Chapter One

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"Y-Y/N..." He called out as his eyes went wide. He refused to lose her, even though she didn't even know him. He swiftly ducked under the bullet as he pulled out his other hatchet. "I-I didn't t-think you'd a-actually shoot..." The male stutter as he swung the metal hatchet at the officer's neck.

The officer took a step back, surprised as the male moved with inhuman speed. No one would be to dodge a bullet, just as if he did. The officer when he stepped back, dodged the attack from the male.

"A-Actually... I'll l-leave you a-alive... The names T-Ticci T-Toby.." Toby scoffed.

Police cars started surrounding the place, Toby groaned of annoyance. He hated the sound of sirens, but yet loved it at the same exact time. He swiftly grabbed the hatchet from the officer's car. "F-Feel free to spread the n-name!" Toby laughed as he twirled both hatchets, slamming them onto his numb shoulders. His goggles dropped down some revealing his lightly tinted brown eyes. He ran off into the woods, deep into the woods. He followed a trail that was marked with Slender's symbol.

Y/N was home alone that same day, as she watched the news. The news only showed the fire and the amount dead. Y/N gasps at the sight of fire, she loves to play with fire but she would never think to do that.

She prompted her feet up onto the coffee table and scoffed, "Idiot.." She sighed. She knew what the brown haired male did was wrong, as he killed EVERY ONE who was in that Wal-Mart, which was over one hundred fifty people.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now