Chapter 6 Volume 3

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Ruby (POV)
We all rushed to the infirmary to see Zack. Once we made it and got inside, the doctors told us to wait in the lobby.
Ethan- I really hope he's ok.
Dante- Yeah me to man.
Elias- That was the first time I ever seen him like that before.
Ruby- It wasn't his first time going into state.
Dante- What do you mean?
Weiss- Black when we went on that investigation, we fought Torchwick and he kinda went berserk.
Yang- And his voiced changed. It was a lot more deep and sinister.
Ruby- Had I not calmed him down, we would've killed Torchwick and most likely innocent people.
Ethan- So is that why yang had to hold you down some when it hit that part of the fight?
Ruby- Yeah.
We see the doctor come to us.
Ruby- How is he?
Doctor- He is stable. He basically used to much power than his body can take. He has a unique semblance I'll tell you that much.
Yang- Can we go see him.
Doctor- Yes. He's just down the hall. Make a left and he is the second door on the right.
Dante- Ok thank you.
We go to his room and we find him in a bed sleep. I pull up a chair and sit right next to Zack's bed. The others stand around his bed.
Ruby- He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
Zack- Y'know I can hear y'all right?
We all jump at this. I punch his arm.
Zack- Ow. First y'all come in and make all that noise interrupting my sleep then you hit me in the arm. How rude.
Yang- Says the guy in the infirmary bed thanks to overexerting himself.
Zack- Quiet you.
Jaune- So what did the doctor say?
Zack- (sighs) he says that I'll be out tomorrow but I'm not cleared to fight. Dante, I want you to fight in the solo spot.
Dante- Ok.
The doors open and in walks Qrow and Oz.
Ozpin- Hello Zack.
Qrow- Hey kid.
Zack- Sup guys
Ozpin- How are you feeling?
Zack- Like shit. I'm sore all over.
Qrow- Figures. You were using about 30 percent. Your body wasn't ready for that.
Zack- The docs say I'm done for the tournament. It sucks ass.
Ozpin- That is unfortunate. Well you can always still watch the fights.
Zack- True but I like being in the action. That's just me y'know.
Ozpin- I see. Well we should all get going. You need your rest.
Zack- Okay.
Everyone leaves accept me.
Ruby- I'm staying here tonight.
Zack- That's fine by me.
Ruby- I'll be back in a few hours.
Zack- Cool.
I smile and kiss him. Then I leave.
Zack (POV)
A few minutes go by after everyone leaves. I hear my door open and in walks Cinder. She sits in the chair next to me.
Zack-(sighs) You know what, no. I don't have time to kill you. I'm too tired.
Cinder- That's surprising. You're normally not this way.
Zack- There's always room for change. Even for you.
Cinder- Hmmm?
Zack- Look, when I say that I'm gonna kill you, I don't want to do that. I really want to kick your ass so that I knock some sense back into you. We were happy together before you gave yourself to Salem . What happened?
Cinder- I honestly don't know. I wanted power and I still do. Salem can provide that for me as well as world reformation.
Zack- I can still save you. Let me help you.
Cinder- It's too late for me Zack. I'm too far gone. But I can still save you from her. Come with me and you'll be safe from her and from what's about to come. You and I can start over and you'll learn to love me again. We'll be happy.
Zack- That's tempting but I can't. I have people to live for. I got friends who are like family and I got Ruby.
Cinder- I see. So little red has gotten to you. (Gets up and heads to the door) Heed my warning Zack. If I can't have you, then nobody can. You'll have one for chance to come with me. I'll be seeing you later my love.
She leaves and I try to get some sleep.
Ruby (POV)
I'm in my dorm playing games with uncle Qrow.
Ruby- You'll never beat me old man!!
Qrow- You're nothin but talk kid.
Yang- You can do it Ruby!!
Uncle Qrow's ninja beats me.
Qrow- By the way, don't ever call me old.
Zack:They're playin a crappy version of street fighter.
Author: Damn it Zack!! Get out of here!!
Yang knocks me out of my spot that I'm sitting.
Yang- My turn.
Qrow- Now where was I?
Ruby- You were telling us about your latest mission.
Qrow- Right right.
Uncle tells us about his mission.
Qrow- I was defeated by the mere sight of the innkeeper's skirt length.
Yang throws a pillow at him and I laugh.
Yang- You are the worst!
Ruby- So uncle Qrow, did you get in trouble with Ozpin?
Qrow- Me and Oz go way back. We're cool.
Yang- Cool for an old guy.
Qrow- Not funny.
Ruby- Hey so why are you here? I thought dad said you'd be on mission for like ever.
Qrow- Umm crap. Well truth be told I've been here since the first months of your first year.
RY- What?!
Qrow- Yeah I was called by Oz to train dear ol' demon Zack how to use his powers. That's why he got his schedule changed and took a class no one else had.
RY- You've been here this entire and you didn't even see us?!
Qrow- I had to keep on the DL. It was a secret.
Ruby- Oh I'm gonna have a few words for Zack when I see him. Keeping secrets from me.
Qrow- Well I better go. Hanging with kids is gonna cramp my style.
Zack (POV)
It's nighttime. I'm in the infirmary bed tossing and turning from suffering from a nightmare. I wake up out of fear and feel the cold sweat drip down my bare chest. I look around the room and I see a pair of red eyes staring at me from one of the corners of the room.
Zack- The fuck is that?! The fuck are you?!!
The eyes disappears in a black smoke. My door to my room opens and I jump. It was only Ruby.
Ruby- Hey.
Zack- Hey.
Ruby- You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Zack- I'm fine. Just a nightmare.
Ruby- (blushes) Ok well I could g-get in the bed with you and comfort you and c-cuddle with you until you fall asleep.
Zack- That's sounds nice. Thank you.
Ruby just smiles and walks over and gets in the bed with me. She comforts and cuddles me just like she said until I dose off peacefully in her arms.
Author: Aww what a sweet ending to this chapter. Onwards to the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now