Chapter Fifteen

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"Shit....." Toby said in irony which only caused the officers to turn at him.

Toby wasn't guilty in the slightest bit for what he did, in fact he was pretty pleased. The only issue was that Toby couldn't fake his way out of any situation with police- not like Y/N can either. Even though, Toby has a few tricks up his sleeve to get out of this one.

"Excuse me sir, what was that you just said?" An officer questioned- this officer had curly red hair that was incredibly short, was a bit on the wider side, and had a mole on his left cheek that was on his black skin.

Y/N bit her nails, covering it with her long sleeved shirt that was her F/C. She was anxious, mainly because she didn't know if they'd catch onto Tobias- even though he'd never admit that to be his real name.

"Oh nothing, Officer," Toby said muffled thanks to his mouth guard. Toby used a fake accent, which he was actually quite good at doing, the fake accent was Australian. As if to say, it's his first time in the US, "What happened?" He asked, trying to sound clueless.

"Oh nothing- Just some lunatic lit the neighboring Wal-Mart on fire, a pure job of an arsonist," The first male officer answered.

"Oh my, who would do such a thing?" Toby said. He was actually suppressing his ticks as of now- the ticking could make him to easier to spot.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, sir. If you have any information we urge you to come forward," The female officer that was next to the male officer, inquired.

Toby only simply chuckled. That was, before he started walking towards the officers slightly then he cackled in such a terrifying, insane voice, "Why, don't I have so much information."

"W-Who needs a social life w-when you have the v-voices in your head to keep you c-company?" Toby questioned, stating his catch phrase. He was no longer suppressing his ticks- which his neck ticked violently as a result.

Toby was never a fan of police, he reaches to his back where both of his hatchets were. Which caused the officers to draw out their guns quickly, aiming them right at Toby. Then with inhuman speed, he drawed the hatchets out. With an X like motion, both heads of the officers were rolling onto the floor. Blood squirts out of their necks, dousing the entire IHOP tiled floor with fresh blood.

Toby shook his head before strutting back to Y/N, pecking her on the cheek with his light pink lips. "Sorry you had to bare that, darling~" Toby said with that insane tone again- it was just as if he snapped, out of the blue, just snapped.

Y/N didn't reply she just simply faked a smile, even though Toby saw right through it. "I'm s-sorry, they h-had to g-go..." He trailed off with apologizes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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