars.
Zack- Thanks.
Qrow- So how are you here? You died.
Zack- Yes and no. Was I in the brink of death? Yes. Did I die? No. Cas brought me to his realm where he kept me from dying.
Qrow- Cas?
Zack- Caspian Magnus Everett. The King Of Sin. He's the demon residing inside me. He's pretty cool to.
Qrow- Wow. Doesn't explain why your hair and eyes are different.
Zack- What's wrong with my hair and eyes?
Qrow- Your hair is white and your right eye is silver.
Zack- Cool.Now on to more serious matters. Oz is dead.
Qrow- I figured as much. He's been missing as long as you've been dead.
Zack- Cinder wasn't the only one there. There was this skull mask dude named Kai. Both of them work under Salem. I was wondering if you know any Kai?
Qrow- No I don't.
Zack- Shit. Well what's our next move?
Qrow- We get you healed up and train you a bit more. Then we head to haven academy in mistral to secure the artirficiat.
Zack- Sounds like a plan. Hey can I stay here? I have nowhere to go.
Qrow- Yeah. I have a couple spare bed rooms. Pick one.
Zack- Thanks Qrow. And let's keep the me being alive thing between you and me. I can't let Salem or anybody else know that I'm alive just yet.
Qrow- Agreed.
I get up and go upstairs to a room. I go inside and lay down on the bed.
Cas- I also will help you get better.
Zack- How so?
Cas- I will teach you how to harness my power. During your fight with cinder, you developed a partial mask. That is good. The more I train you, the stronger you will be, the more abilities you will have, and the more demon power you will possess.Hell you could become so powerful that you can transform in my demon form and my transcendence demon form. I will also train you how to use that right eye of yours. It contains much power.
Zack- Thanks Cas.
I fall asleep from exhaustion.
Timeskip several months
It's been a good couple of months. Both Cas and Qrow have kicked my ass in training but I'm a hell of a lot more powerful because of it. My black/red energy has evolved into hellfire. I can use my first mask. Cas said I have another mask to unlock before I can become demon him. He also taught me how to turn into a small dragon. I learned to teleport and come out of shadows.Qrow showed me that me can turn into a crow. I also got a new arm new weapons, new gear. I'm seventeen now and I'm currently at Ruby's house in my dragon form with Qrow in his crow form. I watch as Ruby leaves her house and approaches Jaune, Ren, and Nora and Kaz.
Zack *mind* - They're going to Haven too. Gets going to be a long journey but I'll protect them from the shadows.
Ruby and friends take off down the road. Qrow and I take flight and fly off into the wilderness towards Haven.
Author: Sob Zack is alive and has made friends with his demon the king of sin. The most powerful demon of them all. How will his journey to Haven go? Found out in the next volume. Hope you guys enjoyed this installment in the series

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now