Chapter Fourteen

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She shook her head, no, saying her blush wasn't adorable. Cause it wasn't, it was embarrassing for her. She blushes darker before looking away from Toby.

"'t be like that." He twitched while cupping her cheeks, trying to make her look at him.

"Hmph." She made that sound while looking him up in the eye.

"" Toby said, flustered before looking away, waiting for her to say it back.

"I-I l-love-" she started, before something stopping herself, she was too flustered to say 'I love you too, Toby.'

Toby looked back and tilted his head a little, in the most adorable way possible. His hair was all shifted, he had puppy dog eyes, and his lowered mouth guard could reveal a soft smile, as if to say it's alright.

Y/N awes from his posture, "I love you too, Toby." She chuckled.

Toby had a strong urge just to say, 'TOLD YOU! I FUCKING TOLD YOU!' to Masky, Jeff, Hoodie, and just about everyone who ever doubted them. Even though, those words never left his mouth, he chuckled as he pulled his mouth guard up.

Y/N huffs as she walks towards the kitchen, her being BORED and HUNGRY (that'll never work out, well.) She walks over to the fridge before opening it with a tsk like sound, looking around inside. She decided that nothing seemed good to eat so she shuts the fridge, before sighing, "Anyone else could eat?"

Toby heard her and only shook his head in response, "Yeah sure," was all he said before standing up. "So where we heading?" He asks while tilting his head to the left.

Y/N looks behind her before flinching slightly, not expecting anyone to actually answer. "I mean.... I could go for IHOP-" She says, flustered.

"Sounds good, c'mon," Toby says as he stands up, signalling for her to come with him. She walks towards him as they both walk out the front door, Y/N following him. Which this is sad, but Toby thinks of this as a date while Y/N just thinks of this as going out. Not really a date to her.

Toby wraps an arm around her waist as they walked, just to tell people she's his and no one else's. They walk towards the blue building, which was pretty close to the Wal-Mart that Toby lit on fire.

They both entered the front door, only to come face to face with officers. Y/N sighs, knowing that it's because of the arson.

"Shit.." Toby groans, which causes officers to look at him.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now