Chapter 2 Volume 3

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Zack (POV)
We exit the locker room after our fight and run into RWBY. Ruby wins up to me and pecks me on the lips.
Ruby- You were so amazing out there!!
Zack- Oh come on stop we weren't that amazing.
Yang- Bullshit. You guys were the bomb. That last attack was the greatest thing I've ever seen!! I kinda feel bad for the next team you guys face.
Ethan- Well it'll only be duos so they have a bit more of a chance.
Weiss- I doubt it.
Elias- Speaking of matches, don't you guys gotta go get ready for yours?
Blake- Yes we do.
Zack- (looks at Ruby) Good luck red. I'll be cheering for ya (kisses Ruby's cheek)
Ruby- Thanks Zack.
I'm currently sitting with my team cheering on RWBY.
Zack- Woooo!! You got this Ruby!!!
They are currently facing a team from Haven.
Blake is fighting some green haired girl with a hover board. Both of them seem pretty even. That is until Blake slices the board in half. She sends the girl in the air. The girl turns her board pieces into guns and shoots at Blake before falling on her tailbone.
Zack- Damn that's gotta hurt!!
A bit away, Yang is trading blows with another girl. Neither of them are giving up an inch. The girl wraps rope around Yang's foot and spin kicks her away into the ice part of the field. The girl dash at Yang and hits her with a gut punch sending her next to her teammate with a gun. The boy with the gun looked to shoot yang but Ruby shot a ice bullet at his feet and froze him.
Ruby- Got your back.
Another of the other team appears behind Ruby.
Other team guy- But who's got yours. Weiss comes out of nowhere and kicks the dude in the face.
Ruby- My BFF.
Weiss- No (runs off)
Ruby and Weiss double team the dude. They get a couple hits in but the guy manages to avoid the last of the hits. He's breaks off a fire crystal near him and chucks at the green haired girl. She catches it and implanted it into her now whole hover board. She goes over to her other teammate and thaws his frozen feet. She circles back around and attacks Blake sending her through and ice rock. She tries to squash Blake with her fire hover board but Blake rolls out of the way. She continues to try and hit her with the board.
Elias- Now that's just dirty. You know fur is flammable!!
Blake summons a clone and it takes the hit while she goes to a another part of the ice field. The girl follows her and attacks an unguarded Blake only for it to faze away. The real Blake threw the whip end of her sword and it caught the girl in the stomach. Blake then jumped from her hiding spot and kicked the girl out of bounds eliminating her.
Elias- Yes That's my girl!!! Way to go babe!!!
Blake looked up and smiled at him.
Weiss was battling the guy with a staff and she used one of her glyphs to send him into another one of his teammates. She used another and got them both trapped in a ball of ice and it started to roll off. The girl yang was fighting dashed in front of the ice and punched it to pieces freeing her teammates. Weiss formed a ramped wall of ice.
Weiss- Yang now!!
Yang aimed one of her gauntlets behind her fired repeatedly allowing her to skid on the ice wall. Blake came up next to her and threw the whip end of her sword to yang. Yang caught it and fired her gauntlet once more and flew of off the ramp into the air. Blake jumped on Ruby's shoulders and Ruby shot the barrel part of scarlet rose into the ground. The recoil caused Blake to fly off past yang. As both girls approach the three opponents Blake threw yang at them and yang punch the shit out of all three of them. They got eliminated and team RWBY won.
ZEED- Oh hell Yeah!!!
Zack *mind*- That was a falcon punch.
Author: Oh no not this again!! Stop your shit Zack!!!
Zack- Never!!!!
Ruby- Is anyone else starving.
Zack- I could go for a bite.
Blake- I may have worked up an appetite (stomach growls like a grim)
Elias- Damn girl.
Yang- C'mon I know just the place.
???- Hey might be hard to eat without this.
We turn around and we see Emerald and Mercury. Emerald has Ruby's wallet.
Emerald- Good to see you Ruby. (Hands Ruby her wallet)
Zack- What to do you guys want?
Emerald- Chill Zack. We just wanted to talk with you guys.
Ruby- How did your team do?
Emerald- Really well. Looks like Merc and I are moving onto the doubles round. What you Ruby?
Ruby- Well as the team leader I thought long and hard about this decision.
Weiss- We put it to a vote.
Ruby- But I decided to put it to a vote.
Blake- We voted for Weiss and Yang.
Weiss- (bows) I will happily represent team RWBY.
Yang- Yeah! We're gonna kick some butt.
Emerald- (chuckles) What about Zack? Your team advanced.
Zack- (steps up to Emerald) Wouldn't you like to know. I'm not telling you anything.
Ruby places her hand on my shoulder as a way to calm me down.
Zack- (Looks at Emerald) Get to stepping.
Emerald and Mercury leave.
Zack- (turns to everybody else) now lets get some food.
Emerald (POV)
I walk away from that asshole Zack and the other doofuses.
Mercury- So how are the new friends?
Emerald- I hate them. Just how can they be so happy all the time. At least Zack shows seriousness.
Mercury- Did you at least get what we want?
Emerald- It's the heiress and the bimbo. As for Zack, well he's going to be a lot harder than we thought.
Mercury- Hmm alright. At least we somewhat know what we're working with. Let's tell Cinder.
Author: And that's that chapter donezo. Onward to the next one.

Zack Fullbuster and the King of Sin: A Ruby X OC Story Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now