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- At the Potter's house -

The two infants were in their mothers arms as they ran up the stairs away from the danger below. Lily Potter placed her babies in the crib, whispering words of comfort to them. He crept closer and closer to the house, unlocking the door with a flick of his wand. Voldemort walks up the stairs, ripping life from James Potter as easy as ripping paper and carries on up to the children's bedroom. He pushes the door open with his wandless hand.

"Stand aside Lily, the children must die!" His cold voice echoed around the room.

"NO NO, TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Lily screamed.

"Stupid girl! I'm not here to kill you, I want the children!" He sneers.

"NO NO, NOT THEM!! PLEASE PLEASE!" She shouts. Seconds later her body drops to the floor, lifeless. The young girl begins to scream, like she knows her mother is gone. He approaches the cot, wand raised as he mutters the incantation of death. The curse hit the girl under her chin, then her brother on the forehead before bouncing back to Voldemort, killing him. The twins began to cry, wanting the comfort of their mothers arms.

- Dumbledore's POV -

A knock sounded at the door of my office.

"Come in Hagrid, come in." I called through the door.

" 'ello professor. Wha' did ya call me fo'?" He greeted cheerily.

"Voldemort has gone to the Potter's house to kill them. I need you to go and see if anyone is alive if you will." I explain, my half moon spectacles perched on the end of my nose. He lets out a humongous gasp of shock.

"I-I... Lily... James... 'arry... Chesca... Oh merlin! Righ' away professor." He murmurs before trudging out of my office. I do hope they are okay.

- 3rd Person POV -

Hagrid slowly pushed the broken door aside and began to creep up the stairs. There was a loud sob as Hagrid slowly crept past James Potter's corpse. He continued his journey as he heard a piercing cry come from the room at the end of the hall. Slowly pushing the door open the scene he met was heart-breaking. The two infants were screaming for their mother with their arms reaching to her body. It was then he noticed their scars, Harry's on his head and Francesca's under her chin. He swiftly scooped up the infants, causing them to scream even more than before. He crept back down the stairs and down the path leading from the house when his path was blocked by Sirius Black.

"What happened Hagrid??" Sirius questioned.

"J-James and L-Lily are d-d-dead" Hagrid choked. Sirius dropped to his knees.

"A-and the twins?" He asks as they had now dropped asleep.

"H-here. Professor Dumbledore wan's them." He informed the devastated man.

"No! I am their godfather, I shall be taking them!!" He yelled.

"Sorry Sirius. Dumbledore's orders." Hagrid insisted. "You will have to bring the matter up with him."

"Fine. Just take my bike. They are used to riding in the side car. Take care of them Hagrid." He sobs while going to see his best friend.

"See ya." Hagrid mutters. He places the two infants in the side car, strapping them in safely before riding off into the night.

Hi! I hope you enjoy this book. It's very different to the Harry Potter series but I wanted to make it my own in a way. I own nothing but my own content - the rest belongs to our queen JK Rowling. 🙂

-P 🖤

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