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- Lily's POV -

I wake up at 5am the next morning, in different clothes? Dray must have changed me. I get up and put one of  his baggy dark green tops on, some black leggings, his leather jacket, socks and my dark green beanie. I walk out into the common room to find Pansy, Millicent, Blaise and Goyle sat opening presents. What what? Oh yeah! It's Christmas! I go back in my dorm and jump on Dray.

"Wake up Dragon! It's Christmas! Come on lazy!" I laugh as I drag him out of bed and onto the floor.

"Ow! Lily! That hurt! And was extremely mean considering I looked after you yesterday!" He glares at me. I cower from him slightly.

"I'm sorry... I was just excited. I'll go now." I leave and go to Uncle Moony's office where I find him sat at his desk and I hear Uncle Padfoot snoring in his quarters.

"Merry Christmas cub. What's wrong?" He frowns.

"I woke Dray up because I was excited and he yelled at me." I whisper. He comes round his desk and hugs me, picking me up and sitting me on his knee. He strokes my hair as I cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay cub. He was probably just distressed because he usually has a horrible Christmas at home." He suggests. I nod.

"It's just that he doesn't shout at me often at all and it scared me when he did. You know I'm terrified of loud noises and shouting." I shudder.

"I know cub, I know." He says as he hugs me. The snores stop and we hear Uncle Padfoot stomping around the room until he comes out and sees that I am shaking at the loud noise he's making.

"Sorry Prongslet." He smiles and takes me from Uncle Moony. I'm like a big baby I swear to Merlin. He sits on the floor and I curl up in his arms and enter my own little world like I did when I was little.

"Earth to Prongslet?" Uncle Moony says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Sorry, I was far away." I admit. They both just chuckle at me.

"Let's go find Harry." Uncle Moony suggests. I nod but don't move and Uncle Padfoot just sighs.

"Fine. Whatever." He gives in and carries me. I'm too sad to walk. "It's lucky I love you isn't it?" I nod.

"Have you given up on talking Prongslet?" Uncle Moony smiles. "It won't last long, you talk all the time."

"Shut up, no I do not." I frown. "Put me down." He puts me down and I stomp off. I'm too emotional to do anything right now so I walk to Sev's office and just lay face down on the floor.

"Lily? What?" Sev questions.

"Just don't ask. I'm too emotional. Can you make a potion to make my emotions leave?" I groan.

"No. I'm just gonna let you continue being weird and do this marking." He tells me before slinking to his desk. I lay there for about 15 minutes before getting up.

"Merry Christmas." I call as I walk out of the door. I make my was to Gryffindor common room and find Uncle Moony, Uncle Padfoot, Harry, Hermione and the Weasley's there. "Hi."

"Where in merlin's name did you go?" Uncle Pads asks.

"To de-emotion myself." I reply. "Can we do Christmas now?"

"Yes, we can. Go ahead guys." Uncle Moony says. We open our presents and I carry them back to my empty dorm. Well... he's angry with me then. I walk back out in the common room to find him sat on the sofa, crying.

"Lily? I'm so sorry. I was just in a bad mood and wasn't expecting to get love on Christmas." He comes over to stand in front of me.

"You didn't have to shout at me though. I drag you out of bed everyday and you never have a problem with it.... ever." I mumble.

"I'm sorry Princess." He whines. I know he's sorry but he really scared me. Loud noises and shouting really aren't my thing. I just nod and walk off to the great hall. I find my family sat at the only table in the room so I join them, sitting next to Uncle Padfoot.

"You okay?" He asks because I'm not eating. I simply nod. "No you aren't."

"Yes I am!" I yell, sliding off my seat and curling up under the table. Nobody seems too bothered. Uncle Padfoot drags me out from under the table and into the entrance hall.

"You aren't okay. Is it Draco? Moony told me." He asks, his voice laden with sympathy.

"Yes, it is." I admit. He hugs me and I break down. I feel so bad for turning him away earlier but I'm just too sensitive.

"It's okay. Yes, I hate him right now but I'm sure he'll come round Prongslet." He rubs my back, calming me.

"I'm going to find him." I say and I walk off to our common room. "Dray?" I see his head pop up from the sofa.

"Lily...." His eyes are all puffy and his face is red and blotchy. I break down at the sight of him.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I sob. He comes over and wraps his arms tight around me.

"Me too. I shouldn't have shouted. I love you." He whispers the last part into my hair. I sob into his shoulder. "You look hot in my clothes."

"And there you are. Back to normal." I chuckle. I dry my eyes and take his hand, leading him to the sofa.

"Can we just sit here for a bit? I don't want to eat." I ask him with puppy dog eyes.

"Haven't you eaten? You need to eat Princess, come on." He picks me up and carries me to the hall.

"You've sorted it I presume?" Uncle Moony smiles as Dray sits me on his knee and starts feeding me porridge.

"Yep." I smile and Dray puts porridge on my nose. "I can feed myself you know."

"I know." He chuckles and continues feeding me. Harry is glaring.

'You aren't a baby.' He says into my head.

'I know. He just loves me. DICKHEAD!' I scream into his head. He jumps and his knees hit the table, causing everyone to look at him. The loud noise made me jump but Dray's arms tighten around me, comforting me. Harry goes red in the face.

"Sorry Harry, I accidentally kicked you." Hermione covers for him. Uncle Pads smirks at me whereas Uncle Moony glares.

"I thought I told you to stop that." He mutters.

"You did. But telling me to stop won't do anything. You can't stop me." I smile innocently. He just shakes his head in disapproval.

"I think it's hilarious." Uncle Padfoot chuckles. "It's something I wish I could do."

"You shouldn't condone this!" Uncle Moony yells, exasperated.

"I've always being behind any rule breaking. Like when I used to help them sneak chocolate when they were little and when we once drew a moustache on you in your sleep and you never noticed." He giggles.

"Sorry what? You did what?" Moony glares at the three of us.

"One. Two. Three. RUN!" I yell and Uncle Padfoot, Harry and I all run through the corridors and I drag them through a secret passage. "This takes us to the oth-"

"The other side of the school." Uncle Padfoot interrupts.

"Can you not. I know you made the bloody thing but you don't need to show off." I grumble at him. He just smirks and winks.

"You seem to know something I don't." Harry mumbles.

"It's a secret dear twin." I smirk. I turn down another secret passage and we come out just outside the great hall. "Come on, I wanna eat the rest of my dinner."

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this one. Sorry it took a while, I've been rather busy.

- P 🖤

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