Chapter Five

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Toby opens up the phone, which didn't have a password on it. Probably because her parents still go through her phone so they remove the password each time.

He instantly sits down and goes to Messages+, he finds some people who were questionable to him. He found her dad, which was fine. Then there was a guy named, Miles. Toby opened that text conversation and read through the messages. He did not like them, one bit.

Toby felt threatened by Miles. He read terrible pick up lines from him, then other things as well. Toby snarled to himself as he went to a girl's conversation named, Lexi. Who Toby was instantly going to kill, Lexi had called Y/N a whore and a bitch. Which was a red flag for Toby. He growled lowly as he goes to yet another guy's conversation with her named, Keith, who was pretty normal. Toby could tell they were just friends, but he was going to die anyways.

Toby went through her gallery while he was at it, and stared at a wonderful picture that captured all her beauty, physically. She had (hair colour) that was (hair length), dashing (eye colour), (freckles/moles/ none,) and she had a wonderful (skin tone). She had a wonderful smile that was filled with perfectly white teeth, some yellow, but it was fine. She had an outstanding (face structure) and a great jawline. She has also had great cheeks, and Toby felt as if he fell in love with her all again.

"Someone's day dreaming again." Masky snickered while looking at the picture, Toby was staring at.

"Its not a d-dream!" Toby snickered as he shut the phone off, placing it in his front pocket.

Toby hated it when people say he was dreaming, how did they know it was a dream or not? They didn't know if it was reality or not. They didn't know if Y/N loved him, even though she didn't even know Toby. Toby scoffed as he stood up, going towards his room that he shared with the other proxies, Masky and Hoodie.

There were exactly three beds in this room, one was a bright yellow colour to match Masky's hood, one was dark orange to match Hoodie's Hood, and the last one was a darker shade of grey for Toby. He didn't want it to match anything, he just desired for it to show him, for who he was deep down.

He plopped onto his bed, his third of the room was bland, undecortated. He starred at the phone that was in his front pocket. He had a strong urge to grab the phone and stare at the kalon picture of Y/N. Yes, it was a picture that only shows the outside beauty, but he knew her personal quite well.

Hoodie, who was in the room reading at the time, glanced over at Toby. He was kind off curious as to why he obesses over someone who doesn't even know him. There here is, staring at a picture of Y/N,probably talking to himself about her, too.

"Oh p-princess... I-I'll get you h-here..." Toby muttered among him self. He was too busy in his own little fantasy to even hear the loud sound of Jeff leaving the mansion. Jeff, always slammed the front door shut and cursed when he would go out. And usually his cursing was quite loud.

Zeus, who was a Bengal cat, meowed at the window. He saw flashes of a white hoodie with what seemed to be dried blood splashed onto the side and front. The man was also wearing a dark grey shade of pants, it seemed to be disco pants. He wore boots, that were thick and looked heavy. Zeus could only see long, pitch black hair as the hood was up and the man was looking downward.

Y/N laid in her bed, thinking among herself. She didn't notice that her phone was missing because, she always left her phone in pretty odd places. One time, she left it inside an old friend's bathroom. Then, she left it in a tree. Then, she left it in the study and so on and so forth. She heard the glass door that lead outback slide open, she was home alone and she knew extremely well that Zeus couldn't slide the door open. Y/N instantly sprung out of bed as she locked her bed room door.

"Oh Y/N..~" The male snickered, having an extremely gruff and raspy voice.

Y/N stayed silent, not wanting him to know she was here.

"Y/N?" The male a called out once more.

Another set of footsteps could be heard, running.

"J-Jeffery god damn W-Woods! B-Back to the m-manor with you!" What sound as if another man had barked at him.

Y/N slowly unlocked her door, making a clicking sound as she walked out. "H-Hello...?" She asked. Her voice was trembling in fear, as it faded in and out.

"Pri-" A shaggy brown haired male started before the black haired male cuts him off, "Go.To.Sleep."

Y/N glared at the man who said go to sleep, she was in no position to fall asleep. That's when she

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now