Chapter Twelve

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Toby couldn't take it anymore as he pulled Y/N to the side, away from Liu and everyone else. He planned on confessing his undying love to her, but the words wouldn't come out. The words were all scrambled together, no one could make sense of it.

Y/N rose an eyebrow slightly, she kind of wanted to talk to Liu, but she was waiting nicely. Toby's eyes were begging for her to stay, talk with him, hell, even love him! But all Y/N could do was.....Stutter and walk away.

That's right, you're perfect little prince Toby, just left you for some risen from the dead, depressed,half n half. She ain't no princess. She left him, when he was trying to confess his undying love to her.

And who'd she go to? Liu. Liu Woods is who she went to, they had that look, but that was it. There was no sparks, there was no emotion! But with Toby, she could've got that love and affection.

Toby internally growled, not wanting anyone to notice how furious he was. But just like everything else he tried, that didn't work either.

"So, you move her here, she ditches you for Liu. I can tell you're heart broken, Rodgers." Masky stated calmly, like he was used to this.

"M-My hear I-is just f-fine!"

"You're too literal, what you need to do is get to know her better, muster up the courage to tell her that you love her, and pray that she feels the same way." Masky adviced before going up to their room.

But that's the thing, Y/N liked Liu, not Toby. It was clear on that, or she likes both Toby and Liu.

Y/N sighed as she planned on heading over to Liu, but she changed her mind. She didn't go back to Toby, either. She simply just sat on the love-seat by the window, thinking. Y/N, who wasn't the best at reading people, thought about what Toby was trying to say. She saw his mouth open, but no words. None, at all. But, Toby did save her life that one time. And what did Liu do? Zilch. Notta. Nothing. Which means, the obvious choice would be to pick Tobster, right? Well that's where the trouble comes in, when Y/N's and Liu's eyes locked together, the same way in every cliche chick-flick, there were sparks. According to Y/N that is.

Now here's where the hurdle comes in, Y/N and Toby both have at least one thing in common. While, Y/N and Liu, don't know each at all. It would be dumb to really pick either here, anyone with a right mind could tell Toby tried. He tried, but not hard enough(that sounds wrong.) She didn't know enough on either of them!

But, she was drawn more towards Toby than Liu. But yet, there was still that thought and feeling in the back of her head.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now