Chapter 3 Volune 3

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Zack (POV)
After Emerald and Mercury left, Yang took us to a noodle shop. We're all currently sitting there.
Yang- I'll have a bowl of the regular.
The noodle man passes her a huge bowl of noodles.
Zack- Yo I'll have the same my guy.
He gives me the same. Everyone got one except Blake who got a huge bowl of fish. Weiss hands the noodle man her card to pay.
Yang- Aw Weiss what's the occasion?
Weiss- Conisder it thanks for sending me to the doubles round.
The noodle man hands Weiss back her card and shakes his head no.
Weiss- What?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance.
I watch as Blake slowly inches her food closer her before the noodle man takes it away. She puts her head on the table and anime cries.
Zack- You know what I got this.
Yang- You don't have to.
Zack- It's no biggie.
I pay for the food.
???- Hello
We turn to see it's team JNPR.
Ruby- Pyrrha!
Jaune- Mind if we join you.
Zack- Not at all Jaune old pal.
They sit in the next stools over and we all eat. We all finish our giant bowls of food.
Zack- Oh my damn. That was deliciousness.
Ren- (Looks at Pyrrha) Are you sure it was wise to have eaten before a fight.
Pyrrha- Of course! It will give us energy.
Ethan- Not Jaune though. He looks like he is about to hurl. You alright there bro?
Jaune- Ugh if i barf I'm blaming Pyrrha.
Nora- Oh aim it at the enemy.
Ren- Nora that's disgusting but if you feel the urge.
Jaune- Got it.
Pyrrha- Well, we should be off.
Ruby- So you think you guys are ready.
Nora- Of course. We've got a world renowned fighter on our team, one's basically a ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune...we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and uh... Jaune.
Zack- That's fucked up.
Ren- (looks at Jaune) Are you gonna take that.
Jaune- She's not wrong.
Nora- I'm kidding. Don't be so nervous. The worst thing is we could lose. Then it's just a few more years of walking around the school with everybody knowing we're failures. Our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status. We won't be able to show our face in class. No one will sit with us at lunch. Ren and have no parents. We have no home to go to. We will officially be team loseriper.
Ren- So yeah. We're feeling pretty good.
Pyrrha- Dont fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines and not, well murderers.
Yang- Yeah don't sweat it. We've all faced way worse.
Blake- Lets see. Grim invasion, violent extremists , a destructive sociopath.
Ruby- And that's all while we're still in training. Oh imagine what it'll be like when we graduate.
Weiss- Maybe then I'll be to pay for a meal.
Port came on the intercom and told JNPR to head to arena for their match. They get up and leave.
Ruby- Welp we better head off. Hey Zack, do you want to come with me to watch the match.
Zack- Sure. You coming guys?
EED- Yeah.
We start walking until I get a text from Oz requesting my presence.
Zack- You know what I can't. I have this thing to do.
Ruby turns to me.
Ruby- (suspicious tone) What kind a thing?
Zack- You know. Just regular thing.
She gives me a death glare.
Author: Her glare looks like this.

Author: Her glare looks like this

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Ruby- Zachery Matthew Fullbuster. Are you saying that you don't want to spend time with your loving girlfriend?
Zack-(scared shitless) I..uh..yes wait no I mean yes. I don't know.
Ruby- What do you mean you don't know?!
Zack- What... I meant to say was...
I change my eye and run in the opposite direction using my speed boost to go really fast.
Ruby- ZACK!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!
I turn my head a little to see she's using her semblance to chase after me.
Zack- Holy shit!! Run legs run!!!!
Thank Oum I managed to outrun her
I made it to Ozpin's office.
Zack- You owe me Oz. Ruby's going to kill me later on because of you.
Ozpin- I'm sorry but I need you here for an important conversation. You're actually one of four people who was supposed to show up. General Ironwood, Qrow and Winter supposed to show.
Zack- Did you say winter?
Ozpin- Yes. She's landing here from soon.
Zack- Oooh can I go get her and bring her back.
Ozpin- I don't see why not.
Zack- Thank you. I leave and head to the landing pads.
Zack *mind*- It's a beautiful sunset.
I'm at the landing pads waiting on winter to show up. I also brought Kaz with me. A couple minutes later her ship lands and she exits. She spots me.
Zack- Hello Miss Schnee. Your presence honors me. (Does over-exaggerated bow)
She chuckles and comes up to me and hugs me tight.
Winter- It's so good to see you little brother.
Zack- Come on winter. You know we're not related.
Winter- I know but I see you as a brother. It's been awhile.
Zack- Yeah. I've got into beacon. I got my own team. I saw it's been pretty good since the last time. About a year or so ago. (Pauses) Do you feel that?
Winter- No.What are you feeling.
Zack- I feel someone's killing intent.
???- Zack!!
I turn around to see Ruby and Weiss. I hide behind winter.
Zack- Please save me winter.
Weiss- So what are you doing here.
Winter- Classified.
Zack- Actually, (whispers in her ear) Ozpin sent me to get you. We have a serious talk to get to.
Winter- I see.
Zack- I'll see you later Ruby. I have to go with winter.
Ruby- You're dead next time I see you.
Winter and I begin to walk towards the office. That is until we hear the sound of metal being torn apart. We turn around to see Qrow.
Zack- Qrow what are you doing.
Winter- You realized to just destroyed atlas military property.
Qrow- Oooooh sorry. I mistook this for some cention garbage.
Winter- I don't have time for your antics Qrow.
Zack- Ok guys just take a chill pill. Qrow just stop. You're drunk again.
Qrow- Stay out of this kid. This is between me and her. (Draws his sword)
Zack- Winter don't do it.
Winter draws her sword and dashes at Qrow.
Just as the were about to clash, I appeared in the middle with Death Sentence in my right and Angels Mercy in my left. I block Qrow's sword and I aim my gun at winter. I change my eye and black/red energy surrounds me.
Zack- (Sigh) I don't have time for this.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hope you enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now