Chapter Two

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The eighteen year old female, continued to watch the news. She was misanthrope, or someone who avoids human society. She would much rather be alone, than out with the disgraceful human society.

She sat still while watching the boring news, that wasn't so boring now that there was an insane pyromaniac on the loose.

"Just great, a pyromaniac who doesn't have self regard for rules.." Y/N scoffed. Her voice was smooth and low for a woman.

She continued to watch the flat screen until something fall onto the floor. It sounded as if a glass bowl or cup had fallen and broke. Y/N groaned as she sat up, not really wanting to do this today. She got up and slowly walked towards the kitchen, not wanting to investigate, but if it's glass Y/N will have to clean up.

She soon remembered that around thirty minutes before hand she a cup of tea, in a glass cup. She walked onto the cold tile, already flinching from how cold the tile was compared to the carpet. She peered around onto the island to see the glass cup with tea in it, shattered onto the floor. Tea having split out of the cup as well.

At the scene of the crime was Y/N's cat, Zeus, he was on the counter wagging his tail innocently as if he had nothing to do with this. "Zeus I know you did that." Y/N sighed as she picked up her sloppy and messy cat.

Toby continued to walk along the trail, dead leaves crunching beneath his converse shoes. He dragged his hatchets as he reached the all too familiar mansion before him, the outside walls were a very tinted black. At this point, the paint started peeling off, clearly stating it need to be re coated. But no one ever put a second thought to do it, or had the time too.

Toby puts his second hatchet into his left hand, his left hand carrying both hatchets as he opens the door. A few people looked at him, well at the front door to see who it was. Others, shrugged it off, knowing no one would be dumb enough, that wasn't living here; to go in through that very front door.

"I-I'm back.." Toby shrugged as he hung up his hatchets in their holders.

"No shit, dumb ass." A smiley faced male said.

"J-Joker wannabe I don't have time for your b-bullshit."

"Sure ya don't." Jeff scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Even though the only bullshitter here is you."

"W-wow, so s-scared. H-Hey Hun, get the g-gun!" Toby snickered, referring to his past.

"Hey at least my mum knew how to fucking drive!"

"A-At least I didn't k-kill my b-brother."

"You don't even have a brother, Dumb ass!"

"F-Fuck you.."

"Very creative, couldn't think of anything else so you say 'fuck you' do creative."

Toby rolled his eyes, ending that pitiful argument before it gets out of hand. He felt no need to start more drama than there already was.

"Actually, how about you go find and stalk your precious, 'Y/N'?" Jeff retorted.

Toby rolled his eyes from underneath his goggles, not wanting to say anything, not wanting to get in trouble with Slender again.

"That's if... She even exists."

Toby was close, extremely close to snapping down his throat. 'How dare he say Y/N isn't real! He doesn't even have anyone who loves him, and the last person who tried to be nice to him, he fucking stabbed!' Toby though to him self.

"A-At least... N-Never mind." Toby said as his masked 'buddy' walked down the steps.

"Toby don't start shit. Especially with a retard like Jeffery." He sighed.

"Y-Yes M-Masky.." Toby shrugged, not going any further with that conversation.

In Love With A Killer(Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now