Chapter Ten

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"S-So..." Toby started, trying to find the right words to say this without coming off as weird. No, he wasn't going to ask for her cup size or anything like that. He was planning on asking about her. For example, 'What are your hobbies?' Even though, he knew he could never be that smooth in his voice. And he knows he would never get the question out.

Y/N noticed his awkwardness then giggled ever so slightly before asking for him, but instead a different question, "What's your favourite colour?" Her voice was smooth and sounded outstanding, versus what Toby though his would sound like.

"I-I really l-like the colour, o-orange and g-grey..." Toby stammered over his words, stuttering if you will.

"That's cool! In my personal opinion, I really like (favourite colour) even though I really like orange too. To contray belief, orange is very relaxing."

Toby gasped quietly among him self, he didn't think she'd understand his stuttering. But he was glad that she did. He was blushing slightly underneath his mouth guard, but made sure that she didn't see his blushing.

"I-I know r-right?!" Toby smiled underneath his mouth guard, all happy and excited now.

Y/N nods, "Did you hear about the fire at Wal-Mart? It was beautiful, minus the deaths."

Toby gathered two things from this: That Y/N loves fire like him, and that she doesn't like seeing people die. Although, he could be totally wrong.

"Y-Yeah. The fire was o-outstanding." Toby stated simply, not going any further, since he's the reason that fire was made.

"I kinda wanna meet the person who did it. Just to light things on fire with them."

Toby snickered, shaking his head slightly. Now he had yet another choice, to either A tell her that he did it, or B just agree with her.

"Y-Yeah me too."

Y/N smiled as she picked up a beautiful wild-flower. It's petals weren't just one colour. Two were a beautiful blue, one was a beautiful red colour, then the last three were bright orange. She twirled it around in her palm, smiling like a crazy person; which she could be, you wouldn't know will you? She giggled ever so slightly, as she watched the beautiful colours blend in together. It was beautiful to say the least.

Toby chuckled as he watched what she was doing, he couldn't help but to stare at her smile. He loved her smile, it was just.... Too gorgeous to put into words. He also listened very closely to that hidden giggle, her voice... Just can't seem to put it into words, it was so adorable. Anyone could tell, he was clearly in love.

Y/N got him staring then perked up, "Hm?" She hadn't noticed anything off, just the staring. She couldn't tell that Toby loves her.

"N-Nothing." Toby blushed out of embarrassment, as he looked away from her. Away from that charming smile that he loves, he sighs, knowing he can't do this for much longer.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now