Chapter Eleven

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Knowing He can't do this anymore.

Y/N looks at him, all curious about what's wrong since he sighed, but she didn't ask anything. Y/N wasn't a talker, to the say the least.

Toby shook his head, as if to say 'it's fine, its nothing.' Even though, that was a lie. Liar Liar mom on fire!

Y/N smiled, letting Toby think she understood that he was fine. Y/N is an.......empath. She knows what's up with other people.

This once lovely peaceful nature walk, that was full of conversation had gone cold awkward. Neither of them felt like starting up a brand new conversation. Sure, the fire one was great, but it was small talk. The colour one was good, but then again, it was small talk. No one like small talk, if we were to be honest.

Now, they could to try and have a meaningful conversation, or more small talk, or just silence. Who really knows at this point? It was clear, neither of them could hold a conversation.

Y/N sighs as she turns around, planning on going back. That's when she saw him...

Short brown hair. Dazzling green eyes. Stitches running across his face. His eyes looked depressed. His small pirched lips. The lines in his lips. His black and purple scarf. His dark clothing. His jawline, chiseled.

It was clear, he was the boy everyone wanted to look like- maybe not BE, but at least look like. He was the boy, that EVERY girl had a crush on. He was the boy- He's looking right at Y/N's direction now. Their eyes locked together, as they stared into each other's eyes. He.... He.... He blushed. He was flustered, although he looks like he was just brought back from the dead, maybe he was, who knows?

Y/N blushed a little, never having locked eyes before. Well she has, just not like this. No this, only happened once in a life-time (or twice, maybe three times if you're unlucky.)

Toby on the other hand,was not impressed. He was jealous of the way the two looked at each other. He wanted Y/N to look at him like that, of all people. Why did it have to be him? Him- the dead brother (supposedly!) The dead brother, or not-so-dead brother, looking right into Y/N's (eye,colour) eyes, something that Toby always wanted to do. He.. He.. Just stole it from him!

"H-Hey!" Toby snarled at the man.

"Hello." The man replied, with a deep, steady, and smooth voice. Yet another thing Toby always wanted, but couldn't never have because of his ticking.

"W-Who even a-are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, stalker!" The same man snapped, with a higher voice, way different from his original one.

"Excuse him, sir, He had no right to say you're a stalker. I apologize on his behalf, I'm Liu. Liu Woods." The man, Liu, apologized.


"Sully, he's my other personality."

Toby nodded, holding back a disgusted look. He never had experiences with D.I.D before, so he didn't know how to respond. All he knew, was that this Liu guy was getting snapped at for looking at Y/N like that.

Liu only shook his head slightly, as he went inside the manor, leaving the door open for Y/N and Toby, like a gentleman. Toby sighed as he let Y/N walk in front of him.

Jeff, who wasn't looking at the door at the time, until it opened. He looked and saw....Liu.

"Y-You died! You have a headstone!" Jeff sniffled, instantly tears being brought to his eyes.

"Just because I have a headstone, doesn't mean there's a body in the grave Jeffery. Also, as you can see, I'm very well alive." Liu chuckled.


"Jeff, Don't act like that!" Liu faked a smile.

Jeff shook his head, "He's not real.. He's not alive.." He says as he slouches into the leather couch.

Liu shook his head, "Jeff The Killer."

Jeff instantly snapped his attention to Liu.

Liu poked himself in the arm, to show that he was alive and 'well'. Even though, he just wants to die. His dad.... Nevermind.

Jeff instantly bolted up and hugged Liu, happy that he was alive, and not mad at him. But just because Liu wasn't mad at him, doesn't mean Sully isn't.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now