
4.9K 90 11

Sirens wailed off into the distance, the shaggy brown haired male ran through a dark twisted ally way. The smell of fire was strong, as a nearby Wal-Mart had been lit into flames. The flames were rapidly getting hotter and bigger, and the police did nothing about it. They only chased the male. The firemen, haven't shown up yet, and probably won't ever. The male ran into a dead end, and smirked underneath his mouth guard, he knew he wouldn't get caught. He enjoyed the smell of fire so much, it was relaxing. Blood curdling screams could be heard from the Wal-Mart, as the entire building enlightened into the flames.

"Suspect of arsonist and mass murder on lock. Requesting back up." An officer called into the radio he wore on his vest.

An older man responded to the call, the deputy, "Alright. Keep 'em busy." Was all he said.

The officer nodded, "Sir yes sir!" He said as exited the car. "Hey! Put your hands where I can see them! Drop the weapon!" The officer yelled, while holding his pistol. His hands were trembling, he never had to experience this back at his old job.

The shaggy brown haired male slowly turned around, his neck twitched and swung around. Making him face the officer completely, "A-As you w-wish." The male said with a gruff voice. The voice faded in and out, resulting in stuttering. It wouldn't be long before the FBI would get involved, from the mass murder.

The officer shakes violently as a hatchet was thrown at him. The hatchet barley missed his neck, shattering the front wind-shield behind him. The glass sprung upward and some got into his forearm, as that arm started bleeding.

"W-What a pity I-I missed..." The male stuttered as he walked closer to the officer, wanting to grab his hatchet from the inside of the black and white police car.

"S-Stay back! I'll shoot!"

"T-Then s-shoot me m-mister.."

The officer cocked his gun, his arms shaking worse, his entire body trembling in fear. The male stopped where he was, waiting for the officer to shoot him. The officer placed his finger over the trigger.

"I-I'm waiting.." The male said as the officer pulled the trigger. The brown-haired male went wide eyed, "Y-Y/N.." He called out.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now