Chapter Seven

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Two hours later

Toby looked at a passed out Jeff, who was passed out from blood loss. His blood was all over Toby's clothes, hatchets, and Y/N's floor. Toby walked outside while carrying both hatchets, he walked towards the woods. He honestly didn't even know where Y/N went, but he sure did care where she went. What if she was hurt? What if she was scared? What if she got kidnapped?

Toby ran into the woods until he saw an all to familiar rotting Willow tree, he glanced up and saw Y/N hanging upside down. Her shirt was pulled up because of a thing called gravity, her bra was exposed. Which it was a lacey (favourite colour) bra. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it sure did give Toby a nose bleed, and yes in that way.

"H-Hey.." Toby ticked.

"Hey.." Y/N said as she jumped down, her shirt called back down.

"My name is T-Toby.. T-Ticci Toby."

"The name's Y/N!"

Toby held out his hand as Y/N hesitantly grabbed his hand. Toby started leading her down the nature trail, as they passed by trees. Tons of them. Toby lead her to the mansion as he opened the door slowly.

Everyone looked at her, shocked she would actually go with Toby, and that she actually existed.

"Well I be damned." Masky snickered while looking at a now shy Y/N.

Toby snickered as he wrapped an arm around her waist, as he pulled her close. He only simply nodded, glad that she went with him, a person she didn't even know.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now