Chapter 4 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
Qrow smirked and kicked me in the back of right kneecap causing be to go down to a knee. He then kicked me in the face sending me into a pillar. He then went after Winter.
Zack- Oh is that how it's gonna be. Ok then. Y'all wanna play rough, let's play rough.
Qrow tries to slice winter but she avoids every attempt my back flipping.
Zack- Devils Stream!
The attack knocks Qrow back into some bushes and I rush winter.
Our swords clash causing the ground to break due to the impact.
Winter- My my. You've gotten stronger Zack.
We try to strike each other but or swords keep clashing. Are swords are going so fast you could barely see it. Qrow got back into the fight and tried to sneak attack me from behind I sidestep and I fire a blast of energy from my left hand at him. He jumps out of the way and all three of us stand in triangle. Little did they know that I placed a rune.
Zack- Demon's Agony.
The rune activates and explodes sending both Qrow and winter back aways.
Ruby (POV)
Weiss and I go to the point were all the commotion is.
Ruby- What's going on.
Weiss- From what I've heard, some guy started attacking my sister.
Ruby- Oh no would do such a thing annnnddf that's my uncle and Zack. Kick they're butts uncle Qrow.
Weiss- Teach them respect Winter.
Zack (POV)
We are all moving at super fast speeds attacking each other. Qrow punches me in the face. I get a glint in my left eye and I smile. I reverse grip my blade and slash him sending him into a fountain. I turn towards winter and sweep her legs. As she falls I kick her straight in the face and sent her through a pillar. Qrow dropkicks me in the back and he goes after winter. Qrow shoots at winter while she runs on stone archways.
Zack *mind* I'm ending this now!
Both Qrow and Winter are back on the ground for what looks like the final blow. I jump a little ways behind Qrow and begin to open a portal for hell's gate. That is before I see James, Oz, and Goodwitch. I stop immediately and die down my power and change my eye back to normal.
Ironwood- Schnee!!
Winter- General Ironwood sir.
Ironwood- What in the world do you think you're doing.
Winter- He started the altercation sir.
Qrow- That's not true. She attacked first and Zack over here attempted to stop us when the altercation started. We didn't listen and he had to use force.
Ironwood- Is that right.
Winter looks down in shame and I walk up next to Qrow.
Ozpin- Now now everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the coliseum that I can assure you has better seats and popcorn.
Goodwitch- Break it up everyone. We will take care of this mess.
Ruby- Uncle Qrow!! (Hugs his arm) Hi. It's so good to see you. Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!
Qrow- (smirks) Nope.
Ozpin- A word please.
Qrow- (looks at Zack) I think we're in trouble.
Zack- (Sigh) When aren't we.
Qrow- (looks at Ruby) Catch you later kid.
I start walking with Qrow.
Ruby- Where do you think you're going?
Zack- Have to go with them. Look how about I take you out after my duos match tomorrow. I'll by you an assload of cookies too.
Ruby comes up to me and kisses my cheek.
Ruby- You know me so well. Plus you're to cute to stay mad at.
Zack- I know. Take care of Kaz. He's playing around in the bushes. Catch you later.
We were in Ozpin's office
Zack- So it's finally time for that huh.
Ozpin- Yes it's time we find out guardian.
Zack- Why do you need my opinion.
Qrow- You're one of us now. Your input counts just as much as ours.
Zack- Well if I can take a gander at autumn's replacement, I'd have to go with Pyrrha. She's a world renowned fighter and always puts her friends lives before her own. She's the real deal.
Ozpin- I see. We will look into it. Have a good night Zack.
Zack- Will do.
I leave the office and head to my room so that I can sleep.
Author: Chapter done. Hope you enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now