Chapter 12 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
Cinder just got off the broadcast and I lost it for a second. I had to calm down. I can use that anger later.
Zack- Kaz lets go.
Yang- You're not seriously going are you? Who was that? Why does she want you? What does Cinder have to do with anything?
Zack- (turns to Yang) Yang listen to me. I know things that you don't. Cinder isn't who you think she is. Me and her have history that goes into my past. All I will tell you is that she is very powerful and dangerous. I'm going to go find her and stop her for good. Your life as we know it is gone. Now if you want to live to see tomorrow, you're gonna have to fight. Now are you with me?
Yang- I got your back.
Zack- Good. I'm heading to Ozpin's office. Follow me.
Yang- Ok.
I kick Yang's door down and we make our way out of the dorms. I take out my scroll and call my locker. My locker lands and I get my sword and guns. Yang does the same.
Yang- We got grim coming from our 12.
Zack- I see that.
I draw Death Sentence as about 30 grim come at us.
Zack- Get the fuck out of my city. X slash!!!
The x slash hits all of them and kills them.
Yang- Woah. You're not playing around.
Zack- I don't have time to. Many many lives are on the line and I refuse for this shit to happen to me again. I will prove my nightmares wrong.
Yang- Wait again? What nightmares?
I don't answer her questions and I start running.
Yang- Hey wait!
As we were running yang gets a call in her scroll. It was Blake.
Blake- Yang are you ok?
Yang- Yeah I'm fine. I'm with Zack. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll.
Blake- No she isn't.
That brings me and Yang to halt.
Zack- What?!
Blake- Zack, Yang I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself.
Zack- You're right.
Yang hangs up and we continue on our way killing grim in the process.
Zack- Hey wait a second.
We stop.
Yang- What is it.
Zack- The whitefang. And they're releasing grim into the school. So Cinder has Adam on her side.
Yang- Wait what? We gotta stop them.
Zack- Copy.
We attack the whitefang soilders. I slice one down and grab another's face and throw him into a group of soilders. Yang punches one in the face and shoots another group. More soilders comes along with atlasian androids.
Zack- So Cinder got control of the androids to. I'm guessing Torchwick is in on this to. Damn.
Yang- That's just great.
The ground vibrates.
Yang- Zack.
Zack- That wasn't me this time. I sense something bad is about to happen.
We hear a roar and we turn around to see a dragon grim burst out of a nearby mountain. It starts to head this way.
Zack- Oh that's bullshit!! Even more things on my shit to do list!!
I take out Angels Mercy and shoot all the grim and androids without even looking at them.
I look on my scroll and see a text from Oz saying to get to the vault.
Zack- Hey Yang I'm gonna go ahead. Go find the others.
Yang- Ok.
I run to the tower and get in the elevator. I ride down the elevator and run down the hall once I get off. Once I get to the pods I see Pyrrha already inside one and Ozpin and Jaune.
Jaune- Zack? What are you doing here?
Zack- No time. Oz if we're gonna do this you better do it now.
Ozpin starts the machine and Pyrrha screams in agony.
Zack- This is fucked.
Suddenly a glass arrow hits Amber through the chest and she dies. I turn around to see Cinder.
Zack- You!!
Cinder laughs as she absorbs the rest of the fall maidens power.
Cinder- Hello my dear. I will get to you soon but first deal with Ozpin. Wait for me alright love.
Ozpin- Go and take Jaune and Pyrrha with you. I'll slow her down.
I get Pyrrha out of her pod.
Zack- I'm glad you were my headmaster Oz.
Ozpin smiles and I run to the elevator with Jaune and Pyrrha. We ride the elevator up and run out of the tower. Once we exit I see fire coming from the cafeteria.
Zack- Hey I'll be back.
Jaune- Ok.
I run to the cafeteria and look through a window. I see Blake and Yang fighting Adam.
Zack *mind*- There you are.
I burst through the window and blindside Adam. I gets up and stands before me.
Adam- Hello Zack. That was awfully rude of you to hit me from behind.
Zack- Yang, Blake. Get back. I got this one.
Yang- What?! No!! We can take him together.
Zack- He's really dangerous. I'd rather get hurt than the both of you.
I get in a fighting stance.
Zack- Ready for round two Adam?
Adam gets in a stance.
Adam- Oh how I've waited for this day. The day where I can finally kill you.
We rush at each other and clash swords. As our sword locks I step on his foot making him step back. I spartan kick him in the gut sending him through a pillar. He dashes back and slashes my chest.
Zack- Fuck that hurt.
I elbow him in the gut and slice his leg. He falls to one knee and I bicycle knee him in the face. He retaliates by slicing my calf. He picks me up and throws me into a burning table. The fire burns my jacket and I throw it off.
Zack- Man, that was my favorite trench coat. And you burned some off the skin on my arms. I got a head wound that's dripping blood on my face. Fuck you Adam!
Adam- This is the part where you die.
He rushes at me and tries to slice my head off. I duck and bring out Angels Mercy and shoot him in the stomach. I do a backflip kick sending him into the air.
Zack- X slash!!
The x slash connects and it sends him through the roof.
Zack- Have a nice flight!
I walk to the girls.
Yang- Are you alright. You took a beating.
Zack- I'm fine-ish. Nothing like medicine and a few bandages can fix. Are you girls ok?
Yang- I'm fine. Thanks for showing up.
Blake- I'm fine as well. Thank you for stopping Adam.
Adam comes back crashing through the roof again. He lands on his face.
Zack- Damn thats gotta hurt.
Adam- No! I could I lose to you again?!
Zack- Don't know. Honestly you were never in my league to begin with. You're still the same kid from years ago. (Turns around and sheaths Death Sentence ) Leave before I kill you.
Adam- (gets up to one knee) I'll kill you! (Dashes at Zack)
Yang- Zack begins you?!
Zack- Huh?
I turn around to see Adam coming at me. It was to late to dodge or avoid.
And just like that I say goodbye to my left arm.
Author: Oh shit. Everything is fucked. And we haven't even gotten to the final battle. Stay tuned.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now