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1996 - Francesca's 6th Year.

- 3rd Person POV -

The little family of four pass through the wall and onto the platform. Francesca has Pumpkin the cat in her arms. Her brown eyes scan the platform looking for Dan or Phil. No luck.

"Right you two, behave." Remus warns them.

"Yeah yeah." Francesca dismisses his words and hugs him tightly.

"And don't forget, any trouble with him, owl me and I'll sort it." Sirius steals Chesca from Remus.

"I know, same as last year." She frowns at the mention of her ex.

"I can not believe you two are 16 now. You're getting too old." Sirius pouts, not letting go of Chesca.

"We need to go, the train is gonna leave us." She laughs.

"Fine. I love you." He kisses her head and let's go, chasing Harry to kiss his head too.

"Seriously, be good. I love you." Remus follows Sirius' actions and kisses her head. Sirius wins and Harry has to stand there while Sirius makes a point out of kissing Harry on the head.

"Right. I love you both. Bye!" Chesca leaves her Uncles behind and climbs onto the train. Wondering down the train she finds Dan and Phil in a carriage.

"Chesca!" Dan hugs her, Phil joining in.

"Hey. I can't stay too long, I've got prefect duties but I will be back." She puts Pumkpin opposite them and they help her get her trunk on the luggage rack. The train begins moving and she waves her uncles goodbye from the window.

"You got Quidditch Captain? Nice." Dan nods.

"Thanks. I'll see you after." She leaves the carriage, beginning her rounds. She enters the carriage the Slytherins claimed and walks through, making sure nobody is fighting or doing magic.

"Hey Chesca!" Blaize waves at her. She walks over to him, Draco and Pansy.

"Hi Blaize. How was your summer?" She completely ignores the other two present at the table.

"It was good. Yours?" He nods at her.

"Good. I spent most of my time hanging out with Fred and George, did all my homework in the first week so I had no responsibilities." She tells him.

"Sounds good. Meet anyone new?" He keeps the the plan they created over the holidays. The plan was, make Draco's life living hell all year without Blaize getting into trouble.

"Oooooo yeah! There was this one muggle boy called Bradley who I met at a park. We went on a few dates too." She smirks. This wasn't a lie, she did go on a few dates with Bradley, but they decided to stick to being best friends.

"You'll have to tell me more about him another time. I do believe you have prefect duties." He chuckles.

"Indeed I do. Bye Blaize." She walks away, knowing she's pissing Draco off. After completing her half of the prefect duties, she goes back to her carriage with Dan and Phil.

"Hey, I'm back." She flops on the seats across from them.

"Hey, so what's this master plan you wrote about in your letters?" Dan asks her.

"Well, Draco was being a dick to Blaize, so he owled me and asked if I wanted to team up with him. Of course I did. So, we already became really good friends over the holidays which wasn't part of the plan but it helps. Next step is make Draco as jealous and pissed off as we can. Draco has been owling Blaize about me all summer, and he hasn't shut up about me since summer in third year according to Blaize, Crabbe and Goyle. I've caught him at times." She smirks evilly.

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