Chapter 13 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
Zack- Agh!!!!!!!
My blood spews everywhere. I grasp my stump and fall to my knees.
Yang- Zack noooo!!!!!
Blake- (shocked) Oh my Oum.
I watch as Blake gets in front of me and attacks Adam. He slaps her down and stabs her in the stomach. She yells in pain.
Yang- Get away from her!! She dashes at Adam and slices her arm off too.
Zack- Yang!! Enough of this!!!
I change my eye and my energy surrounds me. I dash at Adam. He tries to slice my head off. I duck and I place my right hand on his face and place a rune. I jump back a safe distance.
Zack- Devil's Agony!!
The rune explodes and Adam flys through a wall and out of the cafeteria.
I go over to Blake and Yang.
Zack- Blake can you still walk.
Blake- Yes.
Zack- Good.
I grab Yang's arm and pull her up. Turn from her and kneel.
Zack- Get in my back.
Yang- Zack no. I can't. You're in the worst shape out all of us.
Zack- Just get on!
Yang- Ok.
She climbs on my back into a piggyback position. I get up.
Zack- Blake lets go. We got to get to the courtyard.
Blake- Ok.
We begin rushing to the courtyard.
Yang- Thank you Zack. For everything.
Zack- It's no biggie. You're gonna fine.
We make to the courtyard yard and I see JNR, Weiss,Neptune and Sun,Port, and oobleck.
I stop and everyone sees us. All my friends runs up to us.
Dante- Holy shit Zack what happened to you?!!
Zack- Don't worry about me. Help Yang and Blake. They need medical attention.
Weiss- I'll treat yang and Blake . Dante you get Zack.
Dante- Got it.
My team gathers around me. Ethan managed to stop the bleeding in my stump. Dante wrapped in cloth.
Port- The ship has arrived this is a mandatory evacuation!!
I look to my right and see Pyrrha enter the tower.
Zack *mind*- Looks like it's time.
I get up and begin to walk to the tower.
Yang- Where are you going?
I don't turn to answer her.
Yang- Answer me now!
Zack- (sighs) I have to do this Yang.
Yang- Like hell you are!
I hear come up behind me and she turns me around.
Yang- You're not going anywhere.
Ethan- Yang what's he talking about?
Yang- Zack told me Cinder is the mastermind behind this whole thing. She's very powerful and highly dangerous. Zack is gonna go fight her.
Elias- No way. (Looks at Zack) You're the most hurt out of all of us. You're coming with us.
Zack- Listen. I may be the only one who can stop her. I'm going and you can't stop me.
Yang- Then you better come back alive. (Begins to cry) Look you're not just my friend anymore. You're like my brother. We're family now. You've got Ruby to live for too. So you better not die or I swear I when I die I'm gonna come find your soul and kick your ass! (Hugs Zack)
Yang let's go and my team comes to me.
Dante- You better come back alive.
EE- Yeah.
I take out Angels Mercy and place into Dante's hand.
Dante- (begins to cry) No I can't take this.
Zack- Then hold it for me. Give it me in I get back. And before I leave, tell me where you guys live so that I can find you.
Ethan- Mistral.
Elias- Menagerie.
Dante- Atlas.
Zack- Cool. See you guys later. Stay safe.
I run into the tower and get in the elevator with Pyrrha.
Pyrrha- Zack you're hurt.
Zack- No time. Where is she.
Pyrrha- In Ozpin's office. He's dead Zack.
Zack- Lets Stop this before we lose anymore people.
Pyrrha uses her polarity to move the elevator up. We exit the elevator and spot Cinder.
Cinder- Oh no Zack. You look terrible. What happened my sweet?
Zack- Well your faunas friend Adam was a sore loser and decided to cut my arm off.
Cinder- That's ok. I'll punish him later. I can fix that when you come with me.
Zack- Sorry not happening. (Unsheathes Death Sentence.
Cinder- Then you must die. If I can't have you no one can.
Pyrrha throws her sword and cinder dodges it. Pyrrha dropkicks her shield into her. Cinder pushes both the shield and Pyrrha back and I jump in. I dash at Cinder and swing my sword. She dodged multiple times and kicks me in my left side.
Zack *mind*- Shit my left side is exposed. I gotta adjust.
Cinder levitates and activates her maiden powers. She sends a blast at me and I roll to evade it. She notices Pyrrha coming for her and blasts at her. Pyrrha blocks it with shield. Pyrrha jumps and stabs at Cinder. She catches the sword with ease and blasts Pyrrha back. Cinder doesn't see me come from behind and I slice her back.
Cinder- Agh! Ow that hurt!
I spartan kick her to Pyrrha who catches cinder and judo throws her to the ground. Cinder gets up and gets bashed by Pyrrha's shield. Cinder does a flaming backflip kick to Pyrrha which knocks her into the air. Pyrrha recovers and changes her sword into a spear and throws it at Cinder.
Cinder knocks the spear and the oncoming shield out of the way. I tackle cinder to the ground. I lose my sword in the process. I put Cinder in the best sleeper hold I could with one arm. Pyrrha comes up to us and prepares to stab cinder. We all hear a roar. Pyrrha and I turn our heads to see the dragon grim is coming right for the tower.
Zack- Oh shit! Can't we catch a break?!
Cinder uses the distraction to burn my arm and melt Pyrrha's sword with her gaze.
The dragon crashes into the tower and the impact knocks all three of us down. The office is now gone and we could fall of this tower if we're not careful. I see Pyrrha slowly crawl for her shield while a smug cinder levitates. Pyrrha looks at me sitting on something metal. She uses her polarity to send me and the metal at Cinder. Cinder turns and hits me. I'm about to fall off the side when I grab my sword and go off the edge. I stab my sword into the tower.
Pyrrha- Zack!!
Zack- I'm fine! Just hanging around! I'll be up there in a second!!
I charge energy into my feet and blast myself upward. I see Cinder throwing fireballs at Pyrrha. I put my sword down and take out Last Rite and shoot at Cinder. She throws fireballs at the bullets and melts them.
Cinder- Sweetie, you know that doesn't work on me.
Zack- (smirks) I know. But it was enough to keep you distracted.
Cinder- What?
Cinder looks up to see floating clock pieces. Pyrrha uses her polarity to throw one of the pieces at Cinder. It hits her and Pyrrha brings all the other pieces down on top of Cinder. Cinder uses her fire to break out of it. Pyrrha gets hit by a piece and her aura disappears.
Zack- Shit.
Cinder forms a glass bow. My eye changes and energy surrounds me.
Zack- X slash!!
Cinder jumps over the attack and fires a glass arrow into my thigh. Then forms a sword and throws it at me. It goes through my hand and pins me to a crumbling wall.
Zack- Agh!! Shit!!
Ruby (POV)
I arrive at the courtyard and help Blake and ZEED fight of grim. I notice Zack isn't here.
Ruby- Dante where's Zack?
Yang- Ruby he's really hurt. Like he was the worst injured out of all of us.
Ruby- Is he ok?!
Yang- He's fighting cinder up there. (Points to destroyed top of tower)
Ruby- I need to get up there.
Weiss makes glyphs that go up the tower to the top.
Weiss- Go.
I start making my way up to the top of the tower and to Zack.
Author: And that's another one. Zack and Pyrrha are getting there asses kicked. Who will live? Who will die? Find out in the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now