Chapter 12- Deja Vu?

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Vanessa's P.O.V
Tosays the day I meet Jason's friends. I'm so frigging nervous for this.

Chill out Vanessa!  Why are you so nervous for meeting your boyfriend's friends?  You ask?

Well to be short, I'm a person who believes in First impressions. And I went through the hard way of figuring that out. Don't ask.

Anyways Jason told he's gonna pick me up and that he's on his way. I dressed casual today, just some jeans and a crop top. I don't wanna be dressing fancy and going there with too much makeup or they'll probably think I'm this whore whose dating Jason for his money and his good looks, now we don't want that.

I was in the middle of checking my side-bag to see if I had my important things that just my phone as I heard the door bell ring. I quickly stood up grabbing my keys and moving towards the front door knowing that it's Jason.

"Hey princess." He flashed his million dollar smile.
" Hey babe" I flashed mine (or so I thought 😂.)
" You ready Babygirl?" he asks.
" I am but I'm just so nervous as to how they'll think about me." I admit looking down.
"Hey, they're my best friends V. We share the same thoughts. Besides, you look absolutely gorgeous that they have no other choice but to look you, as a friend you know." he smiled.
"well if you say so.... "
" I know so" Jason said.

We reached his lambo and as the gentleman he is, he opens the door for me to sit, closes the door and jogs his way back to the other side.

The whole ride was quite silent, only the sound of the music played softly in the back ground was heard.
In about 15 we reached.

"Babe, here we are." He says.
I sigh.
" Awh sweetheart it's alright. You'll be fine." He says as he pecks my lips.

It's Okay Vanessa, you'll be fine. It's just Jason's friends... Who I've never met before. Okay okay, it's gonna fine, Jason's by my side so I have nothing to worry.

We intertwined our fingers together as we walked through the front door.

I could hear the faint noise of the telly running along with a delicious smell of steak fills the air.

"Guys! We have a guest" Jason shouts as I se the boys enter the living room one by one. Once all of them are here, Jason starts speaking.
"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Vanessa. Vanessa, boys."
"Hey Vanessa" They all say in unison.
I took a glance upon the boys.

Wait they seem familiar.

"um I don't know why but you all seem familiar." I say.
Wait, I can actually recognize them.
"wait, your Alex right?  Jason's brother. And your Jacob, Jack and Ryan. I haven't met you before but I know you. I'm so weird. How the hell?" I ask as I look at Jason who has a smile creeped on his face.
" I don't know babe, you've probably must've seen them somewhere, or I must've told you about them." He says but that doesn't clear my head.
" No Jason you haven't told me about them how the hell is thi-" Alex cuts me off.
"Yeah Jason must've told you about us. Don't let that go to your head Vanessa. Easy" well that calmed me down.


Then ,we went to the kitchen to have lunch. Well, these guys can actually cook lmao. I want expecting them to cook this well.

Then we said our good byes and I went back home.

Well that was weird on how I knew them already.

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